Compare commits


11 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
ffab53f0d7 Merge branch 'master' into ConnectTo-StorageGRID 2023-05-22 21:58:50 +02:00
789be844d0 Merge branch 'master' of 2023-05-22 21:57:36 +02:00
fd6dc42099 Revert "Implement a function to "find" a CredentialStoreItem in CredentialStores"
This reverts commit db0fa1cf4ad658e7185172a394efa31bad918190.
2023-05-22 21:51:21 +02:00
db0fa1cf4a Implement a function to "find" a CredentialStoreItem in CredentialStores 2023-05-22 21:44:13 +02:00
f2b7910b15 Prepare release v1.1.1 (#78)
#### 📖 Summary

- updates changelog

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [x] Tested via pipeline
- [ ] Custom test
- [ ] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

<!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. -->

#### 📚 Additional Notes

<!-- A place for additional detail notes. -->

Co-authored-by: OCram85 <>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#78
2022-10-10 10:24:52 +02:00
0b5c9823e0 Adds changelog config for gitea changelog cli tool (#77)
#### 📖 Summary

- adds initial default config for changelog generation

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [ ] Tested via pipeline
- [x] Custom test
- [ ] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

<!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. -->

#### 📚 Additional Notes

<!-- A place for additional detail notes. -->

Co-authored-by: OCram85 <>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#77
2022-10-10 10:10:18 +02:00
42fdb0a373 Fix Set-CredentialStoreItem (#76)
#### 📖 Summary

- Fix Set-CredentialStoreItem. Currently it doesn't warn if the user is trying to update a CredentialStoreItem, that does not exist.
- Also add a bit of documentation and UnitTests.
- Fix the quotation of Test-CredentialStoreItem.

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [x] Tested via pipeline
- [ ] Custom test
- [ ] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

<!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. -->

#### 📚 Additional Notes

<!-- A place for additional detail notes. -->

Co-authored-by: OCram85 <ocram85@noreply.local>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#76
Reviewed-by: OCram85 <ocram85@noreply.local>
Co-authored-by: pinguinfuss <>
Co-committed-by: pinguinfuss <>
2022-10-10 10:05:08 +02:00
2bd250971b Fix optional module dependencies (#75)
#### 📖 Summary

- Fix the optional dependencies.
  - DataONTAP was never a PSGallery module, and we have to custom build that.
  - NetApp finally submitted NetApp.ONTAP into PSGallery, so we can depend on that.
- Updates UCS- and VMware-modules.

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [ ] Tested via pipeline
- [ ] Custom test
- [x] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

Sadly, you have to run it. The module loader does not have a unit test.

#### 📚 Additional Notes

<!-- A place for additional detail notes. -->

Co-authored-by: OCram85 <ocram85@noreply.local>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#75
Reviewed-by: OCram85 <ocram85@noreply.local>
Co-authored-by: pinguinfuss <>
Co-committed-by: pinguinfuss <>
2022-10-10 10:00:42 +02:00
ac6a9d8202 prepare release 1.1.0 (#74)
#### 📖 Summary

- updates changelog

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [x] Tested via pipeline
- [ ] Custom test
- [ ] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

<!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. -->

#### 📚 Additional Notes

<!-- A place for additional detail notes. -->

Co-authored-by: OCram85 <>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#74
2022-09-21 09:39:56 +02:00
3d4f53ddc7 adds pinguinfuss contributed fix (#73)
#### 📖 Summary

- redo PR from @pinguinfuss
  - fix error message
  - fix string quotation

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [x] Tested via pipeline
- [ ] Custom test
- [ ] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

<!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. -->

#### 📚 Additional Notes

- just redo #72.
  - there was an issue caused by git config `core.autocrl` displaying / diffin the wrong line ending sequence

Co-authored-by: OCram85 <>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#73
2022-09-20 15:01:05 +02:00
6fce8d6a8c Updates libressl files (#71)
#### 📖 Summary

- adds missing `vendor` files into build package.
- adds missing `openssl.conf` in build package.
- updates libressl / openssl to v3.5.3

#### 📑 Test Plan

> 💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

- [x] Tested via pipeline
- [ ] Custom test
- [ ] No test plan

##### Details / Justification

<!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. -->

#### 📚 Additional Notes

-  See `v1.1.0-dev9` build
Co-authored-by: OCram85 <>
Reviewed-on: OCram85/PSCredentialStore#71
2022-09-20 11:58:29 +02:00
27 changed files with 258 additions and 86 deletions

.changelog.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# The full repository name
repo: OCram85/PSCredentialStore
# Service type (gitea or github)
service: gitea
# Base URL for Gitea instance if using gitea service type (optional)
# Default:
# Changelog groups and which labeled PRs to add to each group
- name: ✨ FEATURES
- feature
- name: 📦 META
- meta
- name: 🐛 BUGFIXES
- bug
- enhancement
- name: 📚 DOCS
- docs
- name: 🔖 MISC
default: true
# regex indicating which labels to skip for the changelog
skip-labels: skip-changelog|backport\/.+

View File

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ steps:
Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop' -AllowPrerelease -Force;
Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop';
New-BuildPackage -Verbose
New-BuildPackage -Verbose -AdditionalPath @('./src/Vendor', './src/openssl.conf')
- name: GiteaRelease

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -21,4 +21,5 @@
# Vendor resources config
src/Vendor/libressl255/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
src/Vendor/libressl/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.pfx filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

View File

@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
# Changelog
<!-- insertMark -->
## [v1.1.1]( - 2022-10-10
* 📦 META
* Adds changelog config for gitea changelog cli tool (#77)
* Fix Set-CredentialStoreItem (#76)
* Fix optional module dependencies (#75)
### Contributors
* [@OCram85](
* [@pinguinfuss](
## `v1.1.0`
- (acb09ba) update Changelog
- (3d4f53d) adds pinguinfuss contributed fix (#73)
- (6fce8d6) Updates libressl files (#71)
- (ddb85d9) addChangelog (#70)
- (5bdb383) updates Readme (#69)
- (a95ba31) remove optional depenency helper (#68)
- (1e7dd78) adds CiscoUCSCentral connection type (#67)
@ -20,7 +36,6 @@
- (4abfec5) adds PR template (#55)
- (7708df9) Update pwsh style to latest community standards (#52)
## `v1.0.542`
- 🧙 pre migrated Gitea version

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function New-CSCertificate {
($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -and $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) -or
($IsWindows -eq $true)
) {
$openssl = Join-Path -Path $ModuleBase -ChildPath '/Vendor/libressl255/openssl.exe'
$openssl = Join-Path -Path $ModuleBase -ChildPath '/Vendor/libressl/openssl.exe'
$Env:OPENSSL_CONF = Join-Path $ModuleBase -ChildPath '/openssl.conf'

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Describe "New-CredentialStoreItem" {
It "Missing CredentialStore should throw" {
New-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path '/tmp/missingStore.json' -RemoteHost 'notrelevant'
} | Should -Throw "Could not add anything into the given CredentialStore."
} | Should -Throw "The given credential store (/tmp/missingStore.json) does not exist!"
Context "Testing pipeline paramter" {

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function New-CredentialStoreItem {
New-CredentialStoreItem -Path "C:\TMP\mystore.json" -RemoteHost "esx01.myside.local"
New-CredentialStoreItem -Path 'C:\TMP\mystore.json' -RemoteHost esx01.myside.local'
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Private')]
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function New-CredentialStoreItem {
begin {
# Set the CredentialStore for private, shared or custom mode.
Write-Debug ("ParameterSetName: {0}" -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
Write-Debug ('ParameterSetName: {0}' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Private') {
$Path = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ function New-CredentialStoreItem {
if (-not(Test-CredentialStore -Shared -Path $Path)) {
$MessageParams = @{
Exception = [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new(
'Could not add anything into the given CredentialStore.'
'The given credential store ({0}) does not exist!' -f $Path
ErrorAction = "Stop"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ function New-CredentialStoreItem {
$CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format 'u'
if ($Identifier -ne "") {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost = "{0}/{1}" -f $Identifier, $RemoteHost
if ($Identifier -ne '') {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost = '{0}/{1}' -f $Identifier, $RemoteHost
else {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
Justification = 'just used in pester tests.'
Justification = 'no need in internal pester helpers.'
param ()
BeforeAll {
$ManifestFile = (Get-Item -Path './src/*.psd1').FullName
Import-Module $ManifestFile -Force
$PrivateFunctions = (Get-ChildItem -Path './src/Private/*.ps1' | Where-Object {
$_.BaseName -notmatch '.Tests'
foreach ( $func in $PrivateFunctions) {
. $func
# Backup existing credential stores
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose -Message 'Backup private Credential Store...'
$CSPath = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath
$BackupFile = '{0}.back' -f $CSPath
if (Test-Path -Path $CSPath) {
Move-Item -Path $CSPath -Destination $BackupFile
Write-Verbose -Message 'Backup shared CredentialStore...'
$CSShared = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath -Shared
$BackupSharedFile = '{0}.back' -f $CSShared
if (Test-Path -Path $CSShared) {
Move-Item -Path $CSShared -Destination $BackupSharedFile
Write-Verbose -Message 'Remove old CredentialStore in Temp dir'
$CSTemp = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/CredentialStore.json'
if (Test-Path -Path $CSTemp) {
Remove-Item -Path $CSTemp
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Describe 'New-CredentialStoreItem' {
Context 'Private Credential Store tests' {
It 'Add entry to a private store.' {
# Create a fresh CredentialStore first
New-CredentialStore -Force
# Define the content of the CredentialStoreItem.
$RemoteHost = 'barfoo'
$UserName = 'MyUser'
$Password = 'fooobarysdfsfs' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
# Form the CredentialObject.
$creds = [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password)
# Create the CredentialStoreItem.
New-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Credential $creds
# Formulate an update to the CredentialStoreItem.
$ClearPassword = 'fooobaryadfafa'
$Password = $ClearPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password)
Set-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Credential $creds
} | Should -Not -Throw
# Control the content of the CredentialStore.
$content = Get-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $RemoteHost
$content.GetNetworkCredential().Password | Should -Be $ClearPassword
Context 'Shared Credential Store tests' {
It 'Add entry to a shared store.' {
# Create a fresh CredentialStore first
$tmpCS = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/CredentialStore.json'
New-CredentialStore -Path $tmpCS -Force -Shared
# Define the content of the CredentialStoreItem.
$RemoteHost = 'barfoo'
$UserName = 'MyUser'
$Password = 'fooobarysdfsfs' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
# Form the CredentialObject.
$creds = [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password)
# Create the CredentialStoreItem.
New-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Credential $creds -Path $tmpCS -Shared
# Formulate an update to the CredentialStoreItem.
$ClearPassword = 'fooobaryadfafa'
$Password = $ClearPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password)
Set-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Credential $creds -Path $tmpCS -Shared
} | Should -Not -Throw
# Control the content of the CredentialStore.
$content = Get-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Path $tmpCS -Shared
$content.GetNetworkCredential().Password | Should -Be $ClearPassword
AfterAll {
# Cleanup test stores and restore existing ones.
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose -Message 'Restoring private CredentialStore'
If (Test-Path -Path $BackupFile) {
If (Test-Path -Path $CSPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $CSPath
Move-Item -Path $BackupFile -Destination $CSPath
Write-Verbose -Message 'Restoring shared CredentialStore'
If (Test-Path -Path $BackupSharedFile) {
If (Test-Path -Path $CSShared) {
Remove-Item -Path $CSShared
Move-Item -Path $BackupSharedFile -Destination $CSShared
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function Set-CredentialStoreItem {
Specify the host you for which you would like to change the credentials.
.PARAMETER Identifier
Defaults to "". Specify a string, which separates two CredentialStoreItems for the
Defaults to ''. Specify a string, which separates two CredentialStoreItems for the
same hostname.
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ function Set-CredentialStoreItem {
Set-CredentialStoreItem -Path "C:\TMP\mystore.json" -RemoteHost "esx01.myside.local"
Set-CredentialStoreItem -Path 'C:\TMP\mystore.json' -RemoteHost 'esx01.myside.local'
Set-CredentialStoreItem -Path "C:\TMP\mystore.json" -RemoteHost "esx01.myside.local" -Identifier svc
Set-CredentialStoreItem -Path 'C:\TMP\mystore.json' -RemoteHost 'esx01.myside.local' -Identifier svc
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Private')]
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function Set-CredentialStoreItem {
begin {
# Set the CredentialStore for private, shared or custom mode.
Write-Debug ("ParameterSetName: {0}" -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
Write-Debug ('ParameterSetName: {0}' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Private') {
$Path = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath
@ -77,32 +77,52 @@ function Set-CredentialStoreItem {
process {
# Lets do a quick test on the given CredentialStore.
if (-not(Test-CredentialStore -Shared -Path $Path)) {
# Define the default splatting.
$DefaultSplatting = @{
Path = $Path
# Check if the user passed -Shared. If he added -Shared, we'll pass it into the splatting
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Shared')) {
$DefaultSplatting.Add('Shared', $true)
else {
$DefaultSplatting.Add('Shared', $false)
# Now lets check the given CredentialStore.
if (-not(Test-CredentialStore @DefaultSplatting)) {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = 'Could not add anything into the given CredentailStore.'
Message = ('The given CredentialStore ({0}) does no exist.' -f $Path)
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
# Read the file content based on the given ParameterSetName
$CSContent = Get-CredentialStore -Shared -Path $Path
$CSContent = Get-CredentialStore @DefaultSplatting
# Get a formatted current date for the last update time of the Item.
$CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format 'u'
if ($Identifier -ne "") {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost = "{0}/{1}" -f $Identifier, $RemoteHost
# Check if the user supplied an identifier. If so, we need to mangle the CredentialName, as that's where
# the identifier is actually added.
if ($Identifier -ne '') {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost = '{0}/{1}' -f $Identifier, $RemoteHost
else {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost
# If the user didn't supply a CredentialObject, we need to prompt for it.
if (-not($Credential)) {
$Credential = Get-Credential -Message $CredentialName
if ($Credential.UserName) {
# If the username isn't empty, we ca go ahead and update the entry.
if ($null -ne $Credential.UserName -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Credential.UserName)) {
# Check if the path to the PfxCertificate is stored in the CredentialStore. If so load the certificate.
# If not, load try loading the certificate from the Filepath of the CredentialStore.
if ($null -eq $CSContent.PfxCertificate) {
$Cert = Get-CSCertificate -Type $CSContent.Type -Thumbprint $CSContent.Thumbprint
@ -110,13 +130,17 @@ function Set-CredentialStoreItem {
$Cert = Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath $CSContent.PfxCertificate -ErrorAction Stop
# Now locate the Item.
if (Get-Member -InputObject $CSContent -Name $CredentialName -MemberType Properties) {
# Get a random AES key for the entry.
$RSAKey = Get-RandomAESKey
$CSContent.$CredentialName.User = $Credential.UserName
$ConvertParams = @{
SecureString = $Credential.Password
Key = $RSAKey
# Now create a updated item containing the updated credentials.
$CSContent.$CredentialName.Password = ConvertFrom-SecureString @ConvertParams
$CSContent.$CredentialName.LastChange = $CurrentDate
$CSContent.$CredentialName.EncryptedKey = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
@ -125,10 +149,15 @@ function Set-CredentialStoreItem {
# Convert the CredentialStore back into JSON and save it to the file.
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $CSContent -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Encoding utf8
else {
Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to locate CredentialStoreItem for {0}' -f $CredentialName)
Else {
else {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = 'Please Provide at least a valid user!'
ErrorAction = 'Stop'

View File

@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ function Test-CredentialStoreItem {
if (Test-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost "Default") {
Get-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost "Default"
if (Test-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost 'Default') {
Get-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost 'Default'
else {
Write-Warning ("The given Remote Host {0} does not exist in the credential Store!" -f $RemoteHost)
Write-Warning ('The given Remote Host {0} does not exist in the credential Store!' -f $RemoteHost)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function Test-CredentialStoreItem {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Shared')]
[string]$Path = "{0}\PSCredentialStore\CredentialStore.json" -f $env:ProgramData,
[string]$Path = '{0}\PSCredentialStore\CredentialStore.json' -f $env:ProgramData,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function Test-CredentialStoreItem {
begin {
# Set the CredentialStore for private, shared or custom mode.
Write-Debug ("ParameterSetName: {0}" -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
Write-Debug ('ParameterSetName: {0}' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Private') {
$Path = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ function Test-CredentialStoreItem {
process {
if ($Identifier -ne "") {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost = "{0}/{1}" -f $Identifier, $RemoteHost
if ($Identifier -ne '') {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost = '{0}/{1}' -f $Identifier, $RemoteHost
else {
$CredentialName = $RemoteHost
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function Test-CredentialStoreItem {
else {
$MsgParams = @{
Message = "The given credential store ({0}) does not exist!" -f $Path
Message = 'The given credential store ({0}) does not exist!' -f $Path
Write-Warning @MsgParams
return $false

View File

@ -122,19 +122,19 @@
PSData = @{
# Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
Tags = 'CredentialStore', 'CredentialManager'
Tags = 'CredentialStore', 'CredentialManager'
# A URL to the license for this module.
LicenseUri = ''
LicenseUri = ''
# A URL to the main website for this project.
ProjectUri = ''
ProjectUri = ''
# A URL to an icon representing this module.
IconUri = ''
IconUri = ''
# ReleaseNotes of this module
ReleaseNotes = 'See page for details.'
ReleaseNotes = 'See page for details.'
# Prerelease string of this module
#Prerelease = 'preview'
@ -145,31 +145,35 @@
# External dependent modules of this module
ExternalModuleDependencies = @(
ModuleName = 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core'
ModuleName = 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core'
ModuleName = 'VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'Cisco.UCS.Core'
ModuleName = 'Cisco.UCS.Core'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'Cisco.UCSManager'
ModuleName = 'Cisco.UCSManager'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'WinSCP'
ModuleName = 'WinSCP'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'DataONTAP'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'NetApp.ONTAP'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'StorageGRID-WebScale'
ModuleName = 'StorageGRID-WebScale'
ModuleVersion = '7.2.1'
ModuleName = 'StorageGRID-WebScale'
ModuleVersion = '7.2.1'

src/Vendor/libressl/openssl.exe (Stored with Git LFS) vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libcrypto-41.dll (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libcrypto-41.exp (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libcrypto-41.lib (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libcrypto-41.pdb (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libssl-43.dll (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libssl-43.exp (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libssl-43.lib (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libssl-43.pdb (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libtls-15.dll (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libtls-15.exp (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libtls-15.lib (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/libtls-15.pdb (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/ocspcheck.exe (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.

src/Vendor/libressl255/openssl.exe (Stored with Git LFS) vendored

Binary file not shown.