* Make proxies decide how to handle disconnects * Connect to a new terminal instance on disconnect * Use our retry for the watcher * Specify method when proxy doesn't exist * Don't error when closing/killing disconnected proxy * Specify proxy ID when a method doesn't exist * Use our retry for the searcher Also dispose some things for the watcher because it doesn't seem that was done properly. The searcher also now starts immediately so there won't be lag when you perform your first search. * Use our retry for the extension host * Emit error in parent proxy class Reduces duplicate code. Not all items are "supposed" to have an error event according to the original implementation we are filling, but there is no reason why we can't emit our own events (and are already doing so for the "disconnected" event anyway). * Reconnect spdlog * Add error message when shared process disconnects * Pass method resolve to parse * Don't pass method to getProxy It doesn't tell you anything that trace logging wouldn't and has no relation to what the function actually does. * Fix infinite recursion when disposing protocol client in tests
520 lines
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520 lines
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import { PathLike } from "fs";
import { ExecException, ExecOptions } from "child_process";
import { promisify } from "util";
import { Emitter } from "@coder/events";
import { logger, field } from "@coder/logger";
import { ReadWriteConnection, InitData, SharedProcessData } from "../common/connection";
import { Module, ServerProxy } from "../common/proxy";
import { stringify, parse, moduleToProto, protoToModule, protoToOperatingSystem } from "../common/util";
import { Ping, ServerMessage, ClientMessage, MethodMessage, NamedProxyMessage, NumberedProxyMessage, SuccessMessage, FailMessage, EventMessage, CallbackMessage } from "../proto";
import { FsModule, ChildProcessModule, NetModule, NodePtyModule, SpdlogModule, TrashModule } from "./modules";
// tslint:disable no-any
interface ProxyData {
promise: Promise<void>;
instance: any;
callbacks: Map<number, (...args: any[]) => void>;
* Client accepts a connection to communicate with the server.
export class Client {
private messageId = 0;
private callbackId = 0;
private readonly proxies = new Map<number | Module, ProxyData>();
private readonly successEmitter = new Emitter<SuccessMessage>();
private readonly failEmitter = new Emitter<FailMessage>();
private readonly eventEmitter = new Emitter<{ event: string; args: any[]; }>();
private _initData: InitData | undefined;
private readonly initDataEmitter = new Emitter<InitData>();
private readonly initDataPromise: Promise<InitData>;
private readonly sharedProcessActiveEmitter = new Emitter<SharedProcessData>();
public readonly onSharedProcessActive = this.sharedProcessActiveEmitter.event;
private disconnected: boolean = false;
// The socket timeout is 60s, so we need to send a ping periodically to
// prevent it from closing.
private pingTimeout: NodeJS.Timer | number | undefined;
private readonly pingTimeoutDelay = 30000;
private readonly responseTimeout = 10000;
public readonly modules: {
[Module.ChildProcess]: ChildProcessModule,
[Module.Fs]: FsModule,
[Module.Net]: NetModule,
[Module.NodePty]: NodePtyModule,
[Module.Spdlog]: SpdlogModule,
[Module.Trash]: TrashModule,
* @param connection Established connection to the server
public constructor(private readonly connection: ReadWriteConnection) {
connection.onMessage(async (data) => {
let message: ServerMessage | undefined;
try {
message = ServerMessage.deserializeBinary(data);
await this.handleMessage(message);
} catch (error) {
"Failed to handle server message",
field("id", message && this.getMessageId(message)),
field("length", data.byteLength),
field("error", error.message),
this.modules = {
[Module.ChildProcess]: new ChildProcessModule(this.getProxy(Module.ChildProcess).instance),
[Module.Fs]: new FsModule(this.getProxy(Module.Fs).instance),
[Module.Net]: new NetModule(this.getProxy(Module.Net).instance),
[Module.NodePty]: new NodePtyModule(this.getProxy(Module.NodePty).instance),
[Module.Spdlog]: new SpdlogModule(this.getProxy(Module.Spdlog).instance),
[Module.Trash]: new TrashModule(this.getProxy(Module.Trash).instance),
// Methods that don't follow the standard callback pattern (an error
// followed by a single result) need to provide a custom promisify function.
Object.defineProperty(this.modules[Module.Fs].exists, promisify.custom, {
value: (path: PathLike): Promise<boolean> => {
return new Promise((resolve): void => this.modules[Module.Fs].exists(path, resolve));
Object.defineProperty(this.modules[Module.ChildProcess].exec, promisify.custom, {
value: (
command: string,
options?: { encoding?: string | null } & ExecOptions | null,
): Promise<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => {
this.modules[Module.ChildProcess].exec(command, options, (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => {
if (error) {
} else {
resolve({ stdout, stderr });
* If the connection is interrupted, the calls will neither succeed nor fail
* nor exit so we need to send a failure on all of them as well as trigger
* events so things like child processes can clean up and possibly restart.
const handleDisconnect = (): void => {
this.disconnected = true;
logger.trace(() => [
"disconnected from server",
field("proxies", this.proxies.size),
field("callbacks", Array.from(this.proxies.values()).reduce((count, p) => count + p.callbacks.size, 0)),
field("success listeners", this.successEmitter.counts),
field("fail listeners", this.failEmitter.counts),
field("event listeners", this.eventEmitter.counts),
const message = new FailMessage();
const error = new Error("disconnected");
this.eventEmitter.emit({ event: "disconnected", args: [error] });
this.eventEmitter.emit({ event: "done", args: [] });
connection.onDown(() => handleDisconnect());
connection.onClose(() => {
clearTimeout(this.pingTimeout as any);
this.pingTimeout = undefined;
connection.onUp(() => this.disconnected = false);
this.initDataPromise = new Promise((resolve): void => {
* Close the connection.
public dispose(): void {
public get initData(): Promise<InitData> {
return this.initDataPromise;
* Make a remote call for a proxy's method using proto.
private remoteCall(proxyId: number | Module, method: string, args: any[]): Promise<any> {
if (this.disconnected && typeof proxyId === "number") {
// Can assume killing or closing works because a disconnected proxy
// is disposed on the server's side.
switch (method) {
case "close":
case "kill":
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(
new Error(`Unable to call "${method}" on proxy ${proxyId}: disconnected`),
const message = new MethodMessage();
const id = this.messageId++;
let proxyMessage: NamedProxyMessage | NumberedProxyMessage;
if (typeof proxyId === "string") {
proxyMessage = new NamedProxyMessage();
} else {
proxyMessage = new NumberedProxyMessage();
const storeCallback = (cb: (...args: any[]) => void): number => {
const callbackId = this.callbackId++;
logger.trace(() => [
"storing callback",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("callbackId", callbackId),
this.getProxy(proxyId).callbacks.set(callbackId, cb);
return callbackId;
const stringifiedArgs = args.map((a) => stringify(a, storeCallback));
logger.trace(() => [
field("id", id),
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("method", method),
field("args", stringifiedArgs),
const clientMessage = new ClientMessage();
// The server will send back a fail or success message when the method
// has completed, so we listen for that based on the message's unique ID.
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject): void => {
const dispose = (): void => {
clearTimeout(timeout as any);
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error("timed out"));
}, this.responseTimeout);
const d1 = this.successEmitter.event(id, (message) => {
resolve(this.parse(message.getResponse(), promise));
const d2 = this.failEmitter.event(id, (message) => {
return promise;
* Handle all messages from the server.
private async handleMessage(message: ServerMessage): Promise<void> {
if (message.hasInit()) {
const init = message.getInit()!;
this._initData = {
dataDirectory: init.getDataDirectory(),
homeDirectory: init.getHomeDirectory(),
tmpDirectory: init.getTmpDirectory(),
workingDirectory: init.getWorkingDirectory(),
os: protoToOperatingSystem(init.getOperatingSystem()),
shell: init.getShell(),
builtInExtensionsDirectory: init.getBuiltinExtensionsDir(),
} else if (message.hasSuccess()) {
} else if (message.hasFail()) {
} else if (message.hasEvent()) {
await this.emitEvent(message.getEvent()!);
} else if (message.hasCallback()) {
await this.runCallback(message.getCallback()!);
} else if (message.hasSharedProcessActive()) {
const sharedProcessActiveMessage = message.getSharedProcessActive()!;
socketPath: sharedProcessActiveMessage.getSocketPath(),
logPath: sharedProcessActiveMessage.getLogPath(),
} else if (message.hasPong()) {
// Nothing to do since pings are on a timer rather than waiting for the
// next pong in case a message from either the client or server is dropped
// which would break the ping cycle.
} else {
throw new Error("unknown message type");
private emitSuccess(message: SuccessMessage): void {
logger.trace(() => [
"received resolve",
field("id", message.getId()),
this.successEmitter.emit(message.getId(), message);
private emitFail(message: FailMessage): void {
logger.trace(() => [
"received reject",
field("id", message.getId()),
this.failEmitter.emit(message.getId(), message);
* Emit an event received from the server. We could send requests for "on" to
* the server and serialize functions using IDs, but doing it that way makes
* it possible to miss events depending on whether the server receives the
* request before it emits. Instead, emit all events from the server so all
* events are always caught on the client.
private async emitEvent(message: EventMessage): Promise<void> {
const eventMessage = message.getNamedEvent()! || message.getNumberedEvent()!;
const proxyId = message.getNamedEvent()
? protoToModule(message.getNamedEvent()!.getModule())
: message.getNumberedEvent()!.getProxyId();
const event = eventMessage.getEvent();
await this.ensureResolved(proxyId);
logger.trace(() => [
"received event",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("event", event),
field("args", eventMessage.getArgsList()),
const args = eventMessage.getArgsList().map((a) => this.parse(a));
this.eventEmitter.emit(proxyId, { event, args });
* Run a callback as requested by the server. Since we don't know when
* callbacks get garbage collected we dispose them only when the proxy
* disposes. That means they should only be used if they run for the lifetime
* of the proxy (like child_process.exec), otherwise we'll leak. They should
* also only be used when passed together with the method. If they are sent
* afterward, they may never be called due to timing issues.
private async runCallback(message: CallbackMessage): Promise<void> {
const callbackMessage = message.getNamedCallback()! || message.getNumberedCallback()!;
const proxyId = message.getNamedCallback()
? protoToModule(message.getNamedCallback()!.getModule())
: message.getNumberedCallback()!.getProxyId();
const callbackId = callbackMessage.getCallbackId();
await this.ensureResolved(proxyId);
logger.trace(() => [
"running callback",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("callbackId", callbackId),
field("args", callbackMessage.getArgsList()),
const args = callbackMessage.getArgsList().map((a) => this.parse(a));
* Start the ping loop. Does nothing if already pinging.
private startPinging = (): void => {
if (typeof this.pingTimeout !== "undefined") {
const schedulePing = (): void => {
this.pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
const clientMsg = new ClientMessage();
clientMsg.setPing(new Ping());
}, this.pingTimeoutDelay);
* Return the message's ID if it has one or a string identifier. For logging
* errors with an ID to make the error more useful.
private getMessageId(message: ServerMessage): number | string | undefined {
if (message.hasInit()) {
return "init";
} else if (message.hasSuccess()) {
return message.getSuccess()!.getId();
} else if (message.hasFail()) {
return message.getFail()!.getId();
} else if (message.hasEvent()) {
const eventMessage = message.getEvent()!.getNamedEvent()!
|| message.getEvent()!.getNumberedEvent()!;
return `event: ${eventMessage.getEvent()}`;
} else if (message.hasCallback()) {
const callbackMessage = message.getCallback()!.getNamedCallback()!
|| message.getCallback()!.getNumberedCallback()!;
return `callback: ${callbackMessage.getCallbackId()}`;
} else if (message.hasSharedProcessActive()) {
return "shared";
} else if (message.hasPong()) {
return "pong";
* Return a proxy that makes remote calls.
private createProxy<T>(proxyId: number | Module, promise: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve()): T {
logger.trace(() => [
"creating proxy",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
const instance = new Proxy({
onDone: (cb: (...args: any[]) => void): void => {
this.eventEmitter.event(proxyId, (event) => {
if (event.event === "done") {
onEvent: (cb: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void): void => {
this.eventEmitter.event(proxyId, (event) => {
cb(event.event, ...event.args);
}, {
get: (target: any, name: string): any => {
// When resolving a promise with a proxy, it will check for "then".
if (name === "then") {
if (typeof target[name] === "undefined") {
target[name] = (...args: any[]): Promise<any> | ServerProxy => {
return this.remoteCall(proxyId, name, args);
return target[name];
this.proxies.set(proxyId, {
callbacks: new Map(),
instance.onDone(() => {
const log = (): void => {
logger.trace(() => [
typeof proxyId === "number" ? "disposed proxy" : "disposed proxy callbacks",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("disconnected", this.disconnected),
field("callbacks", Array.from(this.proxies.values()).reduce((count, proxy) => count + proxy.callbacks.size, 0)),
field("success listeners", this.successEmitter.counts),
field("fail listeners", this.failEmitter.counts),
field("event listeners", this.eventEmitter.counts),
// Uniquely identified items (top-level module proxies) can continue to
// be used so we don't need to delete them.
if (typeof proxyId === "number") {
const dispose = (): void => {
if (!this.disconnected) {
} else {
} else {
// The callbacks will still be unusable though.
return instance;
* We aren't guaranteed the promise will call all the `then` callbacks
* synchronously once it resolves, so the event message can come in and fire
* before a caller has been able to attach an event. Waiting for the promise
* ensures it runs after everything else.
private async ensureResolved(proxyId: number | Module): Promise<void> {
await this.getProxy(proxyId).promise;
private parse(value?: string, promise?: Promise<any>): any {
return parse(value, undefined, (id) => this.createProxy(id, promise));
private getProxy(proxyId: number | Module): ProxyData {
if (!this.proxies.has(proxyId)) {
throw new Error(`proxy ${proxyId} disposed too early`);
return this.proxies.get(proxyId)!;