adds DroneHelper #61

OCram85 merged 8 commits from addDroneHelper into master 2022-07-15 08:28:22 +02:00

📖 Summary

  • adds DroneHelper for build pipeline

📑 Test Plan

💡 Select your test plan for the code changes.

  • Tested via pipeline
  • Custom test
  • No test plan
Details / Justification

📚 Additional Notes

  • FileLint / Lint & Pester issues will be fixed in next PR
#### :book: Summary - adds DroneHelper for build pipeline #### :bookmark_tabs: Test Plan > :bulb: Select your test plan for the code changes. - [x] Tested via pipeline - [ ] Custom test - [ ] No test plan ##### Details / Justification <!-- Add your test details or justification for missing tests here. --> #### :books: Additional Notes - FileLint / Lint & Pester issues will be fixed in next PR
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-14 13:51:49 +02:00
adds DroneHelper
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-14 13:54:21 +02:00
use preRelease
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-14 13:56:15 +02:00
force module installation
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-14 14:33:24 +02:00
add build dir
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added the
label 2022-07-15 07:17:11 +02:00
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-15 07:20:21 +02:00
Exclude vendor files from FileLinter
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-15 07:36:57 +02:00
fix encoding
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-15 08:14:58 +02:00
Debug FileLinter output
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
OCram85 added 1 commit 2022-07-15 08:25:48 +02:00
exclude tests file
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
Collaborator PR Build No. #35: failed


✔️ No FileLinter violations in 32 files found.


Result Test Duration
⚠️ Test-CredentialStore.Basic logic tests.Read a broken CredentialStore 0ms

🧪 55 Total Tests (✔️ 54 Passed ▫️🔱 1 Skipped / NotRun ▫️ ⚠️ Unknown ▫️ 0 Failed)
📑 Covered 41.50% / 75%. (🔖 759 analyzed Commands 📄 in 26 Files)


Severity ScriptName Line RuleName Message
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 36 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 39 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 66 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 95 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 101 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 113 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 128 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ PSCredentialStore.psd1 149 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Get-CredentialStore.Tests.ps1 17 PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments The variable 'TestCredentialStore' is assigned but never used.
⚠️ Get-CredentialStore.Tests.ps1 18 PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments The variable 'TestPfxCert' is assigned but never used.
⚠️ New-CredentialStore.ps1 22 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CredentialStore.ps1 26 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CredentialStore.ps1 91 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CSCertificate.ps1 60 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CSCertificate.ps1 80 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CSCertificate.ps1 96 PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression Invoke-Expression is used. Please remove Invoke-Expression from script and find other options instead.
⚠️ New-CSCertificate.ps1 127 PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression Invoke-Expression is used. Please remove Invoke-Expression from script and find other options instead.
⚠️ Test-CSCertificate.ps1 38 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Test-CSCertificate.ps1 50 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Test-CSCertificate.ps1 54 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Test-CSCertificate.ps1 56 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CSCertAttribute.ps1 37 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CSCertAttribute.ps1 1 PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions Function 'New-CSCertAttribute' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'.
⚠️ New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 126 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 128 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 1 PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions Function 'New-CredentialStoreItem' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'.
⚠️ New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 112 PSUseCorrectCasing Cmdlet/Function/Parameter does not match its exact casing 'Get-Member'.
⚠️ Set-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 111 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Set-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 1 PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions Function 'Set-CredentialStoreItem' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'.
⚠️ Set-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 108 PSUseCorrectCasing Cmdlet/Function/Parameter does not match its exact casing 'Get-Member'.
⚠️ Remove-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 93 PSUseCorrectCasing Cmdlet/Function/Parameter does not match its exact casing 'Get-Member'.
⚠️ Remove-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 1 PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions Function 'Remove-CredentialStoreItem' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'.
⚠️ Resolve-Dependency.ps1 39 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Resolve-Dependency.ps1 48 PSReviewUnusedParameter The parameter 'Name' has been declared but not used.
⚠️ Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath.ps1 36 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath.ps1 47 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Import-CSPfxCertificate.ps1 8 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Import-CSPfxCertificate.ps1 86 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Test-CSPfxCertificate.ps1 33 PSReviewUnusedParameter The parameter 'Thumbprint' has been declared but not used.
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 192 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 263 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:PSExchangeRemote'.
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 282 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:PSExchangeRemote'.
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 302 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 303 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 117 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 149 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 201 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 303 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 317 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters
⚠️ Connect-To.ps1 263 PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments The variable 'PSExchangeRemote' is assigned but never used.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 120 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 121 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 136 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:CurrentNcController'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 140 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:CurrentNcController'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 170 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:PSExchangeRemote'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 181 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 182 PSAvoidGlobalVars Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'.
⚠️ Disconnect-From.ps1 136 PSAvoidLongLines Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters

See RuleDocumentation for additional help.


> PR Build No. [#35]( ``failed`` #### ``/drone/src/build/FileLinter-Results.log`` :heavy_check_mark: No FileLinter violations in 32 files found. #### ``/drone/src/build/Pester-Results.log`` | Result | Test | Duration | | :----: | :--- | -------: | | :warning: | `Test-CredentialStore.Basic logic tests.Read a broken CredentialStore` | *0ms* | :test_tube: **55** Total Tests (:heavy_check_mark: ``54 Passed`` :white_small_square::trident: ``1 Skipped / NotRun`` :white_small_square: :warning: ``Unknown`` :white_small_square: :heavy_exclamation_mark: ``0 Failed``) :bookmark_tabs: Covered **41.50%** / 75%. (:bookmark: ``759 analyzed Commands`` :page_facing_up: ``in 26 Files``) #### ``/drone/src/build/ScriptAnalyzer-Results.log`` | Severity | ScriptName | Line | RuleName | Message | | :------: | :--------- | :--: | :------- | :------ | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 36 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 39 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 66 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 95 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 101 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 113 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 128 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | PSCredentialStore.psd1 | 149 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Get-CredentialStore.Tests.ps1 | 17 | PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments | The variable 'TestCredentialStore' is assigned but never used. | | :warning: | Get-CredentialStore.Tests.ps1 | 18 | PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments | The variable 'TestPfxCert' is assigned but never used. | | :warning: | New-CredentialStore.ps1 | 22 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CredentialStore.ps1 | 26 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CredentialStore.ps1 | 91 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CSCertificate.ps1 | 60 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CSCertificate.ps1 | 80 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CSCertificate.ps1 | 96 | PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression | Invoke-Expression is used. Please remove Invoke-Expression from script and find other options instead. | | :warning: | New-CSCertificate.ps1 | 127 | PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression | Invoke-Expression is used. Please remove Invoke-Expression from script and find other options instead. | | :warning: | Test-CSCertificate.ps1 | 38 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Test-CSCertificate.ps1 | 50 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Test-CSCertificate.ps1 | 54 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Test-CSCertificate.ps1 | 56 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CSCertAttribute.ps1 | 37 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CSCertAttribute.ps1 | 1 | PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions | Function 'New-CSCertAttribute' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'. | | :warning: | New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 126 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 128 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 1 | PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions | Function 'New-CredentialStoreItem' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'. | | :warning: | New-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 112 | PSUseCorrectCasing | Cmdlet/Function/Parameter does not match its exact casing 'Get-Member'. | | :warning: | Set-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 111 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Set-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 1 | PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions | Function 'Set-CredentialStoreItem' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'. | | :warning: | Set-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 108 | PSUseCorrectCasing | Cmdlet/Function/Parameter does not match its exact casing 'Get-Member'. | | :warning: | Remove-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 93 | PSUseCorrectCasing | Cmdlet/Function/Parameter does not match its exact casing 'Get-Member'. | | :warning: | Remove-CredentialStoreItem.ps1 | 1 | PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions | Function 'Remove-CredentialStoreItem' has verb that could change system state. Therefore, the function has to support 'ShouldProcess'. | | :warning: | Resolve-Dependency.ps1 | 39 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Resolve-Dependency.ps1 | 48 | PSReviewUnusedParameter | The parameter 'Name' has been declared but not used. | | :warning: | Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath.ps1 | 36 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath.ps1 | 47 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Import-CSPfxCertificate.ps1 | 8 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Import-CSPfxCertificate.ps1 | 86 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Test-CSPfxCertificate.ps1 | 33 | PSReviewUnusedParameter | The parameter 'Thumbprint' has been declared but not used. | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 192 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 263 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:PSExchangeRemote'. | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 282 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:PSExchangeRemote'. | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 302 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 303 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 117 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 149 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 201 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 303 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 317 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | | :warning: | Connect-To.ps1 | 263 | PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments | The variable 'PSExchangeRemote' is assigned but never used. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 120 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 121 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 136 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:CurrentNcController'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 140 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:CurrentNcController'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 170 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:PSExchangeRemote'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 181 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 182 | PSAvoidGlobalVars | Found global variable 'Global:WinSCPSession'. | | :warning: | Disconnect-From.ps1 | 136 | PSAvoidLongLines | Line exceeds the configured maximum length of 116 characters | > See [RuleDocumentation]( for additional help. end.
OCram85 merged commit d0b7e53c80 into master 2022-07-15 08:28:22 +02:00
OCram85 deleted branch addDroneHelper 2022-07-15 08:28:22 +02:00
OCram85 referenced this issue from a commit 2022-07-15 08:28:22 +02:00
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