Migrates to Pester5+ tests #59

OCram85 merged 47 commits from Pester5 into master 2022-07-14 13:37:13 +02:00
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c7529b5d89 - Show all commits

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Describe "New-CredentialStoreItem" {
Context "General Exception handling" { Context "General Exception handling" {
Mock Test-CredentialStore { return $false } -ModuleName 'PSCredentialStore' Mock Test-CredentialStore { return $false } -ModuleName 'PSCredentialStore'
It "Missing CredentialStore should throw" { It "Missing CredentialStore should throw" {
{ New-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path 'C:\missingStore.json' -RemoteHost 'notrelevant' } | Should -Throw "Could not add anything" { New-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path '/tmp/missingStore.json' -RemoteHost 'notrelevant' } | Should -Throw "Could not add anything"
} }
} }
Context "Testing pipeline paramter" { Context "Testing pipeline paramter" {