Publish Pre-release #1

OCram85 merged 38 commits from dev into master 2017-09-21 13:32:16 +02:00
1 changed files with 18 additions and 17 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6e442af8a4 - Show all commits

.vscode/cSpell.json vendored
View File

@ -6,29 +6,30 @@
"language": "en", "language": "en",
// words - list of words to be always considered correct // words - list of words to be always considered correct
"words": [ "words": [
"Cmdlet", "Cmdlet",
"Cmdlets", "Cmdlets",
"codecoverage", "GUID",
"notmatch", "Hashtable",
"Httpclient", "Httpclient",
"Multipart", "Multipart",
"formdata", "NTFS",
"Params", "Params",
"testresults", "Ponduit",
"powershellgallery", "Repo",
"chocolatey", "chocolatey",
"choco" "codecoverage",
], ],
// flagWords - list of words to be always considered incorrect // flagWords - list of words to be always considered incorrect
// This is useful for offensive words and common spelling errors. // This is useful for offensive words and common spelling errors.