Marco Blessing afab3c870c
PowerShell 6 Core Support (#35)
## About
This pull request reflects all changes done in the `linuxsupport` branch.

## Content
- Enable PowerShell 6 Core support
- Use PFX Certificate for encryption ( fixes #32 )
- Updates CI / CD pipeline ( fixes #31 )
- uses portable libressl ( fixes #34 )
- adds `-PassThru` switch for returning current `VIServer` session in `Connect-To` ( fixes #34 )
- adds git lfs for embedded libressl files
- restructured internal functions into `Private` dir
- added certificate related functions
- adds travis build pipeline for tests
2019-01-16 12:55:29 +01:00

179 lines
6.6 KiB

function Get-GitInfo {
if ($Env:AppVeyor) {
return [PSCustomObject]@{
head = [PSCustomObject]@{
else {
if (-not $BranchName) {
$BranchName = (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
return [PSCustomObject]@{
head = [PSCustomObject]@{
id = (git log --format="%H" HEAD -1)
author_name = (git log --format="%an" HEAD -1)
author_email = (git log --format="%ae" HEAD -1)
committer_name = (git log --format="%cn" HEAD -1)
committer_email = (git log --format="%ce" HEAD -1)
message = (git log --format="%s" HEAD -1)
branch = $BranchName
function New-CoverageReport {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ModuleRoot = $(Get-Location)
begin {
$CoverReport = [PSCustomObject]@{
repo_token = $RepoToken
commit_sha = (git log --format="%H" HEAD -1)
git = Get-GitInfo
service_name = 'appveyor'
source_files = @()
process {
# Find all files with hit commands -> These file have pester tests
$UsedFiles = $CodeCoverage.AnalyzedFiles | Where-Object {
$CodeCoverage.HitCommands.File -contains $_
foreach ($SourceFile in $UsedFiles) {
$Lines = (Get-Content -Path $SourceFile | Measure-Object).Count
Write-Verbose ("SourceFile: {0} | LinesCount: {1}" -f $SourceFile, $Lines)
$CoverageArray = @()
$Hits = 0
$Missed = 0
for ($LinePointer = 1; $LinePointer -le $Lines; $LinePointer++) {
# Get only hit commands from current src file
$curHits = $CodeCoverage.HitCommands | Where-Object {
$_.File -eq $SourceFile
[int]$Hits = (
$curHits | Where-Object {
$_.Line -eq $LinePointer
} | Measure-Object
# again filter only missed commands from the curent file
$curMissed = $CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | Where-Object {
$_.File -eq $SourceFile
[int]$Missed = (
$curMissed | Where-Object {
$_.Line -eq $LinePointer
} | Measure-Object
Write-Verbose ("SourceFile:{0} | Line: {1} | Hits: {2} | Missed: {3}" -f $SourceFile, $LinePointer, $Hits, $Missed)
if ((-not $Hits -gt 0) -and (-not $Missed -gt 0)) {
$CoverageArray += 'null'
else {
if ($Hits -gt 0) {
$CoverageArray += $Hits
elseif ($Missed -gt 0) {
$CoverageArray += 0
# Get rid of the quotation
$CoverageArray = $CoverageArray -Replace '"', ''
$CoverageSourceFile = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = $SourceFile.Replace($ModuleRoot, '').Replace('\', '/')
source_digest = (Get-FileHash -Path $SourceFile -Algorithm MD5).Hash
coverage = $CoverageArray
If ($CoverageSourceFile.Name.StartsWith('/')) {
$CoverageSourceFile.Name = $CoverageSourceFile.Name.Remove(0, 1)
$CoverReport.source_files += $CoverageSourceFile
# Find all untested files to create a null coverage file
$UnUsedFiles = $CodeCoverage.AnalyzedFiles | Where-Object {
$CodeCoverage.HitCommands.File -notcontains $_
foreach ($UnUsedFile in $UnUsedFiles) {
$Lines = (Get-Content -Path $UnUsedFile | Measure-Object).Count
$CoverageArray = @()
for ($LinePointer = 1; $LinePointer -le $Lines; $LinePointer++) {
$CoverageArray += '0'
$CoverageSourceFile = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = $UnUsedFile.Replace($ModuleRoot, '').Replace('\', '/')
source_digest = (Get-FileHash -Path $UnUsedFile -Algorithm MD5).Hash
coverage = $CoverageArray
if ($CoverageSourceFile.Name.StartsWith('/')) {
$CoverageSourceFile.Name = $CoverageSourceFile.Name.Remove(0, 1)
$CoverReport.source_files += $CoverageSourceFile
end {
Write-Output $CoverReport
function Publish-CoverageReport () {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
begin {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
process {
$CoverageJSON = ConvertTo-Json $CoverageReport -Depth 5
# Try to fix null elements in coverage array.
$CoverageJSON = $CoverageJSON.Replace('"null"', 'null')
$stringContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.StringContent ($CoverageJSON)
$httpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.Httpclient
$formdata = New-Object System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent
$formData.Add($stringContent, "json_file", "coverage.json")
$result = $httpClient.PostAsync('', $formData).Result
$content = $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
end {
Write-Output $Content