Marco Blessing afab3c870c
PowerShell 6 Core Support (#35)
## About
This pull request reflects all changes done in the `linuxsupport` branch.

## Content
- Enable PowerShell 6 Core support
- Use PFX Certificate for encryption ( fixes #32 )
- Updates CI / CD pipeline ( fixes #31 )
- uses portable libressl ( fixes #34 )
- adds `-PassThru` switch for returning current `VIServer` session in `Connect-To` ( fixes #34 )
- adds git lfs for embedded libressl files
- restructured internal functions into `Private` dir
- added certificate related functions
- adds travis build pipeline for tests
2019-01-16 12:55:29 +01:00

97 lines
3.9 KiB

# Backup existing credential stores
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Write-Verbose "Backup private Credential Store..."
$CSPath = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath
$BackupFile = "{0}.back" -f $CSPath
If (Test-Path -Path $CSPath) {
Move-Item -Path $CSPath -Destination $BackupFile
Write-Verbose "Backup shared CredentialStore..."
$CSShared = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath -Shared
$BackupSharedFile = "{0}.back" -f $CSShared
If (Test-Path -Path $CSShared) {
Move-Item -Path $CSShared -Destination $BackupSharedFile
Write-Verbose "Remove old CredentialStore in Temp dir"
$CSTemp = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/CredentialStore.json'
If (Test-Path -Path $CSTemp) {
Remove-Item -Path $CSTemp
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Describe "New-CredentialStore" {
Context "Private CS tests" {
$pCS = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath
It "Test1: Create new private CredentialStore" {
{ New-CredentialStore -Confirm:$false } | Should -Not -Throw
$result = Test-Path -Path $pCS
$CS = Get-Content -Path $pCS -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
($result -eq $true) -and ($CS.Type -eq "Private") | Should -Be $true
It "Test2: Try to override private Store" {
{ New-CredentialStore -Confirm:$false } | Should -Throw
It "Test3: Reset existing Credential Store" {
$now = Get-Date
$CS = Get-Content -Path $pCS -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$CSCreation = [DateTime]$CS.Created
New-CredentialStore -Confirm:$false -Force
$now -gt $csCreation | Should -Be $true
Context "Shared CS tests" {
$sCS = Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath -Shared
It "Test1: Create a new Shared Credential Store" {
{ New-CredentialStore -Confirm:$false -Shared } | Should -Not -Throw
Test-Path -Path $sCS | Should -Be $true
It "Test2: Try to override existing shared CS" {
{New-CredentialStore -Shared -Confirm:$false} | Should -Throw
It "Test3: Reset shared CredentialStore" {
$now = Get-Date
$CS = Get-Content -Path $sCS -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$CSCreation = [DateTime]$CS.Created
New-CredentialStore -Force -Shared -Confirm:$false
$now -gt $csCreation | Should -Be $true
Context "Custom Shared CS tests" {
$cCS = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath "CredentialStore.json"
It "Test1: Create new custom shared" {
{New-CredentialStore -Path $cCS -Shared -Confirm:$false} | Should -Not -Throw
It "Test2: Try to override exiting one" {
{New-CredentialStore -Path $cCS -Shared -Confirm:$false} | Should -Throw
It "Test3: Reset existing custom CredentialStore" {
{New-CredentialStore -Path $cCS -Shared -Force -Confirm:$false} | Should -Not -Throw
Context "Test exception handling" {
Mock Out-File {throw "foobar exception"}
It "JSON Conversion should fail and throw" {
{ New-CredentialStore -Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/dummy.json') -Shared -Confirm:$false} | Should -Throw
# Cleanup test stores and restore existing ones.
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Write-Verbose "Restoring private CredentialStore"
If (Test-Path -Path $BackupFile) {
If (Test-Path -Path $CSPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $CSPath
Move-Item -Path $BackupFile -Destination $CSPath
Write-Verbose "Restoring shared CredentialStore"
If (Test-Path -Path $BackupSharedFile) {
If (Test-Path -Path $CSShared) {
Remove-Item -Path $CSShared
Move-Item -Path $BackupSharedFile -Destination $CSShared
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"