forked from OCram85/PSCredentialStore
Compare commits
No commits in common. "471a372bf9f6cbfed00551a3183d2ec5186d98f1" and "22631f28362865a3777717d4dd13fb52a72b94f1" have entirely different histories.
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ function Connect-To {
- ExchangeHTTPS
- NetAppFAS
- NetAppStorageGRID
- VMware
- VMwareCisServer
@ -49,32 +48,28 @@ function Connect-To {
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'vc.domain.local' -Type CisServer
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'ucs.myside.local' -Type CiscoUcs
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'ucs.domain.local' -Type CiscoUcs
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'ucscentral.myside.local' -Type 'CiscoUcsCentral'
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'ucs-central.domain.local' -Type 'CiscoUcsCentral'
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'ftp.myside.local' -Type FTP
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'exchange01.domain.local' -Type ExchangeHTTP
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'fas.myside.local' -Type NetAppFAS
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'exchange01.domain.local' -Type ExchangeHTTPS
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'esx01.myside.local' -Type VMware
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'ftp.domain.local' -Type FTP
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'vCenter.myside.local' -Type CisServer
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'fas.domain.local' -Type NetAppFAS
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'exchange01.myside.local' -Type ExchangeHTTP
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'grid.domain.local' -Type NetAppStorageGRID
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'esx01.domain.local' -Type VMware
Connect-To -RemoteHost 'exchange01.myside.local' -Type ExchangeHTTPS
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Private')]
@ -103,7 +98,6 @@ function Connect-To {
@ -205,7 +199,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'CiscoUcsCentral' {
try {
$handle = Connect-UcsCentral -Name $RemoteHost -Credential $creds -NotDefault
@ -216,7 +209,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using {1}' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'ExchangeHTTP' {
try {
$ConnectionParams = @{
@ -233,7 +225,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'ExchangeHTTPS' {
try {
$ConnectionParams = @{
@ -248,7 +239,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'FTP' {
# First establish the FTP session
$WinSCPConParams = @{
@ -257,7 +247,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Protocol = 'Ftp'
FtpMode = 'Passive'
try {
$FTPSessionOption = New-WinSCPSessionOption @WinSCPConParams
$global:WinSCPSession = New-WinSCPSession -SessionOption $FTPSessionOption
@ -274,7 +263,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message $m
'NetAppFAS' {
# Construct the splatting for Connect-NcController
$params = @{
@ -302,35 +290,6 @@ function Connect-To {
return $handle
'NetAppStorageGRID' {
# Construct the splatting for Connect-SgwServer
$params = @{
Name = $RemoteHost
Credential = $creds
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
# Check if -PassThru was passed. If so, a) do not set the default variable and b) return the
# session object to the caller.
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PassThru')) {
$params.Add('Transient', $true)
try {
$SgwSession = Connect-SgwServer @params
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PassThru')) {
return $SgwSession
'SCP' {
$WinSCPSessionParams = @{
Credential = $creds
@ -357,7 +316,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message $m
'VMware' {
try {
Connect-VIServer -Server $RemoteHost -Credential $creds -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
@ -368,7 +326,6 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'VMwareCisServer' {
try {
if ($PassThru.IsPresent) {
@ -384,6 +341,10 @@ function Connect-To {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
default {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to connect to {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
@ -1,26 +1,30 @@
function Disconnect-From {
Terminates a session established with Connect-To.
Terminates a session established with Connect-To using a CredentialStoreItem.
Terminates a session established with Connect-To.
Terminates a session established with Connect-To using a CredentialStoreItem.
Specify the remote endpoint, whose session you would like to terminate.
.PARAMETER Identifier
Defaults to "". Specify a string, which separates two CredentialStoreItems for the
same hostname.
Specify the host type of the target. Currently implemented targets are:
- CiscoUcs
- CiscoUcsCentral
- ExchangeHTTP
- ExchangeHTTPS
- NetAppFAS
- NetAppStorageGRID
- VMware
- VMwareCisServer
- CisServer
- ExchangeHTTP
- ExchangeHTTPS
Force the disconnect, even if the disconnect would fail.
@ -32,45 +36,36 @@ function Disconnect-From {
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'vc.domain.local' -Type CisServer
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "ucs.myside.local" -Type CiscoUcs
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'ucs.domain.local' -Type CiscoUcs
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "ftp.myside.local" -Type FTP
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'ucs-central.domain.local' -Type 'CiscoUcsCentral'
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "fas.myside.local" -Type NetAppFAS
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'exchange01.domain.local' -Type ExchangeHTTP
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "esx01.myside.local" -Type VMware
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'exchange01.domain.local' -Type ExchangeHTTPS
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "esx01.myside.local" -Type VMware -Force:$True
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'ftp.domain.local' -Type FTP
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "vcenter.myside.local" -Type CisServer
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'fas.domain.local' -Type NetAppFAS
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "exchange01.myside.local" -Type ExchangeHTTP
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'grid.domain.local' -Type NetAppStorageGRID
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'esx01.domain.local' -Type VMware
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost 'esx01.domain.local' -Type VMware -Force:$True
Disconnect-From -RemoteHost "exchange01.myside.local" -Type ExchangeHTTPS
Justification = 'Wrapping existing global vars from external modules'
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
@ -79,14 +74,13 @@ function Disconnect-From {
@ -94,132 +88,145 @@ function Disconnect-From {
begin {
# Set sane defaults for Progress, ErrorAction and InformationPreference
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
begin {}
process {
switch -Regex ($Type) {
'CiscoUcs' {
try {
$null = Disconnect-Ucs -Ucs $RemoteHost
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'CiscoUCSCentral' {
try {
$null = Disconnect-UcsCentral -Name $RemoteHost
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set('DefaultUcsCentral', $null)
catch {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'ExchangeHTTP*' {
try {
Get-Variable -Name 'PSExchangeRemote' -Scope 'Global'
Remove-PSSession -Session $global:PSExchangeRemote
catch {
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
# Check for an existing WinSCP Session var
'FTP' {
if ($global:WinSCPSession.Opened) {
Remove-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $global:WinSCPSession
else {
Write-Error -Message 'There is no open WinSCP Session'
# DataONTAP doesn't have a CmdLet `Disconnect-NcController`.
# So we go ahead and clear the CurrentNcController variable.
'NetAppFAS' {
try {
$m = 'Setting {0} to $null, which will disconnect NetAppFAS' -f $global:CurrentNcController
Write-Verbose -Message $m
$global:CurrentNcController = $null
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'NetAppSGWS' {
try {
$null = Disconnect-SgwServer -Server $RemoteHost
$null = Remove-Variable -Name CurrentSgwServer -Scope Global -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'SCP' {
if ($global:WinSCPSession.Opened) {
Remove-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $global:WinSCPSession
else {
Write-Error -Message 'There is no open WinSCP Session'
'VMware' {
# Construct the splatting for Disconnect-VIServer
$params = @{
Server = $RemoteHost
Confirm = $false
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Force')) {
$params.Add('Force', $true)
try {
$null = Disconnect-VIServer @params
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
'VMwareCisServer' {
"VMware" {
try {
if ($Force) {
$null = Disconnect-CisServer -Server $RemoteHost -Confirm:$false -Force:$true
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $RemoteHost -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Force:$true
else {
$null = Disconnect-CisServer -Server $RemoteHost -Confirm:$false
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $RemoteHost -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction 'Stop'
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
"CisServer" {
try {
if ($Force) {
Disconnect-CisServer -Server $RemoteHost -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Force:$true
else {
Disconnect-CisServer -Server $RemoteHost -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction 'Stop'
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
# Check for an existing WinSCP Session var
"FTP" {
if ($Global:WinSCPSession.Opened) {
Remove-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $Global:WinSCPSession
else {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = 'There is no open WinSCP Session'
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
# DataONTAP doesn't have a CmdLet `Disconnect-NcController`.
# So we go ahead and clear the CurrentNcController variable.
"NetAppFAS" {
try {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = (
"Setting {0} to `$null, which will disconnect NetAppFAS" -f $Global:CurrentNcController
ErrorAction = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose @MessageParams
$Global:CurrentNcController = $null
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
"CiscoUcs" {
try {
Disconnect-Ucs -Ucs $RemoteHost
catch {
# Write a error message to the log.
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
"CiscoUCSCentral" {
try {
$handle = Connect-UcsCentral -Name $RemoteHost -Credential $creds -NotDefault
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set('DefaultUcsCentral', $handle)
catch {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
"ExchangeHTTP*" {
try {
Get-Variable -Name 'PSExchangeRemote' -Scope 'Global' -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Remove-PSSession -Session $Global:PSExchangeRemote -ErrorAction 'Stop'
catch {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
"SCP" {
if ($Global:WinSCPSession.Opened) {
Remove-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $Global:WinSCPSession
else {
$MessageParams = @{
Message = 'There is no open WinSCP Session'
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
default {
# Write a error message to the log.
Write-Error -Message ('Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}.' -f $RemoteHost, $Type)
$MessageParams = @{
Message = "Unable to disconnect from {0} using Type {1}." -f $RemoteHost, $Type
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Write-Error @MessageParams
@ -167,10 +167,6 @@
ModuleName = 'DataONTAP'
ModuleVersion = ''
ModuleName = 'StorageGRID-WebScale'
ModuleVersion = '7.2.1'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user