## [v0.1.0](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.1.0) - 2022-11-25 * 📦 BUILD * sync pipeline build args (#28) * 📚 DOCS * adds Readme content to prepare Github mirror (#26) ## [v0.0.1](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.0.1) - 2022-11-22 * 🐛 BUGFIXES * fixes logo size (#22) * ✨ FEATURES * adds FiraCode NerdFont (#9) * adds setCode helper (#6) * add system gitconfig (#4) * add bash-completion and motd handling (#2) * 🛠️ ENHANCEMENTS * Splits extension install into seperate function (#23) * Adds readme content (#21) * Rename install script to arkanum (#18) * adds missing packages required by dotnet (#3) * 📦 BUILD * set image labels (#24) * 🤖 DEPENDENCIES * Adds renovate-bot (#11) * update baseimage 4.8.3 (#5) * 📚 DOCS * update refs in Readme (#17) * Updates Readme content (#7) * ⚙️ META * adds AGPLv3 license (#20) * Adds gitea changelog config (#19) * rename project to Arkanum (#16) * update PR template wording (#15) * Add woodpecker manager in renovate-bot (#14) * fixes logo file path (#8) * Adds basic container setup with pipeline (#1) ## [v0.1.1](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.1.1) - 2023-01-02 * 📦 BUILD * fix woodpecker fileMatch regex (#30) * 🤖 DEPENDENCIES * Update renovate/renovate Docker tag to v34.77 (#35) * fix renovate config keys (#34) * Update renovate/renovate Docker tag to v34.62 (#33) * Update renovate/renovate Docker tag to v34.57 (#32) ## [v0.2.0](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.2.0) - 2023-01-04 * 🐛 BUGFIXES * fix typo (#39) * 🛠️ ENHANCEMENTS * Add proxy support (#38) * 🤖 DEPENDENCIES * Update renovate/renovate Docker tag to v34.82 (#37) * Update quay.io/linuxserver.io/code-server Docker tag to v4.9.1 (#31) ## [v0.3.0](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.3.0) - 2023-03-30 * 🛠️ ENHANCEMENTS * Add tea cli in gitea block (#41) * 📦 BUILD * Remove repo defined renovate (#44) * 🤖 DEPENDENCIES * Update quay.io/linuxserver.io/code-server Docker tag to v4.11.0 (#45) * Update quay.io/linuxserver.io/code-server Docker tag to v4.10.0 (#43) ## [v0.3.1](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.3.1) - 2023-07-04 * 🤖 DEPENDENCIES * Update quay.io/linuxserver.io/code-server Docker tag to v4.14.1 (#47) ## [v0.4.0](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v0.4.0) - 2023-07-19 * 🐛 BUGFIXES * Fix shellcheck issues (#55) * Disable starship python module (#52) * ✨ FEATURES * Add docker-cli (#54) * Adds Volta as default version manager for NodeJs (#53) * 🛠️ ENHANCEMENTS * Bump go version (#49) ## [v1.0.0](https://gitea.ocram85.com/CodeServer/arkanum/releases/tag/v1.0.0) - 2023-09-15 * 🐛 BUGFIXES * Fix git config arguments (#68) * Fix NodeJs install bug (#67) * Fix pwsh install when called as first command (#60) * Fix missing volta command (#58) * 🛠️ ENHANCEMENTS * Extends arkanum command and option structure (#62) * 📦 BUILD * Add addiontal container image deployment targets (#63) * 🤖 DEPENDENCIES * Update quay.io/linuxserver.io/code-server Docker tag to v4.16.1 (#59) * Update quay.io/linuxserver.io/code-server Docker tag to v4.15.0 (#57)