import * as handlebars from 'handlebars'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import * as pep440 from '@renovate/pep440'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import {Context} from '@actions/github/lib/context'; import {Context as ToolkitContext} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/context'; import {GitHubRepo} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/types/github'; import {Inputs} from './context'; import * as icl from './image'; import * as tcl from './tag'; import * as fcl from './flavor'; export interface Version { main: string | undefined; partial: string[]; latest: boolean | undefined; } export class Meta { public readonly version: Version; private readonly inputs: Inputs; private readonly context: Context; private readonly repo: GitHubRepo; private readonly images: icl.Image[]; private readonly tags: tcl.Tag[]; private readonly flavor: fcl.Flavor; private readonly date: Date; constructor(inputs: Inputs, context: Context, repo: GitHubRepo) { this.inputs = inputs; this.context = context; this.repo = repo; this.images = icl.Transform(inputs.images); this.tags = tcl.Transform(inputs.tags); this.flavor = fcl.Transform(inputs.flavor); = new Date(); this.version = this.getVersion(); } private getVersion(): Version { let version: Version = { main: undefined, partial: [], latest: undefined }; for (const tag of this.tags) { const enabled = this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['enable']); if (!['true', 'false'].includes(enabled)) { throw new Error(`Invalid value for enable attribute: ${enabled}`); } if (!/true/i.test(enabled)) { continue; } switch (tag.type) { case tcl.Type.Schedule: { version = this.procSchedule(version, tag); break; } case tcl.Type.Semver: { version = this.procSemver(version, tag); break; } case tcl.Type.Pep440: { version = this.procPep440(version, tag); break; } case tcl.Type.Match: { version = this.procMatch(version, tag); break; } case tcl.Type.Ref: { if (tag.attrs['event'] == tcl.RefEvent.Branch) { version = this.procRefBranch(version, tag); } else if (tag.attrs['event'] == tcl.RefEvent.Tag) { version = this.procRefTag(version, tag); } else if (tag.attrs['event'] == tcl.RefEvent.PR) { version = this.procRefPr(version, tag); } break; } case tcl.Type.Edge: { version = this.procEdge(version, tag); break; } case tcl.Type.Raw: { version = this.procRaw(version, tag); break; } case tcl.Type.Sha: { version = this.procSha(version, tag); break; } } } version.partial = version.partial.filter((item, index) => version.partial.indexOf(item) === index); if (version.latest == undefined) { version.latest = false; } return version; } private procSchedule(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/schedule/.test(this.context.eventName)) { return version; } const currentDate =; const vraw = this.setValue( handlebars.compile(tag.attrs['pattern'])({ date: function (format, options) { const m = moment(currentDate); let tz = 'UTC'; Object.keys(options.hash).forEach(key => { switch (key) { case 'tz': tz = options.hash[key]; break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown ${key} attribute`); } }); return; } }), tag ); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? false : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procSemver(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/tags\//.test(this.context.ref) && tag.attrs['value'].length == 0) { return version; } let vraw: string; if (tag.attrs['value'].length > 0) { vraw = this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['value']); } else { vraw = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '-'); } if (!semver.valid(vraw)) { core.warning(`${vraw} is not a valid semver. More info:`); return version; } let latest = false; const sver = semver.parse(vraw, { loose: true }); if (semver.prerelease(vraw)) { if (Meta.isRawStatement(tag.attrs['pattern'])) { vraw = this.setValue(handlebars.compile(tag.attrs['pattern'])(sver), tag); } else { vraw = this.setValue(handlebars.compile('{{version}}')(sver), tag); } } else { vraw = this.setValue(handlebars.compile(tag.attrs['pattern'])(sver), tag); latest = true; } return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? latest : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procPep440(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/tags\//.test(this.context.ref) && tag.attrs['value'].length == 0) { return version; } let vraw: string; if (tag.attrs['value'].length > 0) { vraw = this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['value']); } else { vraw = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '-'); } if (!pep440.valid(vraw)) { core.warning(`${vraw} does not conform to PEP 440. More info:`); return version; } let latest = false; const pver = pep440.explain(vraw); if (pver.is_prerelease || pver.is_postrelease || pver.is_devrelease) { if (Meta.isRawStatement(tag.attrs['pattern'])) { vraw = this.setValue(vraw, tag); } else { vraw = this.setValue(pep440.clean(vraw), tag); } } else { vraw = this.setValue( handlebars.compile(tag.attrs['pattern'])({ raw: function () { return vraw; }, version: function () { return pep440.clean(vraw); }, major: function () { return pep440.major(vraw); }, minor: function () { return pep440.minor(vraw); }, patch: function () { return pep440.patch(vraw); } }), tag ); latest = true; } return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? latest : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procMatch(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/tags\//.test(this.context.ref) && tag.attrs['value'].length == 0) { return version; } let vraw: string; if (tag.attrs['value'].length > 0) { vraw = this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['value']); } else { vraw = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, ''); } let tmatch; const isRegEx = tag.attrs['pattern'].match(/^\/(.+)\/(.*)$/); if (isRegEx) { tmatch = vraw.match(new RegExp(isRegEx[1], isRegEx[2])); } else { tmatch = vraw.match(tag.attrs['pattern']); } if (!tmatch) { core.warning(`${tag.attrs['pattern']} does not match ${vraw}.`); return version; } if (typeof tmatch[tag.attrs['group']] === 'undefined') { core.warning(`Group ${tag.attrs['group']} does not exist for ${tag.attrs['pattern']} pattern.`); return version; } vraw = this.setValue(tmatch[tag.attrs['group']], tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? true : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procRefBranch(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/heads\//.test(this.context.ref)) { return version; } const vraw = this.setValue(this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, ''), tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? false : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procRefTag(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/tags\//.test(this.context.ref)) { return version; } const vraw = this.setValue(this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, ''), tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? true : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procRefPr(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/pull\//.test(this.context.ref)) { return version; } const vraw = this.setValue(this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/pull\//g, '').replace(/\/merge$/g, ''), tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? false : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procEdge(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!/^refs\/heads\//.test(this.context.ref)) { return version; } const val = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, ''); if (tag.attrs['branch'].length == 0) { tag.attrs['branch'] = this.repo.default_branch; } if (tag.attrs['branch'] != val) { return version; } const vraw = this.setValue('edge', tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? false : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procRaw(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { const vraw = this.setValue(this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['value']), tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? false : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private procSha(version: Version, tag: tcl.Tag): Version { if (!this.context.sha) { return version; } let val = this.context.sha; if (tag.attrs['format'] === tcl.ShaFormat.Short) { val = this.context.sha.substring(0, 7); } const vraw = this.setValue(val, tag); return Meta.setVersion(version, vraw, this.flavor.latest == 'auto' ? false : this.flavor.latest == 'true'); } private static setVersion(version: Version, val: string, latest: boolean): Version { if (val.length == 0) { return version; } val = Meta.sanitizeTag(val); if (version.main == undefined) { version.main = val; } else if (val !== version.main) { version.partial.push(val); } if (version.latest == undefined) { version.latest = latest; } return version; } public static isRawStatement(pattern: string): boolean { try { const hp = handlebars.parseWithoutProcessing(pattern); if (hp.body.length == 1 && hp.body[0].type == 'MustacheStatement') { return hp.body[0]['path']['parts'].length == 1 && hp.body[0]['path']['parts'][0] == 'raw'; } } catch (err) { return false; } return false; } private setValue(val: string, tag: tcl.Tag): string { if (, 'prefix')) { val = `${this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['prefix'])}${val}`; } else if (this.flavor.prefix.length > 0) { val = `${this.setGlobalExp(this.flavor.prefix)}${val}`; } if (, 'suffix')) { val = `${val}${this.setGlobalExp(tag.attrs['suffix'])}`; } else if (this.flavor.suffix.length > 0) { val = `${val}${this.setGlobalExp(this.flavor.suffix)}`; } return val; } private setGlobalExp(val): string { const context = this.context; const currentDate =; return handlebars.compile(val)({ branch: function () { if (!/^refs\/heads\//.test(context.ref)) { return ''; } return context.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, ''); }, tag: function () { if (!/^refs\/tags\//.test(context.ref)) { return ''; } return context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, ''); }, sha: function () { return context.sha.substring(0, 7); }, base_ref: function () { if (/^refs\/tags\//.test(context.ref) && context.payload?.base_ref != undefined) { return context.payload.base_ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, ''); } // FIXME: keep this for backward compatibility even if doesn't always seem // to return the expected branch. See the comment below. if (/^refs\/pull\//.test(context.ref) && context.payload?.pull_request?.base?.ref != undefined) { return context.payload.pull_request.base.ref; } return ''; }, is_default_branch: function () { const branch = context.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, ''); // TODO: "base_ref" is available in the push payload but doesn't always seem to // return the expected branch when the push tag event occurs. It's also not // documented in GitHub docs: // more context: // if (/^refs\/tags\//.test(context.ref) && context.payload?.base_ref != undefined) { // branch = context.payload.base_ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, ''); // } if (branch == undefined || branch.length == 0) { return 'false'; } if (context.payload?.repository?.default_branch == branch) { return 'true'; } // following events always trigger for last commit on default branch // if (/create/.test(context.eventName) || /discussion/.test(context.eventName) || /issues/.test(context.eventName) || /schedule/.test(context.eventName)) { return 'true'; } return 'false'; }, date: function (format, options) { const m = moment(currentDate); let tz = 'UTC'; Object.keys(options.hash).forEach(key => { switch (key) { case 'tz': tz = options.hash[key]; break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown ${key} attribute`); } }); return; } }); } private getImageNames(): Array { const images: Array = []; for (const image of this.images) { if (!image.enable) { continue; } images.push(Meta.sanitizeImageName(; } return images; } public getTags(): Array { if (!this.version.main) { return []; } const tags: Array = []; for (const imageName of this.getImageNames()) { tags.push(`${imageName}:${this.version.main}`); for (const partial of this.version.partial) { tags.push(`${imageName}:${partial}`); } if (this.version.latest) { const latestTag = `${this.flavor.prefixLatest ? this.flavor.prefix : ''}latest${this.flavor.suffixLatest ? this.flavor.suffix : ''}`; tags.push(`${imageName}:${Meta.sanitizeTag(latestTag)}`); } } return tags; } public getLabels(): Array { const labels: Array = [ `org.opencontainers.image.title=${ || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.description=${this.repo.description || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.url=${this.repo.html_url || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.source=${this.repo.html_url || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.version=${this.version.main || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.created=${}`, `org.opencontainers.image.revision=${this.context.sha || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.licenses=${this.repo.license?.spdx_id || ''}` ]; labels.push(...this.inputs.labels); return Array.from( new Map( labels .map(label => label.split('=')) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars .filter(([_key, ...values]) => values.length > 0) .map(([key, ...values]) => [key, values.join('=')] as [string, string]) ) ) .sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0])) .map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`); } public getJSON(): unknown { return { tags: this.getTags(), labels: this.getLabels().reduce((res, label) => { const matches = label.match(/([^=]*)=(.*)/); if (!matches) { return res; } res[matches[1]] = matches[2]; return res; }, {}) }; } public getBakeFile(): string { const bakeFile = path.join(ToolkitContext.tmpDir(), 'docker-metadata-action-bake.json'); fs.writeFileSync( bakeFile, JSON.stringify( { target: { [this.inputs.bakeTarget]: { tags: this.getTags(), labels: this.getLabels().reduce((res, label) => { const matches = label.match(/([^=]*)=(.*)/); if (!matches) { return res; } res[matches[1]] = matches[2]; return res; }, {}), args: { DOCKER_META_IMAGES: this.getImageNames().join(','), DOCKER_META_VERSION: this.version.main } } } }, null, 2 ) ); return bakeFile; } private static sanitizeImageName(name: string): string { return name.toLowerCase(); } private static sanitizeTag(tag: string): string { return tag.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]+/g, '-'); } }