import * as handlebars from 'handlebars'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import {Inputs} from './context'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import {Context} from '@actions/github/lib/context'; import {ReposGetResponseData} from '@octokit/types'; export class Meta { private readonly inputs: Inputs; private readonly context: Context; private readonly repo: ReposGetResponseData; private readonly date: Date; constructor(inputs: Inputs, context: Context, repo: ReposGetResponseData) { this.inputs = inputs; if (!this.inputs.tagEdgeBranch) { this.inputs.tagEdgeBranch = repo.default_branch; } this.context = context; this.repo = repo; = new Date(); } public version(): string | undefined { if (/schedule/.test(this.context.eventName)) { return handlebars.compile(this.inputs.tagSchedule)(this.scheduleTplContext()); } else if (/^refs\/tags\//.test(this.context.ref)) { const tag = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '-'); const sver = semver.clean(tag); return sver ? sver : tag; } else if (/^refs\/heads\//.test(this.context.ref)) { const branch = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '-'); return this.inputs.tagEdge && this.inputs.tagEdgeBranch === branch ? 'edge' : branch; } else if (/^refs\/pull\//.test(this.context.ref)) { const pr = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/pull\//g, '').replace(/\/merge$/g, ''); return `pr-${pr}`; } } public tags(): Array { let tags: Array = []; for (const image of this.inputs.images) { if (/schedule/.test(this.context.eventName)) { tags.push.apply(tags, this.eventSchedule(image)); } else if (/^refs\/tags\//.test(this.context.ref)) { tags.push.apply(tags, this.eventTag(image)); } else if (/^refs\/heads\//.test(this.context.ref)) { tags.push.apply(tags, this.eventBranch(image)); } else if (/^refs\/pull\//.test(this.context.ref)) { tags.push.apply(tags, this.eventPullRequest(image)); } else { core.warning(`Unknown event "${this.context.eventName}" with ref "${this.context.ref}"`); } if (this.context.sha && this.inputs.tagSha) { tags.push(`${image}:sha-${this.context.sha.substr(0, 7)}`); } } return tags; } public labels(): Array { return [ `org.opencontainers.image.title=${ || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.description=${this.repo.description || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.url=${this.repo.html_url || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.source=${this.repo.clone_url || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.version=${this.version() || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.created=${}`, `org.opencontainers.image.revision=${this.context.sha || ''}`, `org.opencontainers.image.licenses=${this.repo.license?.spdx_id || ''}` ]; } private eventSchedule(image: string): Array { const schedule = handlebars.compile(this.inputs.tagSchedule)(this.scheduleTplContext()); return [`${image}:${schedule}`]; } private eventTag(image: string): Array { const tag = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '-'); const version = semver.clean(tag); if (version) { return [`${image}:${version}`, `${image}:latest`]; } return [`${image}:${tag}`]; } private eventBranch(image: string): Array { const branch = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '-'); if (this.inputs.tagEdge && this.inputs.tagEdgeBranch === branch) { return [`${image}:edge`]; } return [`${image}:${branch}`]; } private eventPullRequest(image: string): Array { const pr = this.context.ref.replace(/^refs\/pull\//g, '').replace(/\/merge$/g, ''); return [`${image}:pr-${pr}`]; } private scheduleTplContext(): any { const currentDate =; return { date: function (format) { return moment(currentDate).utc().format(format); } }; } }