// Package main is the new Codeberg Pages server, a solution for serving static pages from Gitea repositories. // // Mapping custom domains is not static anymore, but can be done with DNS: // // 1) add a "codeberg-pages-domains.txt" text file to your repository, containing the allowed domains // // 2) add a CNAME entry to your domain, pointing to "[[{branch}.]{repo}.]{owner}.codeberg.page" (repo defaults to // "pages", "branch" defaults to the default branch if "repo" is "pages", or to "pages" if "repo" is something else): // www.example.org. IN CNAME main.pages.example.codeberg.page. // 3) if a CNAME is set for "www.example.org", you can redirect there from the naked domain by adding an ALIAS record // for "example.org" (if your provider allows ALIAS or similar records): // example.org IN ALIAS codeberg.page. // // Certificates are generated, updated and cleaned up automatically via Let's Encrypt through a TLS challenge. package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/tls" "fmt" "mime" "net" "os" "path" "strconv" "strings" "time" _ "embed" "github.com/valyala/fasthttp" ) // MainDomainSuffix specifies the main domain (starting with a dot) for which subdomains shall be served as static // pages, or used for comparison in CNAME lookups. Static pages can be accessed through // https://{owner}.{MainDomain}[/{repo}], with repo defaulting to "pages". var MainDomainSuffix = []byte(".codeberg.page") // GiteaRoot specifies the root URL of the Gitea instance, without a trailing slash. var GiteaRoot = []byte("https://codeberg.org") //go:embed 404.html var NotFoundPage []byte // BrokenDNSPage will be shown (with a redirect) when trying to access a domain for which no DNS CNAME record exists. var BrokenDNSPage = "https://docs.codeberg.org/codeberg-pages/custom-domains/" // RawDomain specifies the domain from which raw repository content shall be served in the following format: // https://{RawDomain}/{owner}/{repo}[/{branch|tag|commit}/{version}]/{filepath...} // (set to []byte(nil) to disable raw content hosting) var RawDomain = []byte("raw.codeberg.page") // RawInfoPage will be shown (with a redirect) when trying to access RawDomain directly (or without owner/repo/path). var RawInfoPage = "https://docs.codeberg.org/codeberg-pages/raw-content/" // AllowedCorsDomains lists the domains for which Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is allowed. var AllowedCorsDomains = [][]byte{ RawDomain, []byte("fonts.codeberg.org"), []byte("design.codeberg.org"), } // BlacklistedPaths specifies forbidden path prefixes for all Codeberg Pages. var BlacklistedPaths = [][]byte{ []byte("/.well-known/acme-challenge/"), } // IndexPages lists pages that may be considered as index pages for directories. var IndexPages = []string{ "index.html", } // ReservedUsernames specifies the usernames that are reserved by Gitea and thus may not be used as owner names. // The contents are taken from https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/master/models/user.go#L783; reserved names with // dots are removed as they are forbidden for Codeberg Pages anyways. var ReservedUsernames = map[string]struct{}{ "admin": {}, "api": {}, "assets": {}, "attachments": {}, "avatars": {}, "captcha": {}, "commits": {}, "debug": {}, "error": {}, "explore": {}, "ghost": {}, "help": {}, "install": {}, "issues": {}, "less": {}, "login": {}, "metrics": {}, "milestones": {}, "new": {}, "notifications": {}, "org": {}, "plugins": {}, "pulls": {}, "raw": {}, "repo": {}, "search": {}, "stars": {}, "template": {}, "user": {}, } // main sets up and starts the web server. func main() { // Make sure MainDomain has a trailing dot, and GiteaRoot has no trailing slash if !bytes.HasPrefix(MainDomainSuffix, []byte{'.'}) { MainDomainSuffix = append([]byte{'.'}, MainDomainSuffix...) } GiteaRoot = bytes.TrimSuffix(GiteaRoot, []byte{'/'}) // Use HOST and PORT environment variables to determine listening address address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", envOr("HOST", "[::]"), envOr("PORT", "80")) fmt.Printf("Listening on http://%s\n", address) // Enable compression by wrapping the handler() method with the compression function provided by FastHTTP compressedHandler := fasthttp.CompressHandlerBrotliLevel(handler, fasthttp.CompressBrotliBestSpeed, fasthttp.CompressBestSpeed) // Setup listener and TLS listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Couldn't create listener: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } if envOr("LETS_ENCRYPT", "0") == "1" { tls.NewListener(listener, &tls.Config{ GetCertificate: func(info *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { // TODO: check DNS name & get certificate from Let's Encrypt return nil, fmt.Errorf("NYI") }, PreferServerCipherSuites: true, // TODO: optimize cipher suites, minimum TLS version, etc. }) } // Start the web server err = (&fasthttp.Server{ Handler: compressedHandler, DisablePreParseMultipartForm: false, MaxRequestBodySize: 0, NoDefaultServerHeader: true, ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second, }).Serve(listener) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Couldn't start server: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } } // handler handles a single HTTP request to the web server. func handler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { ctx.Response.Header.Set("Server", "Codeberg Pages") // Force new default from specification (since November 2020) - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy#strict-origin-when-cross-origin ctx.Response.Header.Set("Referrer-Policy", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin") // Enable caching, but require revalidation to reduce confusion ctx.Response.Header.Set("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate") // Block all methods not required for static pages if !ctx.IsGet() && !ctx.IsHead() && !ctx.IsOptions() { ctx.Response.Header.Set("Allow", "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS") ctx.Error("Method not allowed", fasthttp.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } // Block blacklisted paths (like ACME challenges) for _, blacklistedPath := range BlacklistedPaths { if bytes.HasPrefix(ctx.Path(), blacklistedPath) { returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusForbidden) return } } // Allow CORS for specified domains if ctx.IsOptions() { allowCors := false for _, allowedCorsDomain := range AllowedCorsDomains { if bytes.Equal(ctx.Request.Host(), allowedCorsDomain) { allowCors = true break } } if allowCors { ctx.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") ctx.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, HEAD") } ctx.Response.Header.Set("Allow", "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS") ctx.Response.Header.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNoContent) return } // Prepare request information to Gitea var targetOwner, targetRepo, targetPath string var targetOptions = upstreamOptions{ ForbiddenMimeTypes: map[string]struct{}{}, TryIndexPages: true, } var alsoTryPagesRepo = false // Also try to treat the repo as the first path element & fall back to the "pages" repo if RawDomain != nil && bytes.Equal(ctx.Request.Host(), RawDomain) { // Serve raw content from RawDomain targetOptions.TryIndexPages = false targetOptions.ForbiddenMimeTypes["text/html"] = struct{}{} pathElements := strings.SplitN(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/", 3) if len(pathElements) < 3 { // https://{RawDomain}/{owner}/{repo}/{path} is required ctx.Redirect(RawInfoPage, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } targetOwner = pathElements[0] targetRepo = pathElements[1] targetPath = pathElements[2] } else if bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.Host(), MainDomainSuffix) { // Serve pages from subdomains of MainDomainSuffix pathElements := strings.SplitN(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/", 2) targetOwner = string(bytes.TrimSuffix(ctx.Request.Host(), MainDomainSuffix)) targetRepo = pathElements[0] targetPath = pathElements[1] alsoTryPagesRepo = true } else { // Serve pages from external domains targetOwner, targetRepo, targetPath = getTargetFromDNS(ctx.Request.Host()) if targetOwner == "" { ctx.Redirect(BrokenDNSPage, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } } // Check if a username can't exist because it's reserved (we'd risk to hit a Gitea route in that case) if _, ok := ReservedUsernames[targetOwner]; ok { returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusForbidden) return } // Pass request to Gitea url := "/" + targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/raw/" + targetPath if strings.HasPrefix(targetPath, "blob/") { returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusForbidden) return } // Try target if upstream(ctx, url, targetOptions) { return } // Try target with pages repo if alsoTryPagesRepo { targetPath = targetRepo + "/" + targetPath targetRepo = "pages" url := "/" + targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/raw/" + targetPath if strings.HasPrefix(targetPath, "blob/") { returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusForbidden) return } if upstream(ctx, url, targetOptions) { return } } returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusNotFound) } func getTargetFromDNS(host []byte) (targetOwner, targetRepo, targetPath string) { // TODO: read CNAME record for host and "www.{host}" to get those values // TODO: check codeberg-pages-domains.txt return } // returnErrorPage sets the response status code and writes NotFoundPage to the response body, with "%status" replaced // with the provided status code. func returnErrorPage(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, code int) { ctx.Response.SetStatusCode(code) ctx.Response.SetBody(bytes.ReplaceAll(NotFoundPage, []byte("%status"), []byte(strconv.Itoa(code)))) } // upstream requests an URL from GiteaRoot and writes it to the request context; if "final" is set, it also returns a // 404 error if the page couldn't be loaded. func upstream(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, url string, options upstreamOptions) (success bool) { // Prepare necessary (temporary) variables with default values body := make([]byte, 0) if options.ForbiddenMimeTypes == nil { options.ForbiddenMimeTypes = map[string]struct{}{} } // Make a request to the upstream URL status, body, err := fasthttp.GetTimeout(body, string(GiteaRoot) + url, 10 * time.Second) // Handle errors if err != nil { // Connection error, probably Gitea or the internet connection is down? fmt.Printf("Couldn't fetch URL \"%s\": %s", url, err) ctx.Response.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusBadGateway) return false } if status != 200 { if options.TryIndexPages { // copy the options struct & try if an index page exists optionsForIndexPages := options optionsForIndexPages.TryIndexPages = false optionsForIndexPages.AppendTrailingSlash = true for _, indexPage := range IndexPages { if upstream(ctx, url + "/" + indexPage, optionsForIndexPages) { return true } } } ctx.Response.SetStatusCode(status) return false } // Append trailing slash if missing (for index files) if options.AppendTrailingSlash && !bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte{'/'}) { ctx.Redirect(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()) + "/", fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return true } // Set the MIME type mimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(path.Ext(url)) mimeTypeSplit := strings.SplitN(mimeType, ";", 2) if _, ok := options.ForbiddenMimeTypes[mimeTypeSplit[0]]; ok || mimeType == "" { if options.DefaultMimeType != "" { mimeType = options.DefaultMimeType } else { mimeType = "application/octet-stream" } } ctx.Response.Header.SetContentType(mimeType) // TODO: enable Caching - set Date header and respect If-Modified-Since! // Set the response body ctx.Response.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusOK) ctx.Response.SetBody(body) return true } // upstreamOptions provides various options for the upstream request. type upstreamOptions struct { DefaultMimeType string ForbiddenMimeTypes map[string]struct{} TryIndexPages bool AppendTrailingSlash bool } // envOr reads an environment variable and returns a default value if it's empty. func envOr(env string, or string) string { if v := os.Getenv(env); v != "" { return v } return or }