mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 22:57:27 +01:00
Merge pull request #44 from linuxserver/yarn
Set yarn network timeout and verbosity
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ jobs:
echo "**** External trigger running off of master branch. To disable this trigger, set a Github secret named \"PAUSE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_CODE_SERVER_MASTER\". ****"
echo "**** Retrieving external version ****"
EXT_RELEASE=$(curl -u "${{ secrets.CR_USER }}:${{ secrets.CR_PAT }}" -sX GET "https://api.github.com/repos/cdr/code-server/releases/latest" | jq -r '. | .tag_name')
if [ -z "${EXT_RELEASE}" ]; then
if [ -z "${EXT_RELEASE}" ] || [ "${EXT_RELEASE}" == "null" ]; then
echo "**** Can't retrieve external version, exiting ****"
FAILURE_REASON="Can't retrieve external version for code-server branch master"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,
@ -62,17 +62,21 @@ jobs:
if [ "${EXT_RELEASE}" == "${IMAGE_VERSION}" ]; then
echo "**** Version ${EXT_RELEASE} already pushed, exiting ****"
exit 0
elif [ $(curl -s https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-code-server/job/master/lastBuild/api/json | jq -r '.building') == "true" ]; then
echo "**** New version ${EXT_RELEASE} found; but there already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; exiting ****"
exit 0
echo "**** New version ${EXT_RELEASE} found; old version was ${IMAGE_VERSION}. Triggering new build ****"
response=$(curl -iX POST \
https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-code-server/job/master/buildWithParameters?PACKAGE_CHECK=false \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} | grep -i location | sed "s|^[L|l]ocation: \(.*\)|\1|")
echo "**** Jenkins job queue url: ${response} ****"
echo "**** Jenkins job queue url: ${response%$'\r'} ****"
echo "**** Sleeping 10 seconds until job starts ****"
sleep 10
buildurl=$(curl -s "${response%$'\r'}api/json" | jq -r '.executable.url')
echo "**** Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl}; attempting to change the job description ****"
echo "**** Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl} ****"
echo "**** Attempting to change the Jenkins job description ****"
curl -iX POST \
"${buildurl}submitDescription" \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} \
@ -16,16 +16,21 @@ jobs:
echo "**** Github secret PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_CODE_SERVER_MASTER is set; skipping trigger. ****"
exit 0
if [ $(curl -s https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-code-server/job/master/lastBuild/api/json | jq -r '.building') == "true" ]; then
echo "**** There already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; skipping package trigger ****"
exit 0
echo "**** Package trigger running off of master branch. To disable, set a Github secret named \"PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_CODE_SERVER_MASTER\". ****"
response=$(curl -iX POST \
https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-code-server/job/master/buildWithParameters?PACKAGE_CHECK=true \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} | grep -i location | sed "s|^[L|l]ocation: \(.*\)|\1|")
echo "**** Jenkins job queue url: ${response} ****"
echo "**** Jenkins job queue url: ${response%$'\r'} ****"
echo "**** Sleeping 10 seconds until job starts ****"
sleep 10
buildurl=$(curl -s "${response%$'\r'}api/json" | jq -r '.executable.url')
echo "**** Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl}; attempting to change the job description ****"
echo "**** Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl} ****"
echo "**** Attempting to change the Jenkins job description ****"
curl -iX POST \
"${buildurl}submitDescription" \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} \
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ jobs:
echo "**** Branch ${br} appears to be live; checking workflow. ****"
if curl -sfX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server/${br}/.github/workflows/package_trigger.yml > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "**** Workflow exists. Triggering package trigger workflow for branch ${br}. ****"
triggered_branches="${triggered_branches}${br} "
curl -iX POST \
-H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.CR_PAT }}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
@ -42,3 +43,8 @@ jobs:
echo "**** ${br} appears to be a dev branch; skipping trigger. ****"
echo "**** Package check build(s) triggered for branch(es): ${triggered_branches} ****"
echo "**** Notifying Discord ****"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 9802903,
"description": "**Package Check Build(s) Triggered for code-server** \n**Branch(es):** '"${triggered_branches}"' \n**Build URL:** '"https://ci.linuxserver.io/blue/organizations/jenkins/Docker-Pipeline-Builders%2Fdocker-code-server/activity/"' \n"}],
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ RUN \
| awk '/tag_name/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]'); \
fi && \
CODE_VERSION=$(echo "$CODE_RELEASE" | awk '{print substr($1,2); }') && \
yarn --production --frozen-lockfile global add code-server@"$CODE_VERSION" && \
yarn config set network-timeout 600000 -g && \
yarn --production --verbose --frozen-lockfile global add code-server@"$CODE_VERSION" && \
yarn cache clean && \
echo "**** clean up ****" && \
apt-get purge --auto-remove -y \
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ RUN \
| awk '/tag_name/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]'); \
fi && \
CODE_VERSION=$(echo "$CODE_RELEASE" | awk '{print substr($1,2); }') && \
yarn --production --frozen-lockfile global add code-server@"$CODE_VERSION" && \
yarn config set network-timeout 600000 -g && \
yarn --production --verbose --frozen-lockfile global add code-server@"$CODE_VERSION" && \
yarn cache clean && \
echo "**** clean up ****" && \
apt-get purge --auto-remove -y \
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ RUN \
| awk '/tag_name/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]'); \
fi && \
CODE_VERSION=$(echo "$CODE_RELEASE" | awk '{print substr($1,2); }') && \
yarn --production --frozen-lockfile global add code-server@"$CODE_VERSION" && \
yarn config set network-timeout 600000 -g && \
yarn --production --verbose --frozen-lockfile global add code-server@"$CODE_VERSION" && \
yarn cache clean && \
echo "**** clean up ****" && \
apt-get purge --auto-remove -y \
Reference in New Issue
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