.DEFAULT_GOAL := build BINARY_NAME := ${REPO_NAME} LDFLAGS := -s -w arkanum-install: @echo "🤖 Installing required frameworks and runtimes with arkanum..." @arkanum install golang @arkanum install nodejs @echo "🚩 step done." install: @echo "🤖 Installing frontend dependencies...(npm)" cd web && npm install @echo "🤖 Install backend dependencies...(golang)" go mod tidy @echo "🤖 Install global helpers..." npm install --global prettier @echo "🚩 step done." lint: @echo "🤖 Running prettier linter in check mode..." pretier -c . prettier: @echo "🤖 Running prettier linter in write mode..." prettier -w . clean: @echo "🤖 Cleaning go cache..." @go clean @echo "🤖 Cleanig web / pb_public files..." @cd web && npm run clean @echo "🤖 Cleaning dist binaries..." @rm dist/${BINARY_NAME}-* || echo "Files already removed or not present. Ignore this error." @echo "🚩 step done." build-frontend: @echo "📦 Building frontend artifacts..." @cd web && npm run build @echo "🚩 step done." frontend-dev: @echo "🚀 Starting frontend dev server..." @cd web && npm run dev build-linux: clean build-frontend @echo "📦 Building linux binary..." @CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux go build -a -v ldflags= '${LD_FLAGS}' -o dist/${BINARY_NAME}-linux-amd64 . @echo "🚩 step done." build-win: clean build-frontend @echo "📦 Building windows binary..." @CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=windows go build -a -v ldflags= '${LD_FLAGS}' -o dist/${BINARY_NAME}-win-amd64 . @echo "🚩 step done." build: build-linux build-win @ls -lh dist/ @echo "🏁 done." dev: clean build-frontend @echo "📦 Building linux dev binary..." @CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux go build -tags dev -v ldflags '${LD_FLAGS}' -o dist/${BINARY_NAME}-dev . @echo "🚀 Starting dev server..." dist/${BINARY_NAME}-dev serve --dev --http="" serve: @echo "🚀 Starting dev server in prod mode..." dist/${BINARY_NAME}-linux-amd64 serve --http=""