version: "3.8" networks: egress: attachable: true #external: true #configs: # filter_file: # # config can be predefined / external or loaded from file # #external: true # file: ./filter.txt #secrets: # upstream-proxy: # external: true services: swarmproxy: image: deploy: replicas: 1 #secrets: # - upstream-proxy environment: # Recommended settings - LOGLEVEL=Connect # Use an optional upstream proxy #- UPSTREAM_PROXY= # Set UPSTREAM_PROXY as docker secret if your upstream needs authentication # Eg.: http://user:password@upstream.intra:3128 #- UPSTREAM_PROXY_FILE=/run/secrets/UPSTREAM_PROXY # OPTIONAL config keys #- TINYPROXY_UID=5123 #- TINYPROXY_GID=5123 #- PORT=8888 #- TIMEOUT=600 #- MAXCLIENTS=600 #- FILTER_FILE=/app/filter # You can mount a single filter file into the container. # To reload the file use the docker kill -s USR1 command. #volumes: # - ./filter.txt:/app/filter:ro # alenate filter file mount #configs: # - source: filter_file # target: /app/filter networks: egress: aliases: - swarmproxy - proxy