version: "3.8" # IMPORTANT: Run the following command to add the required filter config file: # echo "" | docker config create filter_file - configs: filter_file: external: true # IMPORTANT: Run the following command to add the required filter config file: # echo "upstream:8888" | docker secret create upstream-proxy - secrets: upstream-proxy: external: true # Setting up 3 default networks to act as dummy: # - backend : internal only network # - dmz : dmz network with connections allowed from internal and external # - egress : dummy egress zone with fake upstream proxy networks: egress: attachable: true dmz: attachable: true backend: internal: true services: # Creating a fake upstream proxy upstream: image: deploy: replicas: 1 environment: - LOGLEVEL=Info networks: egress: aliases: - upstream # Creating our swarmproxy instance to use the external upstream proxy swarmproxy: # Do not use the `latest` tag in production! image: depends_on: - upstream deploy: replicas: 1 environment: - LOGLEVEL=Info #- UPSTREAM_PROXY=upstream:8888 - UPSTREAM_PROXY_FILE=/run/secrets/upstream-proxy - FILTER_FILE=/app/filter configs: - source: filter_file target: /app/filter secrets: - upstream-proxy networks: dmz: aliases: - swarmproxy - proxy egress: # container workload example whicht tries to communicate through our swarmproxy instance # http request / response: # [curl container] <---|req/res|---> [swarmproxy] <---|req/res|---> [upstream] <---|req/res|---> [target] curl: image: curlimages/curl:8.1.2 command: ["-I", "-x", "proxy:8888", ""] depends_on: - upstream - swarmproxy deploy: replicas: 1 restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 10s max_attempts: 5 window: 120s networks: - backend - dmz # Example for blocked request if there is no matching domain in the filter file. curl-blocked: image: curlimages/curl:8.1.2 command: ["-I", "-x", "proxy:8888", ""] depends_on: - upstream - swarmproxy deploy: replicas: 1 restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 10s max_attempts: 5 window: 120s networks: - backend - dmz