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Asher 6361635b55
Move backup service init to the shared process
Since this is where it attempts to read it, this should solve the JSON
errors for good.
2019-04-08 11:03:33 -05:00

241 lines
7.6 KiB

import * as os from "os";
import { IProgress, INotificationHandle } from "@coder/ide";
import { logger } from "@coder/logger";
import { client } from "./client";
import "./fill/platform";
import "./fill/dom";
import "./fill/codeEditor";
import "./fill/environmentService";
import "./fill/labels";
import "./fill/menuRegistry";
import "./fill/mouseEvent";
import "./fill/storageDatabase";
import "./fill/vscodeTextmate";
import "./fill/windowsService";
import "./fill/workbenchRegistry";
import "./fill/workspacesService";
import * as paths from "./fill/paths";
import { PasteAction } from "./fill/paste";
import { ExplorerItem, ExplorerModel } from "vs/workbench/contrib/files/common/explorerModel";
import { IEditorGroup } from "vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService";
import { IEditorService, IResourceEditor } from "vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService";
import { INotificationService } from "vs/platform/notification/common/notification";
import { IProgressService2, ProgressLocation } from "vs/platform/progress/common/progress";
import { ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier, IWorkspaceIdentifier } from "vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces";
import { IWindowsService, IWindowConfiguration } from "vs/platform/windows/common/windows";
import { LogLevel } from "vs/platform/log/common/log";
import { RawContextKey, IContextKeyService } from "vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey";
import { ServiceCollection } from "vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection";
import { URI } from "vs/base/common/uri";
* Initializes VS Code and provides a way to call into general client
* functionality.
export class Workbench {
public readonly retry = client.retry;
private readonly windowId = parseInt(new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-:.TZ]/g, ""), 10);
private _serviceCollection: ServiceCollection | undefined;
private _clipboardContextKey: RawContextKey<boolean> | undefined;
* Handle a drop event on the file explorer.
public async handleExternalDrop(target: ExplorerItem | ExplorerModel, originalEvent: DragEvent): Promise<void> {
await client.upload.uploadDropped(
(target instanceof ExplorerItem ? target : target.roots[0]).resource,
* Handle a drop event on the editor.
public handleDrop(event: DragEvent, resolveTargetGroup: () => IEditorGroup, afterDrop: (targetGroup: IEditorGroup) => void, targetIndex?: number): void {
client.upload.uploadDropped(event, URI.file(paths.getWorkingDirectory())).then(async (paths) => {
const uris = => URI.file(p));
if (uris.length) {
await (this.serviceCollection.get(IWindowsService) as IWindowsService).addRecentlyOpened(uris);
const editors: IResourceEditor[] = => ({
resource: uri,
options: {
pinned: true,
index: targetIndex,
const targetGroup = resolveTargetGroup();
await (this.serviceCollection.get(IEditorService) as IEditorService).openEditors(editors, targetGroup);
}).catch((error) => {
* Use to toggle the paste option inside editors based on the native clipboard.
public get clipboardContextKey(): RawContextKey<boolean> {
if (!this._clipboardContextKey) {
throw new Error("Trying to access clipboard context key before it has been set");
return this._clipboardContextKey;
public get clipboardText(): Promise<string> {
return client.clipboard.readText();
* Create a paste action for use in text inputs.
public get pasteAction(): PasteAction {
return new PasteAction();
public set workspace(ws: IWorkspaceIdentifier | ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier | undefined) {
if (typeof ws === "undefined") {
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem("workspace", JSON.stringify(ws));
public get workspace(): undefined | IWorkspaceIdentifier | ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier {
const ws = window.localStorage.getItem("workspace");
try {
return JSON.parse(ws!);
} catch (ex) {
return undefined;
public get serviceCollection(): ServiceCollection {
if (!this._serviceCollection) {
throw new Error("Trying to access service collection before it has been set");
return this._serviceCollection;
public set serviceCollection(collection: ServiceCollection) {
this._serviceCollection = collection;
const contextKeys = this.serviceCollection.get(IContextKeyService) as IContextKeyService;
const bounded = this.clipboardContextKey.bindTo(contextKeys);
client.clipboard.onPermissionChange((enabled) => {
client.progressService = {
start: <T>(title: string, task: (progress: IProgress) => Promise<T>, onCancel: () => void): Promise<T> => {
let lastProgress = 0;
return (this.serviceCollection.get(IProgressService2) as IProgressService2).withProgress({
location: ProgressLocation.Notification,
cancellable: true,
}, (progress) => {
return task({
report: (p): void => {{ increment: p - lastProgress });
lastProgress = p;
}, () => {
client.notificationService = {
error: (error: Error): void => (this.serviceCollection.get(INotificationService) as INotificationService).error(error),
prompt: (severity, message, buttons, onCancel): INotificationHandle => {
const handle = (this.serviceCollection.get(INotificationService) as INotificationService).prompt(
severity, message, buttons, { onCancel },
return {
close: (): void => handle.close(),
updateMessage: (message): void => handle.updateMessage(message),
updateButtons: (buttons): void => handle.updateActions({
primary: => ({
id: "",
label: button.label,
tooltip: "",
class: undefined,
enabled: true,
checked: false,
radio: false,
dispose: (): void => undefined,
run: (): Promise<void> => Promise.resolve(,
* Start VS Code.
public async initialize(): Promise<void> {
this._clipboardContextKey = new RawContextKey("nativeClipboard", client.clipboard.isEnabled);
const workspace = this.workspace || URI.file(paths.getWorkingDirectory());
// If we try to import this above, workbench will be undefined due to
// circular imports.
const { main } = require("vs/workbench/electron-browser/main");
const config: IWindowConfiguration = {
machineId: "1",
windowId: this.windowId,
logLevel: LogLevel.Info,
mainPid: 1,
appRoot: paths.getDefaultUserDataPath(),
execPath: os.tmpdir(),
userEnv: {},
nodeCachedDataDir: os.tmpdir(),
perfEntries: [],
_: [],
if ((workspace as IWorkspaceIdentifier).configPath) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
let wid: IWorkspaceIdentifier = (<any>Object).assign({}, workspace);
if (!URI.isUri(wid.configPath)) {
// Ensure that the configPath is a valid URI.
wid.configPath = URI.file(wid.configPath);
config.workspace = wid;
} else {
config.folderUri = workspace as URI;
try {
await main(config);
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.toString().indexOf("UriError") !== -1 || ex.toString().indexOf("backupPath") !== -1) {
* Resolves the error of the workspace identifier being invalid.
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
this.workspace = undefined;
export const workbench = new Workbench();