* fix: add handle for resolveExternalUri This adds a fix to properly handle `resolveExternalUri` which is used by extensions like Tabnine. * fixup!: update patch * fixup!: force update proxy patch * fixup!: use proxyEndpointTemplate else manually add * fixup!: throw error if productConfiguration missing * feat(testing): add asExternalUri This modifies the test extension used in e2e test by registering a new command for testing `asExternalUri`. * feat: add e2e test for asExternalUri * docs: update playwright setup comments * feat: add support for VSCODE_PROXY_URI * chore: refresh patches * feat: add test for VSCODE_PROXY_URI * chore: add metadata to lang extension * fixup!: fix part of service-worker patch * fixup!: remove e2e test, update patch notes * fixup!: refresh disable-downloads * fixup!: formatting
145 lines
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145 lines
8.6 KiB
Add VSCODE_PROXY_URI environment variable
This can be used by extensions to open a port and access it through the proxy.
It is available in the terminal as well.
This can be tested using printenv in the terminal and by using the
codeServerTest.proxyUri command through the test extension (copy it into your
extensions, use --extensions-dir, or symlink it).
This has e2e tests.
For the `asExternalUri` changes, you'll need to test manually by:
1. running code-server with the test extension
2. Command Palette > code-server: asExternalUri test
3. input a url like http://localhost:3000
4. it should show a notification and show output as <code-server>/proxy/3000
Do the same thing but set `VSCODE_PROXY_URI: "https://{{port}}-main-workspace-name-user-name.coder.com"`
and the output should replace `{{port}}` with port used in input url.
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/common/product.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/common/product.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/common/product.ts
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export interface IProductConfiguration {
readonly rootEndpoint?: string
readonly updateEndpoint?: string
readonly logoutEndpoint?: string
+ readonly proxyEndpointTemplate?: string
readonly version: string;
readonly date?: string;
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/remote/browser/remoteAuthorityResolverService.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/remote/browser/remoteAuthorityResolverService.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/remote/browser/remoteAuthorityResolverService.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/comm
import { RemoteAuthorities } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { IProductService } from 'vs/platform/product/common/productService';
-import { IRemoteAuthorityResolverService, IRemoteConnectionData, ResolvedAuthority, ResolverResult } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAuthorityResolver';
+import { IRemoteAuthorityResolverService, IRemoteConnectionData, ResolvedAuthority, ResolvedOptions, ResolverResult } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAuthorityResolver';
import { getRemoteServerRootPath, parseAuthorityWithOptionalPort } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteHosts';
export class RemoteAuthorityResolverService extends Disposable implements IRemoteAuthorityResolverService {
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export class RemoteAuthorityResolverServ
private readonly _connectionToken: Promise<string> | string | undefined;
private readonly _connectionTokens: Map<string, string>;
- constructor(@IProductService productService: IProductService, connectionToken: Promise<string> | string | undefined, resourceUriProvider: ((uri: URI) => URI) | undefined) {
+ constructor(@IProductService productService: IProductService, connectionToken: Promise<string> | string | undefined, resourceUriProvider: ((uri: URI) => URI) | undefined, private readonly proxyEndpointTemplate?: string) {
this._connectionToken = connectionToken;
this._connectionTokens = new Map<string, string>();
@@ -61,9 +61,14 @@ export class RemoteAuthorityResolverServ
private async _doResolveAuthority(authority: string): Promise<ResolverResult> {
const connectionToken = await Promise.resolve(this._connectionTokens.get(authority) || this._connectionToken);
+ let options: ResolvedOptions | undefined;
+ if (this.proxyEndpointTemplate) {
+ const proxyUrl = new URL(this.proxyEndpointTemplate, window.location.href);
+ options = { extensionHostEnv: { VSCODE_PROXY_URI: decodeURIComponent(proxyUrl.toString()) }}
+ }
const defaultPort = (/^https:/.test(window.location.href) ? 443 : 80);
const { host, port } = parseAuthorityWithOptionalPort(authority, defaultPort);
- const result: ResolverResult = { authority: { authority, host: host, port: port, connectionToken } };
+ const result: ResolverResult = { authority: { authority, host: host, port: port, connectionToken }, options };
RemoteAuthorities.set(authority, result.authority.host, result.authority.port);
this._cache.set(authority, result);
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/webClientServer.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/webClientServer.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/webClientServer.ts
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ export class WebClientServer {
rootEndpoint: base,
updateEndpoint: !this._environmentService.args['disable-update-check'] ? base + '/update/check' : undefined,
logoutEndpoint: this._environmentService.args['auth'] && this._environmentService.args['auth'] !== "none" ? base + '/logout' : undefined,
+ proxyEndpointTemplate: process.env.VSCODE_PROXY_URI ?? base + '/proxy/{{port}}',
embedderIdentifier: 'server-distro',
extensionsGallery: this._productService.extensionsGallery,
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/browser/web.main.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/browser/web.main.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/browser/web.main.ts
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ export class BrowserMain extends Disposa
// Remote
const connectionToken = environmentService.options.connectionToken || getCookieValue(connectionTokenCookieName);
- const remoteAuthorityResolverService = new RemoteAuthorityResolverService(productService, connectionToken, this.configuration.resourceUriProvider);
+ const remoteAuthorityResolverService = new RemoteAuthorityResolverService(productService, connectionToken, this.configuration.resourceUriProvider, this.configuration.productConfiguration?.proxyEndpointTemplate);
serviceCollection.set(IRemoteAuthorityResolverService, remoteAuthorityResolverService);
// Signing
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalEnvironment.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalEnvironment.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalEnvironment.ts
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ export async function createTerminalEnvi
// Sanitize the environment, removing any undesirable VS Code and Electron environment
// variables
- sanitizeProcessEnvironment(env, 'VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI');
+ sanitizeProcessEnvironment(env, 'VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI', 'VSCODE_PROXY_URI');
// Merge config (settings) and ShellLaunchConfig environments
mergeEnvironments(env, allowedEnvFromConfig);
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.ts
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { isFolderToOpen, isWorkspaceToOp
import { create, ICredentialsProvider, IURLCallbackProvider, IWorkbenchConstructionOptions, IWorkspace, IWorkspaceProvider } from 'vs/workbench/workbench.web.main';
import { posix } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import { ltrim } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
+import { extractLocalHostUriMetaDataForPortMapping } from 'vs/platform/tunnel/common/tunnel';
interface ICredential {
service: string;
@@ -507,6 +508,21 @@ function doCreateUri(path: string, query
} : undefined,
workspaceProvider: WorkspaceProvider.create(config),
urlCallbackProvider: new LocalStorageURLCallbackProvider(config.callbackRoute),
- credentialsProvider: config.remoteAuthority ? undefined : new LocalStorageCredentialsProvider() // with a remote, we don't use a local credentials provider
+ credentialsProvider: config.remoteAuthority ? undefined : new LocalStorageCredentialsProvider(), // with a remote, we don't use a local credentials provider
+ resolveExternalUri: (uri: URI): Promise<URI> => {
+ let resolvedUri = uri
+ const localhostMatch = extractLocalHostUriMetaDataForPortMapping(uri)
+ if (localhostMatch) {
+ if (config.productConfiguration && config.productConfiguration.proxyEndpointTemplate) {
+ resolvedUri = URI.parse(new URL(config.productConfiguration.proxyEndpointTemplate.replace('{{port}}', localhostMatch.port.toString()), window.location.href).toString())
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Failed to resolve external URI: ${uri.toString()}. Could not determine base url because productConfiguration missing.`)
+ }
+ }
+ // If not localhost, return unmodified
+ return Promise.resolve(resolvedUri)
+ }