* Update upstream Code to 1.70 * Update CSP hashes * Update comment on remote authority Also remove it from script-src since it is invalid anyway. * Use absolute path for disable download patch Just to keep it consistent with the other imports. We initially added the patch like this so it was not part of the upgrade but might as well fix it now. * Fix inability to change language while code-server is running Co-authored-by: Asher <ash@coder.com>
333 lines
15 KiB
333 lines
15 KiB
Add display language support
We can remove this once upstream supports all language packs.
1. Proxies language packs to the service on the backend.
2. NLS configuration is embedded into the HTML for the browser to pick up. This
code to generate this configuration is copied from the native portion.
3. Remove configuredLocale since we have our own thing.
4. Move the argv.json file to the server instead of in-browser storage. This is
where the current locale is stored and currently the server needs to be able
to read it.
5. Add the locale flag.
6. Remove the redundant locale verification. It does the same as the existing
one but is worse because it does not handle non-existent or empty files.
7. Replace some caching and Node requires because code-server does not restart
when changing the language unlike native Code.
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/serverServices.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/serverServices.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/serverServices.ts
@@ -212,6 +212,9 @@ export async function setupServerService
const channel = new ExtensionManagementChannel(extensionManagementService, (ctx: RemoteAgentConnectionContext) => getUriTransformer(ctx.remoteAuthority));
socketServer.registerChannel('extensions', channel);
+ const languagePackChannel = ProxyChannel.fromService<RemoteAgentConnectionContext>(accessor.get(ILanguagePackService));
+ socketServer.registerChannel('languagePacks', languagePackChannel);
const encryptionChannel = ProxyChannel.fromService<RemoteAgentConnectionContext>(accessor.get(IEncryptionMainService));
socketServer.registerChannel('encryption', encryptionChannel);
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/common/platform.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/common/platform.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/common/platform.ts
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
-import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
const LANGUAGE_DEFAULT = 'en';
let _isWindows = false;
@@ -81,17 +79,19 @@ if (typeof navigator === 'object' && !is
_isLinux = _userAgent.indexOf('Linux') >= 0;
_isWeb = true;
- const configuredLocale = nls.getConfiguredDefaultLocale(
- // This call _must_ be done in the file that calls `nls.getConfiguredDefaultLocale`
- // to ensure that the NLS AMD Loader plugin has been loaded and configured.
- // This is because the loader plugin decides what the default locale is based on
- // how it's able to resolve the strings.
- nls.localize({ key: 'ensureLoaderPluginIsLoaded', comment: ['{Locked}'] }, '_')
- );
- _locale = configuredLocale || LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;
_language = _locale;
+ const el = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.getElementById('vscode-remote-nls-configuration');
+ const rawNlsConfig = el && el.getAttribute('data-settings');
+ if (rawNlsConfig) {
+ try {
+ const nlsConfig: NLSConfig = JSON.parse(rawNlsConfig);
+ _locale = nlsConfig.locale;
+ _translationsConfigFile = nlsConfig._translationsConfigFile;
+ _language = nlsConfig.availableLanguages['*'] || LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;
+ } catch (error) { /* Oh well. */ }
+ }
// Native environment
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.html
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.html
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.html
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
<!-- Workbench Auth Session -->
<meta id="vscode-workbench-auth-session" data-settings="{{WORKBENCH_AUTH_SESSION}}">
+ <!-- NLS Configuration -->
+ <meta id="vscode-remote-nls-configuration" data-settings="{{NLS_CONFIGURATION}}">
<!-- Workbench Icon/Manifest/CSS -->
<link rel="icon" href="{{BASE}}/_static/src/browser/media/favicon-dark-support.svg" />
<link rel="alternate icon" href="{{BASE}}/_static/src/browser/media/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
@@ -46,15 +49,26 @@
// Set up nls if the user is not using the default language (English)
const nlsConfig = {};
const locale = window.localStorage.getItem('vscode.nls.locale') || navigator.language;
- if (!locale.startsWith('en')) {
- nlsConfig['vs/nls'] = {
- availableLanguages: {
- '*': locale
- },
- translationServiceUrl: '{{WORKBENCH_NLS_BASE_URL}}'
- };
- }
+ try {
+ nlsConfig['vs/nls'] = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("vscode-remote-nls-configuration").getAttribute("data-settings"))
+ if (nlsConfig['vs/nls']._resolvedLanguagePackCoreLocation) {
+ const bundles = Object.create(null)
+ nlsConfig['vs/nls'].loadBundle = (bundle, _language, cb) => {
+ const result = bundles[bundle]
+ if (result) {
+ return cb(undefined, result)
+ }
+ const path = nlsConfig['vs/nls']._resolvedLanguagePackCoreLocation + "/" + bundle.replace(/\//g, "!") + ".nls.json"
+ fetch(`{{WORKBENCH_WEB_BASE_URL}}/../vscode-remote-resource?path=${encodeURIComponent(path)}`)
+ .then((response) => response.json())
+ .then((json) => {
+ bundles[bundle] = json
+ cb(undefined, json)
+ })
+ .catch(cb)
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (error) { /* Probably fine. */ }
baseUrl: `${baseUrl}/out`,
recordStats: true,
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/environment/common/environmentService.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/environment/common/environmentService.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/environment/common/environmentService.ts
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractNativeEnvi
return URI.file(join(vscodePortable, 'argv.json'));
- return joinPath(this.userHome, this.productService.dataFolderName, 'argv.json');
+ return joinPath(this.appSettingsHome, 'argv.json');
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/remoteLanguagePacks.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/remoteLanguagePacks.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/remoteLanguagePacks.ts
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ export function getNLSConfiguration(lang
if (InternalNLSConfiguration.is(value)) {
value._languagePackSupport = true;
+ // If the configuration has no results keep trying since code-server
+ // doesn't restart when a language is installed so this result would
+ // persist (the plugin might not be installed yet for example).
+ if (value.locale !== 'en' && value.locale !== 'en-us' && Object.keys(value.availableLanguages).length === 0) {
+ _cache.delete(key);
+ }
return value;
_cache.set(key, result);
@@ -44,3 +50,43 @@ export namespace InternalNLSConfiguratio
return candidate && typeof candidate._languagePackId === 'string';
+ * The code below is copied from from src/main.js.
+ */
+export const getLocaleFromConfig = async (argvResource: string): Promise<string> => {
+ try {
+ const content = stripComments(await fs.promises.readFile(argvResource, 'utf8'));
+ return JSON.parse(content).locale;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.code !== "ENOENT") {
+ console.warn(error)
+ }
+ return 'en';
+ }
+const stripComments = (content: string): string => {
+ const regexp = /('(?:[^\\']*(?:\\.)?)*')|('(?:[^\\']*(?:\\.)?)*')|(\/\*(?:\r?\n|.)*?\*\/)|(\/{2,}.*?(?:(?:\r?\n)|$))/g;
+ return content.replace(regexp, (match, _m1, _m2, m3, m4) => {
+ // Only one of m1, m2, m3, m4 matches
+ if (m3) {
+ // A block comment. Replace with nothing
+ return '';
+ } else if (m4) {
+ // A line comment. If it ends in \r?\n then keep it.
+ const length_1 = m4.length;
+ if (length_1 > 2 && m4[length_1 - 1] === '\n') {
+ return m4[length_1 - 2] === '\r' ? '\r\n' : '\n';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We match a string
+ return match;
+ }
+ });
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/webClientServer.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/webClientServer.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/webClientServer.ts
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'
import { streamToBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { IProductConfiguration } from 'vs/base/common/product';
import { isString } from 'vs/base/common/types';
+import { getLocaleFromConfig, getNLSConfiguration } from 'vs/server/node/remoteLanguagePacks';
import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode';
import { getRemoteServerRootPath } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteHosts';
@@ -299,6 +300,8 @@ export class WebClientServer {
const base = relativeRoot(getOriginalUrl(req))
const vscodeBase = relativePath(getOriginalUrl(req))
+ const locale = this._environmentService.args.locale || await getLocaleFromConfig(this._environmentService.argvResource.fsPath);
+ const nlsConfiguration = await getNLSConfiguration(locale, this._environmentService.userDataPath)
const workbenchWebConfiguration = {
@@ -339,6 +342,7 @@ export class WebClientServer {
WORKBENCH_NLS_BASE_URL: vscodeBase + (nlsBaseUrl ? `${nlsBaseUrl}${!nlsBaseUrl.endsWith('/') ? '/' : ''}${this._productService.commit}/${this._productService.version}/` : ''),
BASE: base,
VS_BASE: vscodeBase,
+ NLS_CONFIGURATION: asJSON(nlsConfiguration),
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/serverEnvironmentService.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/serverEnvironmentService.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/server/node/serverEnvironmentService.ts
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export const serverOptions: OptionDescri
'disable-update-check': { type: 'boolean' },
'auth': { type: 'string' },
'disable-file-downloads': { type: 'boolean' },
+ 'locale': { type: 'string' },
/* ----- server setup ----- */
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ export interface ServerParsedArgs {
'disable-update-check'?: boolean;
'auth'?: string
'disable-file-downloads'?: boolean;
+ 'locale'?: string
/* ----- server setup ----- */
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/workbench.web.main.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/workbench.web.main.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/workbench.web.main.ts
@@ -122,8 +122,9 @@ import 'vs/workbench/contrib/logs/browse
// Explorer
import 'vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/files.web.contribution';
-// Localization
-import 'vs/workbench/contrib/localization/browser/localization.contribution';
+// Localization. This does not actually import anything specific to Electron so
+// it should be safe.
+import 'vs/workbench/contrib/localization/electron-sandbox/localization.contribution';
// Performance
import 'vs/workbench/contrib/performance/browser/performance.web.contribution';
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/languagePacks/browser/languagePacks.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/languagePacks/browser/languagePacks.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/platform/languagePacks/browser/languagePacks.ts
@@ -4,10 +4,23 @@
import { ILanguagePackItem, LanguagePackBaseService } from 'vs/platform/languagePacks/common/languagePacks';
+import { ProxyChannel } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc';
+import { ILanguagePackService } from 'vs/platform/languagePacks/common/languagePacks';
+import { IRemoteAgentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/remote/common/remoteAgentService';
+import { IExtensionGalleryService } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement';
export class WebLanguagePacksService extends LanguagePackBaseService {
- // Web doesn't have a concept of language packs, so we just return an empty array
+ private readonly languagePackService: ILanguagePackService;
+ constructor(
+ @IRemoteAgentService remoteAgentService: IRemoteAgentService,
+ @IExtensionGalleryService extensionGalleryService: IExtensionGalleryService
+ ) {
+ super(extensionGalleryService)
+ this.languagePackService = ProxyChannel.toService<ILanguagePackService>(remoteAgentService.getConnection()!.getChannel('languagePacks'));
+ }
getInstalledLanguages(): Promise<ILanguagePackItem[]> {
- return Promise.resolve([]);
+ return this.languagePackService.getInstalledLanguages()
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/contrib/localization/electron-sandbox/localeService.ts
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/contrib/localization/electron-sandbox/localeService.ts
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/workbench/contrib/localization/electron-sandbox/localeService.ts
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ export class NativeLocaleService impleme
@IProductService private readonly productService: IProductService
) { }
- private async validateLocaleFile(): Promise<boolean> {
+ // Make public just so we do not have to patch all the unused code out.
+ public async validateLocaleFile(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const content = await this.textFileService.read(this.environmentService.argvResource, { encoding: 'utf8' });
@@ -68,9 +69,6 @@ export class NativeLocaleService impleme
private async writeLocaleValue(locale: string | undefined): Promise<boolean> {
- if (!(await this.validateLocaleFile())) {
- return false;
- }
await this.jsonEditingService.write(this.environmentService.argvResource, [{ path: ['locale'], value: locale }], true);
return true;
Index: code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/node/languagePacks.js
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/node/languagePacks.js
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/src/vs/base/node/languagePacks.js
@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@
function getLanguagePackConfigurations(userDataPath) {
const configFile = path.join(userDataPath, 'languagepacks.json');
try {
- return nodeRequire(configFile);
+ // This must not use Node's require otherwise it will be cached forever.
+ // Code can get away with this since the process actually restarts but
+ // that is not currently the case with code-server.
+ return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configFile, "utf8"));
} catch (err) {
// Do nothing. If we can't read the file we have no
// language pack config.