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2019-03-12 14:04:17 -05:00

423 lines
15 KiB

/// <reference path="../../../../lib/vscode/src/typings/spdlog.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../node_modules/node-pty-prebuilt/typings/node-pty.d.ts" />
import { ChildProcess, SpawnOptions, ForkOptions } from "child_process";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { Socket } from "net";
import { Duplex, Readable, Writable } from "stream";
import { IDisposable } from "@coder/disposable";
import { logger } from "@coder/logger";
// tslint:disable no-any
export type ForkProvider = (modulePath: string, args: string[], options: ForkOptions) => ChildProcess;
export interface Disposer extends IDisposable {
onDidDispose: (cb: () => void) => void;
interface ActiveEvalEmitter {
removeAllListeners(event?: string): void;
emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): void;
on(event: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
* For any non-external modules that are not built in, we need to require and
* access them server-side. A require on the client-side won't work since that
* code won't exist on the server (and bloat the client with an unused import),
* and we can't manually import on the server-side and then call
* `__webpack_require__` on the client-side because Webpack stores modules by
* their paths which would require us to hard-code the path.
export interface Modules {
pty: typeof import("node-pty");
spdlog: typeof import("spdlog");
trash: typeof import("trash");
* Helper class for server-side evaluations.
export class EvalHelper {
public constructor(public modules: Modules) {}
* Some spawn code tries to preserve the env (the debug adapter for instance)
* but the env is mostly blank (since we're in the browser), so we'll just
* always preserve the main process.env here, otherwise it won't have access
* to PATH, etc.
* TODO: An alternative solution would be to send the env to the browser?
public preserveEnv(options: SpawnOptions | ForkOptions): void {
if (options && options.env) {
options.env = { ...process.env, ...options.env };
* Helper class for client-side active evaluations.
export class ActiveEvalHelper implements ActiveEvalEmitter {
public constructor(private readonly emitter: ActiveEvalEmitter) {}
public removeAllListeners(event?: string): void {
public emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): void {
this.emitter.emit(event, ...args);
public on(event: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => void): void {
this.emitter.on(event, cb);
* Create a new helper to make unique events for an item.
public createUnique(id: number | "stdout" | "stderr" | "stdin"): ActiveEvalHelper {
return new ActiveEvalHelper(this.createUniqueEmitter(id));
* Wrap the evaluation emitter to make unique events for an item to prevent
* conflicts when it shares that emitter with other items.
protected createUniqueEmitter(id: number | "stdout" | "stderr" | "stdin"): ActiveEvalEmitter {
let events = <string[]>[];
return {
removeAllListeners: (event?: string): void => {
if (!event) {
events.forEach((e) => this.removeAllListeners(e));
events = [];
} else {
const index = events.indexOf(event);
if (index !== -1) {
events.splice(index, 1);
emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]): void => {
this.emit(`${event}:${id}`, ...args);
on: (event: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => void): void => {
if (!events.includes(event)) {
this.on(`${event}:${id}`, cb);
* Helper class for server-side active evaluations.
export class ServerActiveEvalHelper extends ActiveEvalHelper implements EvalHelper {
private readonly evalHelper: EvalHelper;
public constructor(public modules: Modules, emitter: ActiveEvalEmitter, public readonly fork: ForkProvider) {
this.evalHelper = new EvalHelper(modules);
public preserveEnv(options: SpawnOptions | ForkOptions): void {
* If there is a callback ID, return a function that emits the callback event
* on the active evaluation with that ID and all arguments passed to it.
* Otherwise, return undefined.
public maybeCallback(callbackId?: number): ((...args: any[]) => void) | undefined {
return typeof callbackId !== "undefined" ? (...args: any[]): void => {
this.emit("callback", callbackId, ...args);
} : undefined;
* Bind a socket to an active evaluation and returns a disposer.
public bindSocket(socket: Socket): Disposer {
socket.on("connect", () => this.emit("connect"));
socket.on("lookup", (error, address, family, host) => this.emit("lookup", error, address, family, host));
socket.on("timeout", () => this.emit("timeout"));
this.on("connect", (options, callbackId) => socket.connect(options, this.maybeCallback(callbackId)));
this.on("ref", () => socket.ref());
this.on("setKeepAlive", (enable, initialDelay) => socket.setKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay));
this.on("setNoDelay", (noDelay) => socket.setNoDelay(noDelay));
this.on("setTimeout", (timeout, callbackId) => socket.setTimeout(timeout, this.maybeCallback(callbackId)));
this.on("unref", () => socket.unref());
return {
onDidDispose: (cb): Socket => socket.on("close", cb),
dispose: (): void => {
* Bind a writable stream to the active evaluation.
public bindWritable(writable: Writable | Duplex): void {
if (!((writable as Readable).read)) { // To avoid binding twice.
writable.on("close", () => this.emit("close"));
writable.on("error", (error) => this.emit("error", error));
this.on("destroy", () => writable.destroy());
writable.on("drain", () => this.emit("drain"));
writable.on("finish", () => this.emit("finish"));
writable.on("pipe", () => this.emit("pipe"));
writable.on("unpipe", () => this.emit("unpipe"));
this.on("cork", () => writable.cork());
this.on("end", (chunk, encoding, callbackId) => writable.end(chunk, encoding, this.maybeCallback(callbackId)));
this.on("setDefaultEncoding", (encoding) => writable.setDefaultEncoding(encoding));
this.on("uncork", () => writable.uncork());
// Sockets can pass an fd instead of a callback but streams cannot.
this.on("write", (chunk, encoding, fd, callbackId) => writable.write(chunk, encoding, this.maybeCallback(callbackId) || fd));
* Bind a readable stream to the active evaluation.
public bindReadable(readable: Readable): void {
// Streams don't have an argument on close but sockets do.
readable.on("close", (...args: any[]) => this.emit("close", ...args));
readable.on("data", (data) => this.emit("data", data));
readable.on("end", () => this.emit("end"));
readable.on("error", (error) => this.emit("error", error));
readable.on("readable", () => this.emit("readable"));
this.on("destroy", () => readable.destroy());
this.on("pause", () => readable.pause());
this.on("push", (chunk, encoding) => readable.push(chunk, encoding));
this.on("resume", () => readable.resume());
this.on("setEncoding", (encoding) => readable.setEncoding(encoding));
this.on("unshift", (chunk) => readable.unshift(chunk));
public createUnique(id: number | "stdout" | "stderr" | "stdin"): ServerActiveEvalHelper {
return new ServerActiveEvalHelper(this.modules, this.createUniqueEmitter(id), this.fork);
* An event emitter that can store callbacks with IDs in a map so we can pass
* them back and forth through an active evaluation using those IDs.
export class CallbackEmitter extends EventEmitter {
private _ae: ActiveEvalHelper | undefined;
private callbackId = 0;
private readonly callbacks = new Map<number, Function>();
public constructor(ae?: ActiveEvalHelper) {
if (ae) { = ae;
protected get ae(): ActiveEvalHelper {
if (!this._ae) {
throw new Error("trying to access active evaluation before it has been set");
return this._ae;
protected set ae(ae: ActiveEvalHelper) {
if (this._ae) {
throw new Error("cannot override active evaluation");
this._ae = ae;"callback", (callbackId, ...args: any[]) => this.runCallback(callbackId, ...args));
* Store the callback and return and ID referencing its location in the map.
protected storeCallback(callback?: Function): number | undefined {
if (!callback) {
return undefined;
const callbackId = this.callbackId++;
this.callbacks.set(callbackId, callback);
return callbackId;
* Call the function with the specified ID and delete it from the map.
* If the ID is undefined or doesn't exist, nothing happens.
private runCallback(callbackId?: number, ...args: any[]): void {
const callback = typeof callbackId !== "undefined" && this.callbacks.get(callbackId);
if (callback && typeof callbackId !== "undefined") {
* A writable stream over an active evaluation.
export class ActiveEvalWritable extends CallbackEmitter implements Writable {
public constructor(ae: ActiveEvalHelper) {
// Streams don't have an argument on close but sockets do."close", (...args: any[]) => this.emit("close", ...args));"drain", () => this.emit("drain"));"error", (error) => this.emit("error", error));"finish", () => this.emit("finish"));"pipe", () => logger.warn("pipe is not supported"));"unpipe", () => logger.warn("unpipe is not supported"));
public get writable(): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public get writableHighWaterMark(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public get writableLength(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _write(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _destroy(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _final(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public pipe<T>(): T { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public cork(): void {"cork"); }
public destroy(): void {"destroy"); }
public setDefaultEncoding(encoding: string): this {"setDefaultEncoding", encoding);
return this;
public uncork(): void {"uncork"); }
public write(chunk: any, encoding?: string | ((error?: Error | null) => void), callback?: (error?: Error | null) => void): boolean {
if (typeof encoding === "function") {
callback = encoding;
encoding = undefined;
// Sockets can pass an fd instead of a callback but streams cannot.."write", chunk, encoding, undefined, this.storeCallback(callback));
// Always true since we can't get this synchronously.
return true;
public end(data?: any, encoding?: string | Function, callback?: Function): void {
if (typeof encoding === "function") {
callback = encoding;
encoding = undefined;
}"end", data, encoding, this.storeCallback(callback));
* A readable stream over an active evaluation.
export class ActiveEvalReadable extends CallbackEmitter implements Readable {
public constructor(ae: ActiveEvalHelper) {
super(ae);"close", () => this.emit("close"));"data", (data) => this.emit("data", data));"end", () => this.emit("end"));"error", (error) => this.emit("error", error));"readable", () => this.emit("readable"));
public get readable(): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public get readableHighWaterMark(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public get readableLength(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _read(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public read(): any { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public isPaused(): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public pipe<T>(): T { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public unpipe(): this { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public unshift(): this { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public wrap(): this { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public push(): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _destroy(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<any> { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public destroy(): void {"destroy"); }
public pause(): this { return this.emitReturnThis("pause"); }
public resume(): this { return this.emitReturnThis("resume"); }
public setEncoding(encoding?: string): this { return this.emitReturnThis("setEncoding", encoding); }
// tslint:disable-next-line no-any
protected emitReturnThis(event: string, ...args: any[]): this {, ...args);
return this;
* An duplex stream over an active evaluation.
export class ActiveEvalDuplex extends ActiveEvalReadable implements Duplex {
// Some unfortunate duplication here since we can't have multiple extends.
public constructor(ae: ActiveEvalHelper) {
super(ae);"drain", () => this.emit("drain"));"finish", () => this.emit("finish"));"pipe", () => logger.warn("pipe is not supported"));"unpipe", () => logger.warn("unpipe is not supported"));
public get writable(): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public get writableHighWaterMark(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public get writableLength(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _write(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _destroy(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public _final(): void { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public pipe<T>(): T { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
public cork(): void {"cork"); }
public destroy(): void {"destroy"); }
public setDefaultEncoding(encoding: string): this {"setDefaultEncoding", encoding);
return this;
public uncork(): void {"uncork"); }
public write(chunk: any, encoding?: string | ((error?: Error | null) => void), callback?: (error?: Error | null) => void): boolean {
if (typeof encoding === "function") {
callback = encoding;
encoding = undefined;
// Sockets can pass an fd instead of a callback but streams cannot.."write", chunk, encoding, undefined, this.storeCallback(callback));
// Always true since we can't get this synchronously.
return true;
public end(data?: any, encoding?: string | Function, callback?: Function): void {
if (typeof encoding === "function") {
callback = encoding;
encoding = undefined;
}"end", data, encoding, this.storeCallback(callback));