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Asher 7c2ca7d03e
Add the ability to prepend to the proxy path
This is for applications like Jupyter that aren't base path agnostic.
2020-07-29 18:48:06 -05:00

919 lines
30 KiB

import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger"
import * as fs from "fs-extra"
import * as http from "http"
import proxy from "http-proxy"
import * as httpolyglot from "httpolyglot"
import * as https from "https"
import * as net from "net"
import * as path from "path"
import * as querystring from "querystring"
import safeCompare from "safe-compare"
import { Readable } from "stream"
import * as tls from "tls"
import * as url from "url"
import { HttpCode, HttpError } from "../common/http"
import { normalize, Options, plural, split } from "../common/util"
import { SocketProxyProvider } from "./socket"
import { getMediaMime, paths } from "./util"
export type Cookies = { [key: string]: string[] | undefined }
export type PostData = { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }
interface ProxyRequest extends http.IncomingMessage {
base?: string
interface AuthPayload extends Cookies {
key?: string[]
export enum AuthType {
Password = "password",
None = "none",
export type Query = { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }
export interface ProxyOptions {
* A path to strip from from the beginning of the request before proxying
strip?: string
* A path to add to the beginning of the request before proxying.
prepend?: string
* The port to proxy.
port: string
export interface HttpResponse<T = string | Buffer | object> {
* Whether to set cache-control headers for this response.
cache?: boolean
* If the code cannot be determined automatically set it here. The
* defaults are 302 for redirects and 200 for successful requests. For errors
* you should throw an HttpError and include the code there. If you
* use Error it will default to 404 for ENOENT and EISDIR and 500 otherwise.
code?: number
* Content to write in the response. Mutually exclusive with stream.
content?: T
* Cookie to write with the response.
* NOTE: Cookie paths must be absolute. The default is /.
cookie?: { key: string; value: string; path?: string }
* Used to automatically determine the appropriate mime type.
filePath?: string
* Additional headers to include.
headers?: http.OutgoingHttpHeaders
* If the mime type cannot be determined automatically set it here.
mime?: string
* Redirect to this path. This is constructed against the site base (not the
* provider's base).
redirect?: string
* Stream this to the response. Mutually exclusive with content.
stream?: Readable
* Query variables to add in addition to current ones when redirecting. Use
* `undefined` to remove a query variable.
query?: Query
* Indicates the request should be proxied.
proxy?: ProxyOptions
export interface WsResponse {
* Indicates the web socket should be proxied.
proxy?: ProxyOptions
* Use when you need to run search and replace on a file's content before
* sending it.
export interface HttpStringFileResponse extends HttpResponse {
content: string
filePath: string
export interface RedirectResponse extends HttpResponse {
redirect: string
export interface HttpServerOptions {
readonly auth?: AuthType
readonly cert?: string
readonly certKey?: string
readonly commit?: string
readonly host?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly port?: number
readonly proxyDomains?: string[]
readonly socket?: string
export interface Route {
* Provider base path part (for /provider/base/path it would be /provider).
providerBase: string
* Base path part (for /provider/base/path it would be /base).
base: string
* Remaining part of the route after factoring out the base and provider base
* (for /provider/base/path it would be /path). It can be blank.
requestPath: string
* Query variables included in the request.
query: querystring.ParsedUrlQuery
* Normalized version of `originalPath`.
fullPath: string
* Original path of the request without any modifications.
originalPath: string
interface ProviderRoute extends Route {
provider: HttpProvider
export interface HttpProviderOptions {
readonly auth: AuthType
readonly commit: string
readonly password?: string
* Provides HTTP responses. This abstract class provides some helpers for
* interpreting, creating, and authenticating responses.
export abstract class HttpProvider {
protected readonly rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../..")
public constructor(protected readonly options: HttpProviderOptions) {}
public async dispose(): Promise<void> {
// No default behavior.
* Handle web sockets on the registered endpoint. Normally the provider
* handles the request itself but it can return a response when necessary. The
* default is to throw a 404.
public handleWebSocket(
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
_route: Route,
_request: http.IncomingMessage,
_socket: net.Socket,
_head: Buffer,
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
): Promise<WsResponse | void> {
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
* Handle requests to the registered endpoint.
public abstract handleRequest(route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise<HttpResponse>
* Get the base relative to the provided route. For each slash we need to go
* up a directory. For example:
* / => ./
* /foo => ./
* /foo/ => ./../
* /foo/bar => ./../
* /foo/bar/ => ./../../
public base(route: Route): string {
const depth = (route.originalPath.match(/\//g) || []).length
return normalize("./" + (depth > 1 ? "../".repeat(depth - 1) : ""))
* Get error response.
public async getErrorRoot(route: Route, title: string, header: string, body: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
const response = await this.getUtf8Resource(this.rootPath, "src/browser/pages/error.html")
response.content = response.content
.replace(/{{ERROR_TITLE}}/g, title)
.replace(/{{ERROR_HEADER}}/g, header)
.replace(/{{ERROR_BODY}}/g, body)
return this.replaceTemplates(route, response)
* Replace common templates strings.
protected replaceTemplates(route: Route, response: HttpStringFileResponse, sessionId?: string): HttpStringFileResponse
protected replaceTemplates<T extends object>(
route: Route,
response: HttpStringFileResponse,
options: T,
): HttpStringFileResponse
protected replaceTemplates(
route: Route,
response: HttpStringFileResponse,
sessionIdOrOptions?: string | object,
): HttpStringFileResponse {
if (typeof sessionIdOrOptions === "undefined" || typeof sessionIdOrOptions === "string") {
sessionIdOrOptions = {
base: this.base(route),
commit: this.options.commit,
logLevel: logger.level,
sessionID: sessionIdOrOptions,
} as Options
response.content = response.content
.replace(/{{COMMIT}}/g, this.options.commit)
.replace(/{{TO}}/g, Array.isArray( ?[0] : || "/dashboard")
.replace(/{{BASE}}/g, this.base(route))
.replace(/"{{OPTIONS}}"/, `'${JSON.stringify(sessionIdOrOptions)}'`)
return response
protected get isDev(): boolean {
return this.options.commit === "development"
* Get a file resource.
* TODO: Would a stream be faster, at least for large files?
protected async getResource( string[]): Promise<HttpResponse> {
const filePath = path.join(
return { content: await fs.readFile(filePath), filePath }
* Get a file resource as a string.
protected async getUtf8Resource( string[]): Promise<HttpStringFileResponse> {
const filePath = path.join(
return { content: await fs.readFile(filePath, "utf8"), filePath }
* Helper to error on invalid methods (default GET).
protected ensureMethod(request: http.IncomingMessage, method?: string | string[]): void {
const check = Array.isArray(method) ? method : [method || "GET"]
if (!request.method || !check.includes(request.method)) {
throw new HttpError(`Unsupported method ${request.method}`, HttpCode.BadRequest)
* Helper to error if not authorized.
protected ensureAuthenticated(request: http.IncomingMessage): void {
if (!this.authenticated(request)) {
throw new HttpError("Unauthorized", HttpCode.Unauthorized)
* Use the first query value or the default if there isn't one.
protected queryOrDefault(value: string | string[] | undefined, def: string): string {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value = value[0]
return typeof value !== "undefined" ? value : def
* Return the provided password value if the payload contains the right
* password otherwise return false. If no payload is specified use cookies.
public authenticated(request: http.IncomingMessage, payload?: AuthPayload): string | boolean {
switch (this.options.auth) {
case AuthType.None:
return true
case AuthType.Password:
if (typeof payload === "undefined") {
payload = this.parseCookies<AuthPayload>(request)
if (this.options.password && payload.key) {
for (let i = 0; i < payload.key.length; ++i) {
if (safeCompare(payload.key[i], this.options.password)) {
return payload.key[i]
return false
throw new Error(`Unsupported auth type ${this.options.auth}`)
* Parse POST data.
protected getData(request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise<string | undefined> {
return request.method === "POST" || request.method === "DELETE"
? new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
let body = ""
const onEnd = (): void => {
off() // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
resolve(body || undefined)
const onError = (error: Error): void => {
off() // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
const onData = (d: Buffer): void => {
body += d
if (body.length > 1e6) {
onError(new HttpError("Payload is too large", HttpCode.LargePayload))
const off = (): void => {"error", onError)"data", onError)"end", onEnd)
request.on("error", onError)
request.on("data", onData)
request.on("end", onEnd)
: Promise.resolve(undefined)
* Parse cookies.
protected parseCookies<T extends Cookies>(request: http.IncomingMessage): T {
const cookies: { [key: string]: string[] } = {}
if (request.headers.cookie) {
request.headers.cookie.split(";").forEach((keyValue) => {
const [key, value] = split(keyValue, "=")
if (!cookies[key]) {
cookies[key] = []
return cookies as T
* Return true if the route is for the root page. For example /base, /base/,
* or /base/index.html but not /base/path or /base/file.js.
protected isRoot(route: Route): boolean {
return !route.requestPath || route.requestPath === "/index.html"
* Provides a heartbeat using a local file to indicate activity.
export class Heart {
private heartbeatTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout
private heartbeatInterval = 60000
private lastHeartbeat = 0
public constructor(private readonly heartbeatPath: string, private readonly isActive: () => Promise<boolean>) {}
* Write to the heartbeat file if we haven't already done so within the
* timeout and start or reset a timer that keeps running as long as there is
* activity. Failures are logged as warnings.
public beat(): void {
const now =
if (now - this.lastHeartbeat >= this.heartbeatInterval) {
fs.outputFile(this.heartbeatPath, "").catch((error) => {
this.lastHeartbeat = now
if (typeof this.heartbeatTimer !== "undefined") {
this.heartbeatTimer = setTimeout(() => {
.then((active) => {
if (active) {
.catch((error) => {
}, this.heartbeatInterval)
export interface HttpProvider0<T> {
new (options: HttpProviderOptions): T
export interface HttpProvider1<A1, T> {
new (options: HttpProviderOptions, a1: A1): T
export interface HttpProvider2<A1, A2, T> {
new (options: HttpProviderOptions, a1: A1, a2: A2): T
export interface HttpProvider3<A1, A2, A3, T> {
new (options: HttpProviderOptions, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3): T
* An HTTP server. Its main role is to route incoming HTTP requests to the
* appropriate provider for that endpoint then write out the response. It also
* covers some common use cases like redirects and caching.
export class HttpServer {
protected readonly server: http.Server | https.Server
private listenPromise: Promise<string | null> | undefined
public readonly protocol: "http" | "https"
private readonly providers = new Map<string, HttpProvider>()
private readonly heart: Heart
private readonly socketProvider = new SocketProxyProvider()
* Proxy domains are stored here without the leading `*.`
public readonly proxyDomains: Set<string>
* Provides the actual proxying functionality.
private readonly proxy = proxy.createProxyServer({})
public constructor(private readonly options: HttpServerOptions) {
this.proxyDomains = new Set((options.proxyDomains || []).map((d) => d.replace(/^\*\./, "")))
this.heart = new Heart(path.join(, "heartbeat"), async () => {
const connections = await this.getConnections()
logger.trace(`${connections} active connection${plural(connections)}`)
return connections !== 0
this.protocol = this.options.cert ? "https" : "http"
if (this.protocol === "https") {
this.server = httpolyglot.createServer(
cert: this.options.cert && fs.readFileSync(this.options.cert),
key: this.options.certKey && fs.readFileSync(this.options.certKey),
} else {
this.server = http.createServer(this.onRequest)
this.proxy.on("error", (error, _request, response) => {
// Intercept the response to rewrite absolute redirects against the base path.
this.proxy.on("proxyRes", (response, request: ProxyRequest) => {
if (response.headers.location && response.headers.location.startsWith("/") && request.base) {
response.headers.location = request.base + response.headers.location
* Stop and dispose everything. Return an array of disposal errors.
public async dispose(): Promise<Error[]> {
const providers = Array.from(this.providers.values())
// Catch so all the errors can be seen rather than just the first one.
const responses = await Promise.all<Error | undefined>( => p.dispose().catch((e) => e)))
return responses.filter<Error>((r): r is Error => typeof r !== "undefined")
public async getConnections(): Promise<number> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.server.getConnections((error, count) => {
return error ? reject(error) : resolve(count)
* Register a provider for a top-level endpoint.
public registerHttpProvider<T extends HttpProvider>(endpoint: string | string[], provider: HttpProvider0<T>): T
public registerHttpProvider<A1, T extends HttpProvider>(
endpoint: string | string[],
provider: HttpProvider1<A1, T>,
a1: A1,
): T
public registerHttpProvider<A1, A2, T extends HttpProvider>(
endpoint: string | string[],
provider: HttpProvider2<A1, A2, T>,
a1: A1,
a2: A2,
): T
public registerHttpProvider<A1, A2, A3, T extends HttpProvider>(
endpoint: string | string[],
provider: HttpProvider3<A1, A2, A3, T>,
a1: A1,
a2: A2,
a3: A3,
): T
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
public registerHttpProvider(endpoint: string | string[], provider: any, ...args: any[]): void {
const p = new provider(
auth: this.options.auth || AuthType.None,
commit: this.options.commit,
password: this.options.password,
const endpoints = (typeof endpoint === "string" ? [endpoint] : endpoint).map((e) => e.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, ""))
endpoints.forEach((endpoint) => {
if (/\//.test(endpoint)) {
throw new Error(`Only top-level endpoints are supported (got ${endpoint})`)
const existingProvider = this.providers.get(`/${endpoint}`)
this.providers.set(`/${endpoint}`, p)
if (existingProvider) {
logger.debug(`Overridding existing /${endpoint} provider`)
// If the existing provider isn't registered elsewhere we can dispose.
if (!Array.from(this.providers.values()).find((p) => p === existingProvider)) {
logger.debug(`Disposing existing /${endpoint} provider`)
* Start listening on the specified port.
public listen(): Promise<string | null> {
if (!this.listenPromise) {
this.listenPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.server.on("error", reject)
this.server.on("upgrade", this.onUpgrade)
const onListen = (): void => resolve(this.address())
if (this.options.socket) {
this.server.listen(this.options.socket, onListen)
} else {
this.server.listen(this.options.port,, onListen)
return this.listenPromise
* The *local* address of the server.
public address(): string | null {
const address = this.server.address()
const endpoint =
typeof address !== "string" && address !== null
? (address.address === "::" ? "localhost" : address.address) + ":" + address.port
: address
return endpoint && `${this.protocol}://${endpoint}`
private onRequest = async (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse): Promise<void> => {
const route = this.parseUrl(request)
const write = (payload: HttpResponse): void => {
response.writeHead(payload.redirect ? HttpCode.Redirect : payload.code || HttpCode.Ok, {
"Content-Type": payload.mime || getMediaMime(payload.filePath),
...(payload.redirect ? { Location: this.constructRedirect(request, route, payload as RedirectResponse) } : {}),
...(request.headers["service-worker"] ? { "Service-Worker-Allowed": route.provider.base(route) } : {}),
...(payload.cache ? { "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=31536000" } : {}),
? {
"Set-Cookie": [
`Path=${normalize(payload.cookie.path || "/", true)}`,
this.getCookieDomain( || ""),
// "HttpOnly",
.filter((l) => !!l)
: {}),
if ( {"error", (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => {
response.writeHead(error.code === "ENOENT" ? HttpCode.NotFound : HttpCode.ServerError)
})"close", () => response.end())
} else if (typeof payload.content === "string" || payload.content instanceof Buffer) {
} else if (payload.content && typeof payload.content === "object") {
} else {
try {
const payload =
this.maybeRedirect(request, route) ||
(route.provider.authenticated(request) && this.maybeProxy(request)) ||
(await route.provider.handleRequest(route, request))
if (payload.proxy) {
this.doProxy(route, request, response, payload.proxy)
} else {
} catch (error) {
let e = error
if (error.code === "ENOENT" || error.code === "EISDIR") {
e = new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
const code = typeof e.code === "number" ? e.code : HttpCode.ServerError
logger.debug("Request error", field("url", request.url), field("code", code))
if (code >= HttpCode.ServerError) {
if (request.headers["content-type"] === "application/json") {
mime: "application/json",
content: {
error: e.message,
...(e.details || {}),
} else {
...(await route.provider.getErrorRoot(route, code, code, e.message)),
* Return any necessary redirection before delegating to a provider.
private maybeRedirect(request: http.IncomingMessage, route: ProviderRoute): RedirectResponse | undefined {
// If we're handling TLS ensure all requests are redirected to HTTPS.
if (this.options.cert && !(request.connection as tls.TLSSocket).encrypted) {
return { redirect: route.fullPath }
return undefined
* Given a path that goes from the base, construct a relative redirect URL
* that will get you there considering that the app may be served from an
* unknown base path. If handling TLS, also ensure HTTPS.
private constructRedirect(request: http.IncomingMessage, route: ProviderRoute, payload: RedirectResponse): string {
const query = {
...(payload.query || {}),
Object.keys(query).forEach((key) => {
if (typeof query[key] === "undefined") {
delete query[key]
const secure = (request.connection as tls.TLSSocket).encrypted
const redirect =
(this.options.cert && !secure ? `${this.protocol}://${}/` : "") +
normalize(`${route.provider.base(route)}/${payload.redirect}`, true) +
(Object.keys(query).length > 0 ? `?${querystring.stringify(query)}` : "")
logger.debug("redirecting", field("secure", !!secure), field("from", request.url), field("to", redirect))
return redirect
private onUpgrade = async (request: http.IncomingMessage, socket: net.Socket, head: Buffer): Promise<void> => {
try {
socket.on("error", () => socket.destroy())
if (this.options.cert && !(socket as tls.TLSSocket).encrypted) {
throw new HttpError("HTTP websocket", HttpCode.BadRequest)
if (!request.headers.upgrade || request.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase() !== "websocket") {
throw new HttpError("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request", HttpCode.BadRequest)
const route = this.parseUrl(request)
if (!route.provider) {
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
// The socket proxy is so we can pass them to child processes (TLS sockets
// can't be transferred so we need an in-between).
const socketProxy = await this.socketProvider.createProxy(socket)
const payload =
this.maybeProxy(request) || (await route.provider.handleWebSocket(route, request, socketProxy, head))
if (payload && payload.proxy) {
this.doProxy(route, request, { socket: socketProxy, head }, payload.proxy)
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`discarding socket connection: ${error.message}`)
* Parse a request URL so we can route it.
private parseUrl(request: http.IncomingMessage): ProviderRoute {
const parse = (fullPath: string): { base: string; requestPath: string } => {
const match = fullPath.match(/^(\/?[^/]*)(.*)$/)
let [, /* ignore */ base, requestPath] = match ? => p.replace(/\/+$/, "")) : ["", "", ""]
if (base.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
// Assume it's a file at the root.
requestPath = base
base = "/"
} else if (base === "") {
// Happens if it's a plain ``.
base = "/"
return { base, requestPath }
const parsedUrl = request.url ? url.parse(request.url, true) : { query: {}, pathname: "" }
const originalPath = parsedUrl.pathname || "/"
const fullPath = normalize(originalPath, true)
const { base, requestPath } = parse(fullPath)
// Providers match on the path after their base so we need to account for
// that by shifting the next base out of the request path.
let provider = this.providers.get(base)
if (base !== "/" && provider) {
return { ...parse(requestPath), providerBase: base, fullPath, query: parsedUrl.query, provider, originalPath }
// Fall back to the top-level provider.
provider = this.providers.get("/")
if (!provider) {
throw new Error(`No provider for ${base}`)
return { base, providerBase: "/", fullPath, requestPath, query: parsedUrl.query, provider, originalPath }
* Proxy a request to the target.
private doProxy(
route: Route,
request: http.IncomingMessage,
response: http.ServerResponse,
options: ProxyOptions,
): void
* Proxy a web socket to the target.
private doProxy(
route: Route,
request: http.IncomingMessage,
response: { socket: net.Socket; head: Buffer },
options: ProxyOptions,
): void
* Proxy a request or web socket to the target.
private doProxy(
route: Route,
request: http.IncomingMessage,
response: http.ServerResponse | { socket: net.Socket; head: Buffer },
options: ProxyOptions,
): void {
const port = parseInt(options.port, 10)
if (isNaN(port)) {
throw new HttpError(`"${options.port}" is not a valid number`, HttpCode.BadRequest)
// REVIEW: Absolute redirects need to be based on the subpath but I'm not
// sure how best to get this information to the `proxyRes` event handler.
// For now I'm sticking it on the request object which is passed through to
// the event.
;(request as ProxyRequest).base = options.strip
const isHttp = response instanceof http.ServerResponse
const base = options.strip ? route.fullPath.replace(options.strip, "") : route.fullPath
const path = normalize("/" + (options.prepend || "") + "/" + base, true)
const proxyOptions: proxy.ServerOptions = {
changeOrigin: true,
ignorePath: true,
target: `${isHttp ? "http" : "ws"}://${port}${path}${
Object.keys(route.query).length > 0 ? `?${querystring.stringify(route.query)}` : ""
ws: !isHttp,
if (response instanceof http.ServerResponse) {
this.proxy.web(request, response, proxyOptions)
} else {, response.socket, response.head, proxyOptions)
* Get the value that should be used for setting a cookie domain. This will
* allow the user to authenticate only once. This will use the highest level
* domain (e.g. `` over `` if both are specified).
private getCookieDomain(host: string): string | undefined {
const idx = host.lastIndexOf(":")
host = idx !== -1 ? host.substring(0, idx) : host
if (
// Might be blank/missing, so there's nothing more to do.
!host ||
// IP addresses can't have subdomains so there's no value in setting the
// domain for them. Assume anything with a : is ipv6 (valid domain name
// characters are alphanumeric or dashes).
host.includes(":") ||
// Assume anything entirely numbers and dots is ipv4 (currently tlds
// cannot be entirely numbers).
!/[^0-9.]/.test(host) ||
// localhost subdomains don't seem to work at all (browser bug?).
host.endsWith(".localhost") ||
// It might be localhost (or an IP, see above) if it's a proxy and it
// isn't setting the host header to match the access domain.
host === "localhost"
) {
return undefined
this.proxyDomains.forEach((domain) => {
if (host.endsWith(domain) && domain.length < host.length) {
host = domain
return host ? `Domain=${host}` : undefined
* Return a response if the request should be proxied. Anything that ends in a
* proxy domain and has a *single* subdomain should be proxied. Anything else
* should return `undefined` and will be handled as normal.
* For example if `` is specified `` will be proxied
* but `` and `` will not.
public maybeProxy(request: http.IncomingMessage): HttpResponse | undefined {
// Split into parts.
const host = || ""
const idx = host.indexOf(":")
const domain = idx !== -1 ? host.substring(0, idx) : host
const parts = domain.split(".")
// There must be an exact match.
const port = parts.shift()
const proxyDomain = parts.join(".")
if (!port || !this.proxyDomains.has(proxyDomain)) {
return undefined
return {
proxy: {