Also too the opportunity to rewrite the build script since there was a change in the build steps (mainly how the product JSON is inserted) and to get the build changes out of the patch. It also no longer relies on external caching (we'll want to do this within CI instead).
264 lines
8.4 KiB
264 lines
8.4 KiB
import * as cp from "child_process";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import { setUnexpectedErrorHandler } from "vs/base/common/errors";
import { main as vsCli } from "vs/code/node/cliProcessMain";
import { validatePaths } from "vs/code/node/paths";
import { ParsedArgs } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment";
import { buildHelpMessage, buildVersionMessage, Option as VsOption, OPTIONS, OptionDescriptions } from "vs/platform/environment/node/argv";
import { parseMainProcessArgv } from "vs/platform/environment/node/argvHelper";
import product from "vs/platform/product/common/product";
import { ipcMain } from "vs/server/src/node/ipc";
import { enableCustomMarketplace } from "vs/server/src/node/marketplace";
import { MainServer } from "vs/server/src/node/server";
import { AuthType, buildAllowedMessage, enumToArray, FormatType, generateCertificate, generatePassword, localRequire, open, unpackExecutables } from "vs/server/src/node/util";
const { logger } = localRequire<typeof import("@coder/logger/out/index")>("@coder/logger/out/index");
setUnexpectedErrorHandler((error) => logger.warn(error.message));
interface Args extends ParsedArgs {
auth?: AuthType;
"base-path"?: string;
cert?: string;
"cert-key"?: string;
format?: string;
host?: string;
open?: boolean;
port?: string;
socket?: string;
// @ts-ignore: Force `keyof Args` to work.
interface Option extends VsOption {
id: keyof Args;
const getArgs = (): Args => {
// Remove options that won't work or don't make sense.
for (let key in OPTIONS) {
switch (key) {
case "add":
case "diff":
case "file-uri":
case "folder-uri":
case "goto":
case "new-window":
case "reuse-window":
case "wait":
case "disable-gpu":
// TODO: pretty sure these don't work but not 100%.
case "max-memory":
case "prof-startup":
case "inspect-extensions":
case "inspect-brk-extensions":
delete OPTIONS[key];
const options = OPTIONS as OptionDescriptions<Required<Args>>;
options["base-path"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Base path of the URL at which code-server is hosted (used for login redirects)." };
options["cert"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Path to certificate. If the path is omitted, both this and --cert-key will be generated." };
options["cert-key"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Path to the certificate's key if one was provided." };
options["format"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: `Format for the version. ${buildAllowedMessage(FormatType)}.` };
options["host"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Host for the server." };
options["auth"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: `The type of authentication to use. ${buildAllowedMessage(AuthType)}.` };
options["open"] = { type: "boolean", cat: "o", description: "Open in the browser on startup." };
options["port"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Port for the main server." };
options["socket"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Listen on a socket instead of host:port." };
const args = parseMainProcessArgv(process.argv);
if (!args["user-data-dir"]) {
args["user-data-dir"] = path.join(process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME || path.join(os.homedir(), ".local/share"), "code-server");
if (!args["extensions-dir"]) {
args["extensions-dir"] = path.join(args["user-data-dir"], "extensions");
if (!args.verbose && !args.log && process.env.LOG_LEVEL) {
args.log = process.env.LOG_LEVEL;
return validatePaths(args);
const startVscode = async (): Promise<void | void[]> => {
const args = getArgs();
const extra = args["_"] || [];
const options = {
auth: args.auth,
basePath: args["base-path"],
cert: args.cert,
certKey: args["cert-key"],
folderUri: extra.length > 1 ? extra[extra.length - 1] : undefined,
password: process.env.PASSWORD,
if (options.auth && enumToArray(AuthType).filter((t) => t === options.auth).length === 0) {
throw new Error(`'${options.auth}' is not a valid authentication type.`);
} else if (options.auth && !options.password) {
options.password = await generatePassword();
if (!options.certKey && typeof options.certKey !== "undefined") {
throw new Error(`--cert-key cannot be blank`);
} else if (options.certKey && !options.cert) {
throw new Error(`--cert-key was provided but --cert was not`);
} if (!options.cert && typeof options.cert !== "undefined") {
const { cert, certKey } = await generateCertificate();
options.cert = cert;
options.certKey = certKey;
const server = new MainServer({
port: typeof args.port !== "undefined" ? parseInt(args.port, 10) : 8080,
socket: args.socket,
}, args);
const [serverAddress, /* ignore */] = await Promise.all([
|`Server listening on ${serverAddress}`);
if (options.auth && !process.env.PASSWORD) {
|` - Password is ${options.password}`);
|" - To use your own password, set the PASSWORD environment variable");
} else if (options.auth) {
|" - Using custom password for authentication");
} else {
|" - No authentication");
if (server.protocol === "https") {
? ` - Using provided certificate${args["cert-key"] ? " and key" : ""} for HTTPS`
: ` - Using generated certificate and key for HTTPS`,
} else {
|" - Not serving HTTPS");
if (!server.options.socket && {
// The web socket doesn't seem to work if browsing with
const openAddress = serverAddress.replace(/:\/\/, "://localhost");
await open(openAddress).catch(console.error);
|` - Opened ${openAddress}`);
const startCli = (): boolean | Promise<void> => {
const args = getArgs();
if ( {
const executable = `${product.applicationName}${os.platform() === "win32" ? ".exe" : ""}`;
console.log(buildHelpMessage(product.nameLong, executable, product.codeServerVersion, OPTIONS, false));
return true;
if (args.version) {
if (args.format === "json") {
codeServerVersion: product.codeServerVersion,
commit: product.commit,
vscodeVersion: product.version,
} else {
buildVersionMessage(product.codeServerVersion, product.commit).split("\n").map((line) =>;
return true;
const shouldSpawnCliProcess = (): boolean => {
return !!args["install-source"]
|| !!args["list-extensions"]
|| !!args["install-extension"]
|| !!args["uninstall-extension"]
|| !!args["locate-extension"]
|| !!args["telemetry"];
if (shouldSpawnCliProcess()) {
return vsCli(args);
return false;
export class WrapperProcess {
private process?: cp.ChildProcess;
private started?: Promise<void>;
public constructor() {
ipcMain.onMessage(async (message) => {
switch (message) {
case "relaunch":
this.started = undefined;
if (this.process) {
try {
await this.start();
} catch (error) {
process.exit(typeof error.code === "number" ? error.code : 1);
logger.error(`Unrecognized message ${message}`);
public start(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.started) {
const child = this.spawn();
this.started = ipcMain.handshake(child);
this.process = child;
return this.started;
private spawn(): cp.ChildProcess {
return cp.spawn(process.argv[0], process.argv.slice(1), {
env: {
stdio: ["inherit", "inherit", "inherit", "ipc"],
const main = async(): Promise<boolean | void | void[]> => {
if (process.env.LAUNCH_VSCODE) {
await ipcMain.handshake();
return startVscode();
return startCli() || new WrapperProcess().start();
const exit = process.exit;
process.exit = function (code?: number) {
const err = new Error(`process.exit() was prevented: ${code || "unknown code"}.`);
} as (code?: number) => never;
// It's possible that the pipe has closed (for example if you run code-server
// --version | head -1). Assume that means we're done.
if (!process.stdout.isTTY) {
process.stdout.on("error", () => exit());
main().catch((error) => {
exit(typeof error.code === "number" ? error.code : 1);