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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { CompletionItemProvider, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CancellationToken, TextDocument, Position, Range, TextEdit, workspace, CompletionContext } from 'vscode';
import phpGlobals = require('./phpGlobals');
import phpGlobalFunctions = require('./phpGlobalFunctions');
export default class PHPCompletionItemProvider implements CompletionItemProvider {
public provideCompletionItems(document: TextDocument, position: Position, _token: CancellationToken, context: CompletionContext): Promise<CompletionItem[]> {
let result: CompletionItem[] = [];
let shouldProvideCompletionItems = workspace.getConfiguration('php').get<boolean>('suggest.basic', true);
if (!shouldProvideCompletionItems) {
return Promise.resolve(result);
let range = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(position);
let prefix = range ? document.getText(range) : '';
if (!range) {
range = new Range(position, position);
if (context.triggerCharacter === '>') {
const twoBeforeCursor = new Position(position.line, Math.max(0, position.character - 2));
const previousTwoChars = document.getText(new Range(twoBeforeCursor, position));
if (previousTwoChars !== '->') {
return Promise.resolve(result);
let added: any = {};
let createNewProposal = function (kind: CompletionItemKind, name: string, entry: phpGlobals.IEntry | null): CompletionItem {
let proposal: CompletionItem = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = kind;
if (entry) {
if (entry.description) {
proposal.documentation = entry.description;
if (entry.signature) {
proposal.detail = entry.signature;
return proposal;
let matches = (name: string) => {
return prefix.length === 0 || name.length >= prefix.length && name.substr(0, prefix.length) === prefix;
if (matches('php') && range.start.character >= 2) {
let twoBeforePosition = new Position(range.start.line, range.start.character - 2);
let beforeWord = document.getText(new Range(twoBeforePosition, range.start));
if (beforeWord === '<?') {
let proposal = createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Class, '<?php', null);
proposal.textEdit = new TextEdit(new Range(twoBeforePosition, position), '<?php');
return Promise.resolve(result);
for (let globalvariables in phpGlobals.globalvariables) {
if (phpGlobals.globalvariables.hasOwnProperty(globalvariables) && matches(globalvariables)) {
added[globalvariables] = true;
result.push(createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Variable, globalvariables, phpGlobals.globalvariables[globalvariables]));
for (let globalfunctions in phpGlobalFunctions.globalfunctions) {
if (phpGlobalFunctions.globalfunctions.hasOwnProperty(globalfunctions) && matches(globalfunctions)) {
added[globalfunctions] = true;
result.push(createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Function, globalfunctions, phpGlobalFunctions.globalfunctions[globalfunctions]));
for (let compiletimeconstants in phpGlobals.compiletimeconstants) {
if (phpGlobals.compiletimeconstants.hasOwnProperty(compiletimeconstants) && matches(compiletimeconstants)) {
added[compiletimeconstants] = true;
result.push(createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Field, compiletimeconstants, phpGlobals.compiletimeconstants[compiletimeconstants]));
for (let keywords in phpGlobals.keywords) {
if (phpGlobals.keywords.hasOwnProperty(keywords) && matches(keywords)) {
added[keywords] = true;
result.push(createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Keyword, keywords, phpGlobals.keywords[keywords]));
let text = document.getText();
if (prefix[0] === '$') {
let variableMatch = /\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)/g;
let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null;
while (match = variableMatch.exec(text)) {
let word = match[0];
if (!added[word]) {
added[word] = true;
result.push(createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Variable, word, null));
let functionMatch = /function\s+([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\s*\(/g;
let match2: RegExpExecArray | null = null;
while (match2 = functionMatch.exec(text)) {
let word2 = match2[1];
if (!added[word2]) {
added[word2] = true;
result.push(createNewProposal(CompletionItemKind.Function, word2, null));
return Promise.resolve(result);