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2021-04-09 11:32:27 +05:30

326 lines
13 KiB

- task: NodeTool@0
versionSpec: "12.18.3"
- task: AzureKeyVault@1
displayName: "Azure Key Vault: Get Secrets"
azureSubscription: "vscode-builds-subscription"
KeyVaultName: vscode
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
artifact: Compilation
path: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
displayName: Download compilation output
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'))
- script: |
set -e
tar -xzf $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/compilation.tar.gz
displayName: Extract compilation output
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'))
# Set up the credentials to retrieve distro repo and setup git persona
# to create a merge commit for when we merge distro into oss
- script: |
set -e
cat << EOF > ~/.netrc
login vscode
password $(github-distro-mixin-password)
git config ""
git config "VSCode"
displayName: Prepare tooling
- script: |
set -e
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
displayName: Switch to Xcode 12
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'arm64'))
- script: |
set -e
git pull --no-rebase$(VSCODE_MIXIN_REPO).git $(node -p "require('./package.json').distro")
displayName: Merge distro
- script: |
mkdir -p .build
node build/azure-pipelines/common/computeNodeModulesCacheKey.js $VSCODE_ARCH $ENABLE_TERRAPIN > .build/yarnlockhash
displayName: Prepare yarn cache flags
- task: Cache@2
key: 'nodeModules | $(Agent.OS) | .build/yarnlockhash'
path: .build/node_modules_cache
displayName: Restore node_modules cache
- script: |
set -e
tar -xzf .build/node_modules_cache/cache.tgz
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'))
displayName: Extract node_modules cache
- script: |
set -e
npm install -g node-gyp@latest
node-gyp --version
displayName: Update node-gyp
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'))
- script: |
set -e
npx standAlone
timeoutInMinutes: 5
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'), eq(variables['ENABLE_TERRAPIN'], 'true'))
displayName: Switch to Terrapin packages
- script: |
set -e
export npm_config_arch=$(VSCODE_ARCH)
export npm_config_node_gyp=$(which node-gyp)
export SDKROOT=/Applications/
for i in {1..3}; do # try 3 times, for Terrapin
yarn --frozen-lockfile && break
if [ $i -eq 3 ]; then
echo "Yarn failed too many times" >&2
exit 1
echo "Yarn failed $i, trying again..."
displayName: Install dependencies
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'))
- script: |
set -e
node build/azure-pipelines/common/listNodeModules.js .build/node_modules_list.txt
mkdir -p .build/node_modules_cache
tar -czf .build/node_modules_cache/cache.tgz --files-from .build/node_modules_list.txt
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'))
displayName: Create node_modules archive
- script: |
set -e
export npm_config_arch=$(VSCODE_ARCH)
export npm_config_node_gyp=$(which node-gyp)
export npm_config_build_from_source=true
export SDKROOT=/Applications/
ls /Applications/
yarn electron-rebuild
# remove once is merged and found in keytar
cd ./node_modules/keytar
node-gyp rebuild
displayName: Rebuild native modules for ARM64
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'arm64'))
# This script brings in the right resources (images, icons, etc) based on the quality (insiders, stable, exploration)
- script: |
set -e
node build/azure-pipelines/mixin
displayName: Mix in quality
- script: |
set -e
VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \
yarn gulp vscode-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH)-min-ci
displayName: Build client
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'))
- script: |
set -e
VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \
yarn gulp vscode-reh-darwin-min-ci
VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \
yarn gulp vscode-reh-web-darwin-min-ci
displayName: Build Server
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'))
- script: |
set -e
VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \
yarn npm-run-all -lp "electron $(VSCODE_ARCH)" "playwright-install"
displayName: Download Electron and Playwright
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- download: current
artifact: vscode-darwin-x64
displayName: Download x64 artifact
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'))
- download: current
artifact: vscode-darwin-arm64
displayName: Download arm64 artifact
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'))
- script: |
set -e
cp $(Pipeline.Workspace)/vscode-darwin-x64/ $(agent.builddirectory)/
cp $(Pipeline.Workspace)/vscode-darwin-arm64/ $(agent.builddirectory)/
unzip $(agent.builddirectory)/ -d $(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin-x64
unzip $(agent.builddirectory)/ -d $(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin-arm64
DEBUG=* node build/darwin/create-universal-app.js
displayName: Create Universal App
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'universal'))
# Setting hardened entitlements is a requirement for:
# * Apple notarization
# * Running tests on Big Sur (because Big Sur has additional security precautions)
- script: |
set -e
security create-keychain -p pwd $(agent.tempdirectory)/buildagent.keychain
security default-keychain -s $(agent.tempdirectory)/buildagent.keychain
security unlock-keychain -p pwd $(agent.tempdirectory)/buildagent.keychain
echo "$(macos-developer-certificate)" | base64 -D > $(agent.tempdirectory)/cert.p12
security import $(agent.tempdirectory)/cert.p12 -k $(agent.tempdirectory)/buildagent.keychain -P "$(macos-developer-certificate-key)" -T /usr/bin/codesign
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k pwd $(agent.tempdirectory)/buildagent.keychain
VSCODE_ARCH=$(VSCODE_ARCH) DEBUG=electron-osx-sign* node build/darwin/sign.js
displayName: Set Hardened Entitlements
- script: |
set -e
./scripts/ --build --tfs "Unit Tests"
displayName: Run unit tests (Electron)
timeoutInMinutes: 7
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
yarn test-browser --build --browser chromium --browser webkit --browser firefox --tfs "Browser Unit Tests"
displayName: Run unit tests (Browser)
timeoutInMinutes: 7
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
yarn --cwd test/integration/browser compile
displayName: Compile integration tests
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
# Figure out the full absolute path of the product we just built
# including the remote server and configure the integration tests
# to run with these builds instead of running out of sources.
set -e
APP_NAME="`ls $APP_ROOT | head -n 1`"
VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH="$(agent.builddirectory)/vscode-reh-darwin" \
./scripts/ --build --tfs "Integration Tests"
displayName: Run integration tests (Electron)
timeoutInMinutes: 10
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH="$(agent.builddirectory)/vscode-reh-web-darwin" \
./resources/server/test/ --browser webkit
displayName: Run integration tests (Browser)
timeoutInMinutes: 7
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
APP_NAME="`ls $APP_ROOT | head -n 1`"
VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH="$(agent.builddirectory)/vscode-reh-darwin" \
displayName: Run remote integration tests (Electron)
timeoutInMinutes: 7
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
yarn --cwd test/smoke compile
displayName: Compile smoke tests
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
APP_NAME="`ls $APP_ROOT | head -n 1`"
yarn smoketest-no-compile --build "$APP_ROOT/$APP_NAME"
timeoutInMinutes: 5
displayName: Run smoke tests (Electron)
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
APP_NAME="`ls $APP_ROOT | head -n 1`"
VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH="$(agent.builddirectory)/vscode-reh-darwin" \
yarn smoketest-no-compile --build "$APP_ROOT/$APP_NAME" --remote
timeoutInMinutes: 5
displayName: Run smoke tests (Remote)
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH="$(agent.builddirectory)/vscode-reh-web-darwin" \
yarn smoketest-no-compile --web --headless
timeoutInMinutes: 5
displayName: Run smoke tests (Browser)
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
artifactName: crash-dump-macos-$(VSCODE_ARCH)
targetPath: .build/crashes
displayName: "Publish Crash Reports"
continueOnError: true
condition: failed()
- task: PublishTestResults@2
displayName: Publish Tests Results
testResultsFiles: "*-results.xml"
searchFolder: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/test-results"
condition: and(succeededOrFailed(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
pushd $(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH) && zip -r -X -y $(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH).zip * && popd
displayName: Archive build
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['VSCODE_PUBLISH'], 'false'))
- script: |
set -e
VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \
AZURE_DOCUMENTDB_MASTERKEY="$(builds-docdb-key-readwrite)" \
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="$(ticino-storage-key)" \
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_2="$(vscode-storage-key)" \
VSCODE_ARCH="$(VSCODE_ARCH)" ./build/azure-pipelines/darwin/
displayName: Publish Servers
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), ne(variables['VSCODE_PUBLISH'], 'false'))
- publish: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/VSCode-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH).zip
artifact: vscode-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH)
displayName: Publish client archive
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['VSCODE_PUBLISH'], 'false'))
- publish: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/
artifact: vscode-server-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH)
displayName: Publish server archive
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), ne(variables['VSCODE_PUBLISH'], 'false'))
- publish: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/
artifact: vscode-server-darwin-$(VSCODE_ARCH)-web
displayName: Publish web server archive
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'), ne(variables['VSCODE_PUBLISH'], 'false'))
- script: |
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="$(ticino-storage-key)" \
yarn gulp upload-vscode-configuration
displayName: Upload configuration (for Bing settings search)
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_ARCH'], 'x64'))
continueOnError: true