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Asher 27ba64c7e4
Improve request error handling
See #1532 for more context.

- Errored JSON requests will get back the error in JSON instead of using
  the status text. This seems better to me because it seems more correct
  to utilize the response body over hijacking the status text. The
  caller is expecting JSON anyway. Worst of all I never actually set the
  status text like I thought I did so it wasn't working to begin with.
- Allow the update error to propagate for JSON update requests. It was
  caught to show the error inline instead of an error page when using
  the update page but for JSON requests it meant there was no error and
  no error code so it looked like it succeeded.
- Make errors for failed requests to GitHub less incomprehensible.
  Previously they would just be the code which is no context at all.
2020-04-17 15:16:10 -05:00

385 lines
12 KiB

import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger"
import zip from "adm-zip"
import * as cp from "child_process"
import * as fs from "fs-extra"
import * as http from "http"
import * as https from "https"
import * as os from "os"
import * as path from "path"
import * as semver from "semver"
import { Readable, Writable } from "stream"
import * as tar from "tar-fs"
import * as url from "url"
import * as util from "util"
import * as zlib from "zlib"
import { HttpCode, HttpError } from "../../common/http"
import { HttpProvider, HttpProviderOptions, HttpResponse, Route } from "../http"
import { settings as globalSettings, SettingsProvider, UpdateSettings } from "../settings"
import { tmpdir } from "../util"
import { ipcMain } from "../wrapper"
export interface Update {
checked: number
version: string
export interface LatestResponse {
name: string
* Update HTTP provider.
export class UpdateHttpProvider extends HttpProvider {
private update?: Promise<Update>
private updateInterval = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 // Milliseconds between update checks.
public constructor(
options: HttpProviderOptions,
public readonly enabled: boolean,
* The URL for getting the latest version of code-server. Should return JSON
* that fulfills `LatestResponse`.
private readonly latestUrl = "",
* The URL for downloading a version of code-server. {{VERSION}} and
* {{RELEASE_NAME}} will be replaced (for example 2.1.0 and
* code-server-2.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz).
private readonly downloadUrl = "{{VERSION}}/{{RELEASE_NAME}}",
* Update information will be stored here. If not provided, the global
* settings will be used.
private readonly settings: SettingsProvider<UpdateSettings> = globalSettings,
) {
public async handleRequest(route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise<HttpResponse> {
if (!this.isRoot(route)) {
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
switch (route.base) {
case "/check":
if (route.query && {
return {
redirect: Array.isArray( ?[0] :,
query: { to: undefined },
return this.getRoot(route, request)
case "/apply":
return this.tryUpdate(route, request)
case "/":
return this.getRoot(route, request)
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
public async getRoot(
route: Route,
request: http.IncomingMessage,
errorOrUpdate?: Update | Error,
): Promise<HttpResponse> {
if (request.headers["content-type"] === "application/json") {
if (!this.enabled) {
return {
content: {
isLatest: true,
const update = await this.getUpdate()
return {
content: {
isLatest: this.isLatestVersion(update),
const response = await this.getUtf8Resource(this.rootPath, "src/browser/pages/update.html")
response.content = response.content
errorOrUpdate && !(errorOrUpdate instanceof Error)
? `Updated to ${errorOrUpdate.version}`
: await this.getUpdateHtml(),
.replace(/{{ERROR}}/, errorOrUpdate instanceof Error ? `<div class="error">${errorOrUpdate.message}</div>` : "")
return this.replaceTemplates(route, response)
* Query for and return the latest update.
public async getUpdate(force?: boolean): Promise<Update> {
if (!this.enabled) {
throw new Error("updates are not enabled")
// Don't run multiple requests at a time.
if (!this.update) {
this.update = this._getUpdate(force)
this.update.then(() => (this.update = undefined))
return this.update
private async _getUpdate(force?: boolean): Promise<Update> {
const now =
try {
let { update } = !force ? await : { update: undefined }
if (!update || update.checked + this.updateInterval < now) {
const buffer = await this.request(this.latestUrl)
const data = JSON.parse(buffer.toString()) as LatestResponse
update = { checked: now, version: }
await this.settings.write({ update })
logger.debug("got latest version", field("latest", update.version))
return update
} catch (error) {
logger.error("Failed to get latest version", field("error", error.message))
return {
checked: now,
version: "unknown",
public get currentVersion(): string {
return require(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../package.json")).version
* Return true if the currently installed version is the latest.
public isLatestVersion(latest: Update): boolean {
const version = this.currentVersion
logger.debug("comparing versions", field("current", version), field("latest", latest.version))
try {
return latest.version === version ||, version)
} catch (error) {
return true
private async getUpdateHtml(): Promise<string> {
if (!this.enabled) {
return "Updates are disabled"
const update = await this.getUpdate()
if (this.isLatestVersion(update)) {
return "No update available"
return `<button type="submit" class="apply -button">Update to ${update.version}</button>`
public async tryUpdate(route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise<HttpResponse> {
try {
const update = await this.getUpdate()
if (!this.isLatestVersion(update)) {
await this.downloadAndApplyUpdate(update)
return this.getRoot(route, request, update)
return this.getRoot(route, request)
} catch (error) {
// For JSON requests propagate the error. Otherwise catch it so we can
// show the error inline with the update button instead of an error page.
if (request.headers["content-type"] === "application/json") {
throw error
return this.getRoot(route, error)
public async downloadAndApplyUpdate(update: Update, targetPath?: string): Promise<void> {
const releaseName = await this.getReleaseName(update)
const url = this.downloadUrl.replace("{{VERSION}}", update.version).replace("{{RELEASE_NAME}}", releaseName)
let downloadPath = path.join(tmpdir, "updates", releaseName)
const response = await this.requestResponse(url)
try {
if (downloadPath.endsWith(".tar.gz")) {
downloadPath = await this.extractTar(response, downloadPath)
} else {
downloadPath = await this.extractZip(response, downloadPath)
logger.debug("Downloaded update", field("path", downloadPath))
// The archive should have a directory inside at the top level with the
// same name as the archive.
const directoryPath = path.join(downloadPath, path.basename(downloadPath))
await fs.stat(directoryPath)
if (!targetPath) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
targetPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../")
// Move the old directory to prevent potential data loss.
const backupPath = path.resolve(targetPath, `../${path.basename(targetPath)}.${}`)
logger.debug("Replacing files", field("target", targetPath), field("backup", backupPath))
await fs.move(targetPath, backupPath)
// Move the new directory.
await fs.move(directoryPath, targetPath)
await fs.remove(downloadPath)
if (process.send) {
} catch (error) {
throw error
private async extractTar(response: Readable, downloadPath: string): Promise<string> {
downloadPath = downloadPath.replace(/\.tar\.gz$/, "")
logger.debug("Extracting tar", field("path", downloadPath))
await fs.remove(downloadPath)
const decompress = zlib.createGunzip()
response.pipe(decompress as Writable)
response.on("error", (error) => decompress.destroy(error))
response.on("close", () => decompress.end())
const destination = tar.extract(downloadPath)
decompress.on("error", (error) => destination.destroy(error))
decompress.on("close", () => destination.end())
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
destination.on("finish", resolve)
destination.on("error", reject)
return downloadPath
private async extractZip(response: Readable, downloadPath: string): Promise<string> {
logger.debug("Downloading zip", field("path", downloadPath))
await fs.remove(downloadPath)
const write = fs.createWriteStream(downloadPath)
response.on("error", (error) => write.destroy(error))
response.on("close", () => write.end())
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
write.on("error", reject)
write.on("close", resolve)
const zipPath = downloadPath
downloadPath = downloadPath.replace(/\.zip$/, "")
await fs.remove(downloadPath)
logger.debug("Extracting zip", field("path", zipPath))
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
new zip(zipPath).extractAllToAsync(downloadPath, true, (error) => {
return error ? reject(error) : resolve()
await fs.remove(zipPath)
return downloadPath
* Given an update return the name for the packaged archived.
public async getReleaseName(update: Update): Promise<string> {
let target: string = os.platform()
if (target === "linux") {
const result = await util
.promisify(cp.exec)("ldd --version")
.catch((error) => ({
stderr: error.message,
stdout: "",
if (/musl/.test(result.stderr) || /musl/.test(result.stdout)) {
target = "alpine"
let arch = os.arch()
if (arch === "x64") {
arch = "x86_64"
return `code-server-${update.version}-${target}-${arch}.${target === "darwin" ? "zip" : "tar.gz"}`
private async request(uri: string): Promise<Buffer> {
const response = await this.requestResponse(uri)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks: Buffer[] = []
let bufferLength = 0
response.on("data", (chunk) => {
bufferLength += chunk.length
response.on("error", reject)
response.on("end", () => {
resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks, bufferLength))
private async requestResponse(uri: string): Promise<http.IncomingMessage> {
let redirects = 0
const maxRedirects = 10
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = (uri: string): void => {
logger.debug("Making request", field("uri", uri))
const httpx = uri.startsWith("https") ? https : http
const client = httpx.get(uri, { headers: { "User-Agent": "code-server" } }, (response) => {
if (
response.statusCode &&
response.statusCode >= 300 &&
response.statusCode < 400 &&
) {
if (redirects > maxRedirects) {
return reject(new Error("reached max redirects"))
return request(url.resolve(uri, response.headers.location))
if (!response.statusCode || response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 400) {
return reject(new Error(`${uri}: ${response.statusCode || "500"}`))
client.on("error", reject)