Make sourcemaps self-hosted

Normally source maps get removed as part of the build process so prevent that
from happening.  Also avoid using the host since obviously we can
not host our source maps there and want them to be self-hosted even if we could.

To test try debugging/browsing the source of a build in a browser.

Index: code-server/lib/vscode/build/gulpfile.reh.js
--- code-server.orig/lib/vscode/build/gulpfile.reh.js
+++ code-server/lib/vscode/build/gulpfile.reh.js
@@ -196,8 +196,7 @@ function packageTask(type, platform, arc
 		const src = gulp.src(sourceFolderName + '/**', { base: '.' })
 			.pipe(rename(function (path) { path.dirname = path.dirname.replace(new RegExp('^' + sourceFolderName), 'out'); }))
-			.pipe(util.setExecutableBit(['**/*.sh']))
-			.pipe(filter(['**', '!**/*']));
+			.pipe(util.setExecutableBit(['**/*.sh']));
 		const workspaceExtensionPoints = ['debuggers', 'jsonValidation'];
 		const isUIExtension = (manifest) => {
@@ -236,9 +235,9 @@ function packageTask(type, platform, arc
 			.map(name => `.build/extensions/${name}/**`);
 		const extensions = gulp.src(extensionPaths, { base: '.build', dot: true });
-		const extensionsCommonDependencies = gulp.src('.build/extensions/node_modules/**', { base: '.build', dot: true });
-		const sources = es.merge(src, extensions, extensionsCommonDependencies)
+		const extensionsCommonDependencies = gulp.src('.build/extensions/node_modules/**', { base: '.build', dot: true })
 			.pipe(filter(['**', '!**/*'], { dot: true }));
+		const sources = es.merge(src, extensions, extensionsCommonDependencies);
 		let version = packageJson.version;
 		const quality = product.quality;
@@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ function tweakProductForServerWeb(produc
 	const minifyTask = task.define(`minify-vscode-${type}`, task.series(
-		common.minifyTask(`out-vscode-${type}`, `${commit}/core`)
+		common.minifyTask(`out-vscode-${type}`, '')