/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { getHtmlFlatNode, offsetRangeToSelection, validate } from './util'; import { getRootNode } from './parseDocument'; import { HtmlNode as HtmlFlatNode } from 'EmmetFlatNode'; let balanceOutStack: Array = []; let lastBalancedSelections: vscode.Selection[] = []; export function balanceOut() { balance(true); } export function balanceIn() { balance(false); } function balance(out: boolean) { if (!validate(false) || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; const document = editor.document; const rootNode = getRootNode(document, true); if (!rootNode) { return; } const rangeFn = out ? getRangeToBalanceOut : getRangeToBalanceIn; let newSelections: vscode.Selection[] = []; editor.selections.forEach(selection => { const range = rangeFn(document, rootNode, selection); newSelections.push(range); }); // check whether we are starting a balance elsewhere if (areSameSelections(lastBalancedSelections, editor.selections)) { // we are not starting elsewhere, so use the stack as-is if (out) { // make sure we are able to expand outwards if (!areSameSelections(editor.selections, newSelections)) { balanceOutStack.push(editor.selections); } } else if (balanceOutStack.length) { newSelections = balanceOutStack.pop()!; } } else { // we are starting elsewhere, so reset the stack balanceOutStack = out ? [editor.selections] : []; } editor.selections = newSelections; lastBalancedSelections = editor.selections; } function getRangeToBalanceOut(document: vscode.TextDocument, rootNode: HtmlFlatNode, selection: vscode.Selection): vscode.Selection { const offset = document.offsetAt(selection.start); const nodeToBalance = getHtmlFlatNode(document.getText(), rootNode, offset, false); if (!nodeToBalance) { return selection; } if (!nodeToBalance.open || !nodeToBalance.close) { return offsetRangeToSelection(document, nodeToBalance.start, nodeToBalance.end); } const innerSelection = offsetRangeToSelection(document, nodeToBalance.open.end, nodeToBalance.close.start); const outerSelection = offsetRangeToSelection(document, nodeToBalance.open.start, nodeToBalance.close.end); if (innerSelection.contains(selection) && !innerSelection.isEqual(selection)) { return innerSelection; } if (outerSelection.contains(selection) && !outerSelection.isEqual(selection)) { return outerSelection; } return selection; } function getRangeToBalanceIn(document: vscode.TextDocument, rootNode: HtmlFlatNode, selection: vscode.Selection): vscode.Selection { const offset = document.offsetAt(selection.start); const nodeToBalance = getHtmlFlatNode(document.getText(), rootNode, offset, true); if (!nodeToBalance) { return selection; } const selectionStart = document.offsetAt(selection.start); const selectionEnd = document.offsetAt(selection.end); if (nodeToBalance.open && nodeToBalance.close) { const entireNodeSelected = selectionStart === nodeToBalance.start && selectionEnd === nodeToBalance.end; const startInOpenTag = selectionStart > nodeToBalance.open.start && selectionStart < nodeToBalance.open.end; const startInCloseTag = selectionStart > nodeToBalance.close.start && selectionStart < nodeToBalance.close.end; if (entireNodeSelected || startInOpenTag || startInCloseTag) { return offsetRangeToSelection(document, nodeToBalance.open.end, nodeToBalance.close.start); } } if (!nodeToBalance.firstChild) { return selection; } const firstChild = nodeToBalance.firstChild; if (selectionStart === firstChild.start && selectionEnd === firstChild.end && firstChild.open && firstChild.close) { return offsetRangeToSelection(document, firstChild.open.end, firstChild.close.start); } return offsetRangeToSelection(document, firstChild.start, firstChild.end); } function areSameSelections(a: vscode.Selection[], b: vscode.Selection[]): boolean { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!a[i].isEqual(b[i])) { return false; } } return true; }