import { ChildProcess } from "child_process"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import { forkModule } from "./bootstrapFork"; import { StdioIpcHandler } from "../ipc"; import { ParsedArgs } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment"; import { Emitter } from "@coder/events/src"; import { retry } from "@coder/ide/src/retry"; import { logger, field, Level } from "@coder/logger"; export enum SharedProcessState { Stopped, Starting, Ready, } export type SharedProcessEvent = { readonly state: SharedProcessState.Ready | SharedProcessState.Starting; } | { readonly state: SharedProcessState.Stopped; readonly error: string; }; export class SharedProcess { public readonly socketPath: string = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `.vscode-remote${Math.random().toString()}`); private _state: SharedProcessState = SharedProcessState.Stopped; private activeProcess: ChildProcess | undefined; private ipcHandler: StdioIpcHandler | undefined; private readonly onStateEmitter = new Emitter(); public readonly onState = this.onStateEmitter.event; private readonly retryName = "Shared process"; private readonly logger = logger.named("shared"); public constructor( private readonly userDataDir: string, private readonly builtInExtensionsDir: string, ) { retry.register(this.retryName, () => this.restart());; } public get state(): SharedProcessState { return this._state; } public restart(): void { if (this.activeProcess && !this.activeProcess.killed) { this.activeProcess.kill(); } const extensionsDir = path.join(this.userDataDir, "extensions"); const mkdir = (dir: string): void => { try { fs.mkdirSync(dir); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code !== "EEXIST") { throw ex; } } }; mkdir(this.userDataDir); mkdir(extensionsDir); this.setState({ state: SharedProcessState.Starting, }); let resolved: boolean = false; const maybeStop = (error: string): void => { if (resolved) { return; } this.setState({ error, state: SharedProcessState.Stopped, }); if (!this.activeProcess) { return; } this.activeProcess.kill(); }; this.activeProcess = forkModule("vs/code/electron-browser/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain", [], { env: { VSCODE_ALLOW_IO: "true", VSCODE_LOGS: process.env.VSCODE_LOGS, }, }, this.userDataDir); if (this.logger.level <= Level.Trace) { this.activeProcess.stdout.on("data", (data) => { this.logger.trace(() => ["stdout", field("data", data.toString())]); }); } this.activeProcess.on("error", (error) => { this.logger.error("error", field("error", error)); maybeStop(error.message); }); this.activeProcess.on("exit", (err) => { if (this._state !== SharedProcessState.Stopped) { this.setState({ error: `Exited with ${err}`, state: SharedProcessState.Stopped, }); }, new Error(`Exited with ${err}`)); }); this.ipcHandler = new StdioIpcHandler(this.activeProcess); this.ipcHandler.once("handshake:hello", () => { const data: { sharedIPCHandle: string; args: Partial; logLevel: Level; } = { args: { "builtin-extensions-dir": this.builtInExtensionsDir, "user-data-dir": this.userDataDir, "extensions-dir": extensionsDir, }, logLevel: this.logger.level, sharedIPCHandle: this.socketPath, }; this.ipcHandler!.send("handshake:hey there", "", data); }); this.ipcHandler.once("handshake:im ready", () => { resolved = true; retry.recover(this.retryName); this.setState({ state: SharedProcessState.Ready, }); }); this.activeProcess.stderr.on("data", (data) => { this.logger.error("stderr", field("data", data.toString())); maybeStop(data.toString()); }); } public dispose(): void { if (this.ipcHandler) { this.ipcHandler.send("handshake:goodbye"); } this.ipcHandler = undefined; } private setState(event: SharedProcessEvent): void { this._state = event.state; this.onStateEmitter.emit(event); } }