/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { Model } from '../model'; import { Repository as BaseRepository, Resource } from '../repository'; import { InputBox, Git, API, Repository, Remote, RepositoryState, Branch, ForcePushMode, Ref, Submodule, Commit, Change, RepositoryUIState, Status, LogOptions, APIState, CommitOptions, RefType, RemoteSourceProvider, CredentialsProvider, BranchQuery, PushErrorHandler, PublishEvent, FetchOptions } from './git'; import { Event, SourceControlInputBox, Uri, SourceControl, Disposable, commands } from 'vscode'; import { mapEvent } from '../util'; import { toGitUri } from '../uri'; import { pickRemoteSource, PickRemoteSourceOptions } from '../remoteSource'; import { GitExtensionImpl } from './extension'; class ApiInputBox implements InputBox { set value(value: string) { this._inputBox.value = value; } get value(): string { return this._inputBox.value; } constructor(private _inputBox: SourceControlInputBox) { } } export class ApiChange implements Change { get uri(): Uri { return this.resource.resourceUri; } get originalUri(): Uri { return this.resource.original; } get renameUri(): Uri | undefined { return this.resource.renameResourceUri; } get status(): Status { return this.resource.type; } constructor(private readonly resource: Resource) { } } export class ApiRepositoryState implements RepositoryState { get HEAD(): Branch | undefined { return this._repository.HEAD; } get refs(): Ref[] { return [...this._repository.refs]; } get remotes(): Remote[] { return [...this._repository.remotes]; } get submodules(): Submodule[] { return [...this._repository.submodules]; } get rebaseCommit(): Commit | undefined { return this._repository.rebaseCommit; } get mergeChanges(): Change[] { return this._repository.mergeGroup.resourceStates.map(r => new ApiChange(r)); } get indexChanges(): Change[] { return this._repository.indexGroup.resourceStates.map(r => new ApiChange(r)); } get workingTreeChanges(): Change[] { return this._repository.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates.map(r => new ApiChange(r)); } readonly onDidChange: Event = this._repository.onDidRunGitStatus; constructor(private _repository: BaseRepository) { } } export class ApiRepositoryUIState implements RepositoryUIState { get selected(): boolean { return this._sourceControl.selected; } readonly onDidChange: Event = mapEvent(this._sourceControl.onDidChangeSelection, () => null); constructor(private _sourceControl: SourceControl) { } } export class ApiRepository implements Repository { readonly rootUri: Uri = Uri.file(this._repository.root); readonly inputBox: InputBox = new ApiInputBox(this._repository.inputBox); readonly state: RepositoryState = new ApiRepositoryState(this._repository); readonly ui: RepositoryUIState = new ApiRepositoryUIState(this._repository.sourceControl); constructor(private _repository: BaseRepository) { } apply(patch: string, reverse?: boolean): Promise { return this._repository.apply(patch, reverse); } getConfigs(): Promise<{ key: string; value: string; }[]> { return this._repository.getConfigs(); } getConfig(key: string): Promise { return this._repository.getConfig(key); } setConfig(key: string, value: string): Promise { return this._repository.setConfig(key, value); } getGlobalConfig(key: string): Promise { return this._repository.getGlobalConfig(key); } getObjectDetails(treeish: string, path: string): Promise<{ mode: string; object: string; size: number; }> { return this._repository.getObjectDetails(treeish, path); } detectObjectType(object: string): Promise<{ mimetype: string, encoding?: string }> { return this._repository.detectObjectType(object); } buffer(ref: string, filePath: string): Promise { return this._repository.buffer(ref, filePath); } show(ref: string, path: string): Promise { return this._repository.show(ref, path); } getCommit(ref: string): Promise { return this._repository.getCommit(ref); } clean(paths: string[]) { return this._repository.clean(paths.map(p => Uri.file(p))); } diff(cached?: boolean) { return this._repository.diff(cached); } diffWithHEAD(): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path: string): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path?: string): Promise { return this._repository.diffWithHEAD(path); } diffWith(ref: string): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path: string): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path?: string): Promise { return this._repository.diffWith(ref, path); } diffIndexWithHEAD(): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path: string): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path?: string): Promise { return this._repository.diffIndexWithHEAD(path); } diffIndexWith(ref: string): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path: string): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path?: string): Promise { return this._repository.diffIndexWith(ref, path); } diffBlobs(object1: string, object2: string): Promise { return this._repository.diffBlobs(object1, object2); } diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path: string): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path?: string): Promise { return this._repository.diffBetween(ref1, ref2, path); } hashObject(data: string): Promise { return this._repository.hashObject(data); } createBranch(name: string, checkout: boolean, ref?: string | undefined): Promise { return this._repository.branch(name, checkout, ref); } deleteBranch(name: string, force?: boolean): Promise { return this._repository.deleteBranch(name, force); } getBranch(name: string): Promise { return this._repository.getBranch(name); } getBranches(query: BranchQuery): Promise { return this._repository.getBranches(query); } setBranchUpstream(name: string, upstream: string): Promise { return this._repository.setBranchUpstream(name, upstream); } getMergeBase(ref1: string, ref2: string): Promise { return this._repository.getMergeBase(ref1, ref2); } status(): Promise { return this._repository.status(); } checkout(treeish: string): Promise { return this._repository.checkout(treeish); } addRemote(name: string, url: string): Promise { return this._repository.addRemote(name, url); } removeRemote(name: string): Promise { return this._repository.removeRemote(name); } renameRemote(name: string, newName: string): Promise { return this._repository.renameRemote(name, newName); } fetch(arg0?: FetchOptions | string | undefined, ref?: string | undefined, depth?: number | undefined, prune?: boolean | undefined ): Promise { if (arg0 !== undefined && typeof arg0 !== 'string') { return this._repository.fetch(arg0); } return this._repository.fetch({ remote: arg0, ref, depth, prune }); } pull(unshallow?: boolean): Promise { return this._repository.pull(undefined, unshallow); } push(remoteName?: string, branchName?: string, setUpstream: boolean = false, force?: ForcePushMode): Promise { return this._repository.pushTo(remoteName, branchName, setUpstream, force); } blame(path: string): Promise { return this._repository.blame(path); } log(options?: LogOptions): Promise { return this._repository.log(options); } commit(message: string, opts?: CommitOptions): Promise { return this._repository.commit(message, opts); } } export class ApiGit implements Git { get path(): string { return this._model.git.path; } constructor(private _model: Model) { } } export class ApiImpl implements API { readonly git = new ApiGit(this._model); get state(): APIState { return this._model.state; } get onDidChangeState(): Event { return this._model.onDidChangeState; } get onDidPublish(): Event { return this._model.onDidPublish; } get onDidOpenRepository(): Event { return mapEvent(this._model.onDidOpenRepository, r => new ApiRepository(r)); } get onDidCloseRepository(): Event { return mapEvent(this._model.onDidCloseRepository, r => new ApiRepository(r)); } get repositories(): Repository[] { return this._model.repositories.map(r => new ApiRepository(r)); } toGitUri(uri: Uri, ref: string): Uri { return toGitUri(uri, ref); } getRepository(uri: Uri): Repository | null { const result = this._model.getRepository(uri); return result ? new ApiRepository(result) : null; } async init(root: Uri): Promise { const path = root.fsPath; await this._model.git.init(path); await this._model.openRepository(path); return this.getRepository(root) || null; } async openRepository(root: Uri): Promise { await this._model.openRepository(root.fsPath); return this.getRepository(root) || null; } registerRemoteSourceProvider(provider: RemoteSourceProvider): Disposable { return this._model.registerRemoteSourceProvider(provider); } registerCredentialsProvider(provider: CredentialsProvider): Disposable { return this._model.registerCredentialsProvider(provider); } registerPushErrorHandler(handler: PushErrorHandler): Disposable { return this._model.registerPushErrorHandler(handler); } constructor(private _model: Model) { } } function getRefType(type: RefType): string { switch (type) { case RefType.Head: return 'Head'; case RefType.RemoteHead: return 'RemoteHead'; case RefType.Tag: return 'Tag'; } return 'unknown'; } function getStatus(status: Status): string { switch (status) { case Status.INDEX_MODIFIED: return 'INDEX_MODIFIED'; case Status.INDEX_ADDED: return 'INDEX_ADDED'; case Status.INDEX_DELETED: return 'INDEX_DELETED'; case Status.INDEX_RENAMED: return 'INDEX_RENAMED'; case Status.INDEX_COPIED: return 'INDEX_COPIED'; case Status.MODIFIED: return 'MODIFIED'; case Status.DELETED: return 'DELETED'; case Status.UNTRACKED: return 'UNTRACKED'; case Status.IGNORED: return 'IGNORED'; case Status.INTENT_TO_ADD: return 'INTENT_TO_ADD'; case Status.ADDED_BY_US: return 'ADDED_BY_US'; case Status.ADDED_BY_THEM: return 'ADDED_BY_THEM'; case Status.DELETED_BY_US: return 'DELETED_BY_US'; case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: return 'DELETED_BY_THEM'; case Status.BOTH_ADDED: return 'BOTH_ADDED'; case Status.BOTH_DELETED: return 'BOTH_DELETED'; case Status.BOTH_MODIFIED: return 'BOTH_MODIFIED'; } return 'UNKNOWN'; } export function registerAPICommands(extension: GitExtensionImpl): Disposable { const disposables: Disposable[] = []; disposables.push(commands.registerCommand('git.api.getRepositories', () => { const api = extension.getAPI(1); return api.repositories.map(r => r.rootUri.toString()); })); disposables.push(commands.registerCommand('git.api.getRepositoryState', (uri: string) => { const api = extension.getAPI(1); const repository = api.getRepository(Uri.parse(uri)); if (!repository) { return null; } const state = repository.state; const ref = (ref: Ref | undefined) => (ref && { ...ref, type: getRefType(ref.type) }); const change = (change: Change) => ({ uri: change.uri.toString(), originalUri: change.originalUri.toString(), renameUri: change.renameUri?.toString(), status: getStatus(change.status) }); return { HEAD: ref(state.HEAD), refs: state.refs.map(ref), remotes: state.remotes, submodules: state.submodules, rebaseCommit: state.rebaseCommit, mergeChanges: state.mergeChanges.map(change), indexChanges: state.indexChanges.map(change), workingTreeChanges: state.workingTreeChanges.map(change) }; })); disposables.push(commands.registerCommand('git.api.getRemoteSources', (opts?: PickRemoteSourceOptions) => { if (!extension.model) { return; } return pickRemoteSource(extension.model, opts as any); })); return Disposable.from(...disposables); }