# Use this file from the top of the repo, with `-f ci/release-image/docker-bake.hcl` # Uses env var VERSION if set; # normally, this is set by ci/lib.sh variable "VERSION" { default = "latest" } variable "DOCKER_REGISTRY" { default = "docker.io/codercom/code-server" } variable "GITHUB_REGISTRY" { default = "ghcr.io/coder/code-server" } group "default" { targets = [ "code-server-debian-12", "code-server-ubuntu-focal", ] } function "prepend_hyphen_if_not_null" { params = [tag] result = notequal("","${tag}") ? "-${tag}" : "${tag}" } # use empty tag (tag="") to generate default tags function "gen_tags" { params = [registry, tag] result = notequal("","${registry}") ? [ notequal("", "${tag}") ? "${registry}:${tag}" : "${registry}:latest", notequal("latest",VERSION) ? "${registry}:${VERSION}${prepend_hyphen_if_not_null(tag)}" : "", ] : [] } # helper function to generate tags for docker registry and github registry. # set (DOCKER|GITHUB)_REGISTRY="" to disable corresponding registry function "gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr" { params = [tag] result = concat( gen_tags("${DOCKER_REGISTRY}", "${tag}"), gen_tags("${GITHUB_REGISTRY}", "${tag}"), ) } target "code-server-debian-12" { dockerfile = "ci/release-image/Dockerfile" tags = concat( gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr(""), gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("debian"), gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("bookworm"), ) platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"] } target "code-server-ubuntu-focal" { dockerfile = "ci/release-image/Dockerfile" tags = concat( gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("ubuntu"), gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("focal"), ) args = { BASE = "ubuntu:focal" } platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"] } target "code-server-fedora-39" { dockerfile = "ci/release-image/Dockerfile.fedora" tags = concat( gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("fedora"), gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("39"), ) args = { BASE = "fedora:39" } platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"] } target "code-server-opensuse-tumbleweed" { dockerfile = "ci/release-image/Dockerfile.opensuse" tags = concat( gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("opensuse"), gen_tags_for_docker_and_ghcr("tumbleweed"), ) args = { BASE = "opensuse/tumbleweed" } platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"] }