/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { Viewlet } from './viewlet'; import { Code } from './code'; const VIEWLET = '.search-view'; const INPUT = `${VIEWLET} .search-widget .search-container .monaco-inputbox textarea`; const INCLUDE_INPUT = `${VIEWLET} .query-details .file-types.includes .monaco-inputbox input`; const FILE_MATCH = (filename: string) => `${VIEWLET} .results .filematch[data-resource$="${filename}"]`; async function retry(setup: () => Promise, attempt: () => Promise) { let count = 0; while (true) { await setup(); try { await attempt(); return; } catch (err) { if (++count > 5) { throw err; } } } } export class Search extends Viewlet { constructor(code: Code) { super(code); } async openSearchViewlet(): Promise { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { await this.code.dispatchKeybinding('cmd+shift+f'); } else { await this.code.dispatchKeybinding('ctrl+shift+f'); } await this.waitForInputFocus(INPUT); } async getSearchTooltip(): Promise { const icon = await this.code.waitForElement(`.activitybar .action-label.codicon.codicon-search-view-icon`, (el) => !!el?.attributes?.['title']); return icon.attributes['title']; } async searchFor(text: string): Promise { await this.waitForInputFocus(INPUT); await this.code.waitForSetValue(INPUT, text); await this.submitSearch(); } async submitSearch(): Promise { await this.waitForInputFocus(INPUT); await this.code.dispatchKeybinding('enter'); await this.code.waitForElement(`${VIEWLET} .messages`); } async setFilesToIncludeText(text: string): Promise { await this.waitForInputFocus(INCLUDE_INPUT); await this.code.waitForSetValue(INCLUDE_INPUT, text || ''); } async showQueryDetails(): Promise { await this.code.waitAndClick(`${VIEWLET} .query-details .more`); } async hideQueryDetails(): Promise { await this.code.waitAndClick(`${VIEWLET} .query-details.more .more`); } async removeFileMatch(filename: string): Promise { const fileMatch = FILE_MATCH(filename); await retry( () => this.code.waitAndClick(fileMatch), () => this.code.waitForElement(`${fileMatch} .action-label.codicon-search-remove`, el => !!el && el.top > 0 && el.left > 0, 10) ); // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ await new Promise(c => setTimeout(c, 500)); await this.code.waitAndClick(`${fileMatch} .action-label.codicon-search-remove`); await this.code.waitForElement(fileMatch, el => !el); } async expandReplace(): Promise { await this.code.waitAndClick(`${VIEWLET} .search-widget .monaco-button.toggle-replace-button.codicon-search-hide-replace`); } async collapseReplace(): Promise { await this.code.waitAndClick(`${VIEWLET} .search-widget .monaco-button.toggle-replace-button.codicon-search-show-replace`); } async setReplaceText(text: string): Promise { await this.code.waitForSetValue(`${VIEWLET} .search-widget .replace-container .monaco-inputbox textarea[title="Replace"]`, text); } async replaceFileMatch(filename: string): Promise { const fileMatch = FILE_MATCH(filename); await retry( () => this.code.waitAndClick(fileMatch), () => this.code.waitForElement(`${fileMatch} .action-label.codicon.codicon-search-replace-all`, el => !!el && el.top > 0 && el.left > 0, 10) ); // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ await new Promise(c => setTimeout(c, 500)); await this.code.waitAndClick(`${fileMatch} .action-label.codicon.codicon-search-replace-all`); } async waitForResultText(text: string): Promise { // The label can end with " - " depending on whether the search editor is enabled await this.code.waitForTextContent(`${VIEWLET} .messages .message`, undefined, result => result.startsWith(text)); } async waitForNoResultText(): Promise { await this.code.waitForTextContent(`${VIEWLET} .messages`, ''); } private async waitForInputFocus(selector: string): Promise { let retries = 0; // other parts of code might steal focus away from input boxes :( while (retries < 5) { await this.code.waitAndClick(INPUT, 2, 2); try { await this.code.waitForActiveElement(INPUT, 10); break; } catch (err) { if (++retries > 5) { throw err; } } } } }