import { logger } from "@coder/logger" import bodyParser from "body-parser" import cookieParser from "cookie-parser" import * as express from "express" import { promises as fs } from "fs" import http from "http" import * as path from "path" import * as tls from "tls" import * as pluginapi from "../../../typings/pluginapi" import { HttpCode, HttpError } from "../../common/http" import { plural } from "../../common/util" import { AuthType, DefaultedArgs } from "../cli" import { rootPath } from "../constants" import { Heart } from "../heart" import { ensureAuthenticated, redirect, replaceTemplates } from "../http" import { PluginAPI } from "../plugin" import { getMediaMime, paths } from "../util" import { wrapper } from "../wrapper" import * as apps from "./apps" import * as domainProxy from "./domainProxy" import * as health from "./health" import * as login from "./login" import * as logout from "./logout" import * as pathProxy from "./pathProxy" // static is a reserved keyword. import * as _static from "./static" import * as update from "./update" import * as vscode from "./vscode" /** * Register all routes and middleware. */ export const register = async ( app: express.Express, wsApp: express.Express, server: http.Server, args: DefaultedArgs, ): Promise => { const heart = new Heart(path.join(, "heartbeat"), async () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { server.getConnections((error, count) => { if (error) { return reject(error) } logger.debug(plural(count, `${count} active connection`)) resolve(count > 0) }) }) }) server.on("close", () => { heart.dispose() }) app.disable("x-powered-by") wsApp.disable("x-powered-by") app.use(cookieParser()) wsApp.use(cookieParser()) const common: express.RequestHandler = (req, _, next) => { // /healthz|/healthz/ needs to be excluded otherwise health checks will make // it look like code-server is always in use. if (!/^\/healthz\/?$/.test(req.url)) { heart.beat() } // Add common variables routes can use. req.args = args req.heart = heart next() } app.use(common) wsApp.use(common) app.use(async (req, res, next) => { // If we're handling TLS ensure all requests are redirected to HTTPS. // TODO: This does *NOT* work if you have a base path since to specify the // protocol we need to specify the whole path. if (args.cert && !(req.connection as tls.TLSSocket).encrypted) { return res.redirect(`https://${}${req.originalUrl}`) } // Return robots.txt. if (req.originalUrl === "/robots.txt") { const resourcePath = path.resolve(rootPath, "src/browser/robots.txt") res.set("Content-Type", getMediaMime(resourcePath)) return res.send(await fs.readFile(resourcePath)) } next() }) app.use("/", domainProxy.router) wsApp.use("/", domainProxy.wsRouter.router) app.all("/proxy/(:port)(/*)?", (req, res) => { pathProxy.proxy(req, res) }) wsApp.get("/proxy/(:port)(/*)?", (req) => { pathProxy.wsProxy(req as pluginapi.WebsocketRequest) }) // These two routes pass through the path directly. // So the proxied app must be aware it is running // under /absproxy// app.all("/absproxy/(:port)(/*)?", (req, res) => { pathProxy.proxy(req, res, { passthroughPath: true, }) }) wsApp.get("/absproxy/(:port)(/*)?", (req) => { pathProxy.wsProxy(req as pluginapi.WebsocketRequest, { passthroughPath: true, }) }) if (!process.env.CS_DISABLE_PLUGINS) { const workingDir = args._ && args._.length > 0 ? path.resolve(args._[args._.length - 1]) : undefined const pluginApi = new PluginAPI(logger, process.env.CS_PLUGIN, process.env.CS_PLUGIN_PATH, workingDir) await pluginApi.loadPlugins() pluginApi.mount(app, wsApp) app.use("/api/applications", ensureAuthenticated, apps.router(pluginApi)) wrapper.onDispose(() => pluginApi.dispose()) } app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })) app.use("/", vscode.router) wsApp.use("/", vscode.wsRouter.router) app.use("/vscode", vscode.router) wsApp.use("/vscode", vscode.wsRouter.router) app.use("/healthz", health.router) wsApp.use("/healthz", health.wsRouter.router) if (args.auth === AuthType.Password) { app.use("/login", login.router) app.use("/logout", logout.router) } else { app.all("/login", (req, res) => redirect(req, res, "/", {})) app.all("/logout", (req, res) => redirect(req, res, "/", {})) } app.use("/static", _static.router) app.use("/update", update.router) app.use(() => { throw new HttpError("Not Found", HttpCode.NotFound) }) const errorHandler: express.ErrorRequestHandler = async (err, req, res, next) => { if (err.code === "ENOENT" || err.code === "EISDIR") { err.status = HttpCode.NotFound } const status = err.status ?? err.statusCode ?? 500 res.status(status) // Assume anything that explicitly accepts text/html is a user browsing a // page (as opposed to an xhr request). Don't use `req.accepts()` since // *every* request that I've seen (in Firefox and Chromium at least) // includes `*/*` making it always truthy. Even for css/javascript. if (req.headers.accept && req.headers.accept.includes("text/html")) { const resourcePath = path.resolve(rootPath, "src/browser/pages/error.html") res.set("Content-Type", getMediaMime(resourcePath)) const content = await fs.readFile(resourcePath, "utf8") res.send( replaceTemplates(req, content) .replace(/{{ERROR_TITLE}}/g, status) .replace(/{{ERROR_HEADER}}/g, status) .replace(/{{ERROR_BODY}}/g, err.message), ) } else { res.json({ error: err.message, ...(err.details || {}), }) } } app.use(errorHandler) const wsErrorHandler: express.ErrorRequestHandler = async (err, req, res, next) => { logger.error(`${err.message} ${err.stack}`) ;(req as pluginapi.WebsocketRequest).ws.end() } wsApp.use(wsErrorHandler) }