import { promises as fs } from "fs" import * as path from "path" import { tmpdir } from "../../../utils/helpers" import * as httpserver from "../../../utils/httpserver" import * as integration from "../../../utils/integration" describe("/static", () => { let _codeServer: httpserver.HttpServer | undefined function codeServer(): httpserver.HttpServer { if (!_codeServer) { throw new Error("tried to use code-server before setting it up") } return _codeServer } let testFile: string | undefined let testFileContent: string | undefined let nonExistentTestFile: string | undefined // The static endpoint expects a commit and then the full path of the file. // The commit is just for cache busting so we can use anything we want. `-` // and `development` are specially recognized in that they will cause the // static endpoint to avoid sending cache headers. const commit = "-" beforeAll(async () => { const testDir = await tmpdir("static") testFile = path.join(testDir, "test") testFileContent = "static file contents" nonExistentTestFile = path.join(testDir, "i-am-not-here") await fs.writeFile(testFile, testFileContent) }) afterEach(async () => { if (_codeServer) { await _codeServer.close() _codeServer = undefined } }) function commonTests() { it("should return a 404 when a commit and file are not provided", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch("/static") expect(resp.status).toBe(404) const content = await resp.json() expect(content).toStrictEqual({ error: "Not Found" }) }) it("should return a 404 when a file is not provided", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}`) expect(resp.status).toBe(404) const content = await resp.json() expect(content).toStrictEqual({ error: "Not Found" }) }) } describe("disabled authentication", () => { beforeEach(async () => { _codeServer = await integration.setup(["--auth=none"], "") }) commonTests() it("should return a 404 for a nonexistent file", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}/${nonExistentTestFile}`) expect(resp.status).toBe(404) const content = await resp.json() expect(content.error).toMatch("ENOENT") }) it("should return a 200 and file contents for an existent file", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}${testFile}`) expect(resp.status).toBe(200) const content = await resp.text() expect(content).toStrictEqual(testFileContent) }) }) describe("enabled authentication", () => { // Store whatever might be in here so we can restore it afterward. // TODO: We should probably pass this as an argument somehow instead of // manipulating the environment. const previousEnvPassword = process.env.PASSWORD beforeEach(async () => { process.env.PASSWORD = "test" _codeServer = await integration.setup(["--auth=password"], "") }) afterEach(() => { process.env.PASSWORD = previousEnvPassword }) commonTests() describe("inside code-server root", () => { it("should return a 404 for a nonexistent file", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}/${__filename}-does-not-exist`) expect(resp.status).toBe(404) const content = await resp.json() expect(content.error).toMatch("ENOENT") }) it("should return a 200 and file contents for an existent file", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}${__filename}`) expect(resp.status).toBe(200) const content = await resp.text() expect(content).toStrictEqual(await fs.readFile(__filename, "utf8")) }) }) describe("outside code-server root", () => { it("should return a 401 for a nonexistent file", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}/${nonExistentTestFile}`) expect(resp.status).toBe(401) const content = await resp.json() expect(content).toStrictEqual({ error: "Unauthorized" }) }) it("should return a 401 for an existent file", async () => { const resp = await codeServer().fetch(`/static/${commit}${testFile}`) expect(resp.status).toBe(401) const content = await resp.json() expect(content).toStrictEqual({ error: "Unauthorized" }) }) }) }) })