import * as cp from "child_process"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import { Stream } from "stream"; import * as util from "util"; import { toVSBufferReadableStream } from "vs/base/common/buffer"; import { CancellationToken } from "vs/base/common/cancellation"; import { URI } from "vs/base/common/uri"; import * as pfs from "vs/base/node/pfs"; import { IConfigurationService } from "vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration"; import { IEnvironmentService } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment"; import { IFileService } from "vs/platform/files/common/files"; import { ILogService } from "vs/platform/log/common/log"; import product from "vs/platform/product/common/product"; import { asJson, IRequestService } from "vs/platform/request/common/request"; import { AvailableForDownload, State, UpdateType, StateType } from "vs/platform/update/common/update"; import { AbstractUpdateService } from "vs/platform/update/electron-main/abstractUpdateService"; import { ipcMain } from "vs/server/src/node/ipc"; import { extract } from "vs/server/src/node/marketplace"; import { tmpdir } from "vs/server/src/node/util"; import * as zlib from "zlib"; interface IUpdate { name: string; } export class UpdateService extends AbstractUpdateService { _serviceBrand: any; constructor( @IConfigurationService configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IEnvironmentService environmentService: IEnvironmentService, @IRequestService requestService: IRequestService, @ILogService logService: ILogService, @IFileService private readonly fileService: IFileService, ) { super(null, configurationService, environmentService, requestService, logService); } /** * Return true if the currently installed version is the latest. */ public async isLatestVersion(latest?: IUpdate | null): Promise { if (!latest) { latest = await this.getLatestVersion(); } if (latest) { const latestMajor = parseInt(; const currentMajor = parseInt(product.codeServerVersion); // If these are invalid versions we can't compare meaningfully. return isNaN(latestMajor) || isNaN(currentMajor) || // This can happen when there is a pre-release for a new major version. currentMajor > latestMajor || // Otherwise assume that if it's not the same then we're out of date. === product.codeServerVersion; } return true; } protected buildUpdateFeedUrl(quality: string): string { return `${product.updateUrl}/${quality}`; } public async doQuitAndInstall(): Promise { if (this.state.type === StateType.Ready) { ipcMain.relaunch(this.state.update.version); } } protected async doCheckForUpdates(context: any): Promise { this.setState(State.CheckingForUpdates(context)); try { const update = await this.getLatestVersion(); if (!update || await this.isLatestVersion(update)) { this.setState(State.Idle(UpdateType.Archive)); } else { this.setState(State.AvailableForDownload({ version:, productVersion:, })); } } catch (error) { this.onRequestError(error, !!context); } } private async getLatestVersion(): Promise { const data = await this.requestService.request({ url: this.url, headers: { "User-Agent": "code-server" }, }, CancellationToken.None); return asJson(data); } protected async doDownloadUpdate(state: AvailableForDownload): Promise { this.setState(State.Downloading(state.update)); const target = os.platform(); const releaseName = await this.buildReleaseName(state.update.version); const url = "" + `${state.update.version}/${releaseName}` + `.${target === "darwin" ? "zip" : "tar.gz"}`; const downloadPath = path.join(tmpdir, `${state.update.version}-archive`); const extractPath = path.join(tmpdir, state.update.version); try { await pfs.mkdirp(tmpdir); const context = await this.requestService.request({ url }, CancellationToken.None); // Decompress the gzip as we download. If the gzip encoding is set then // the request service already does this. // HACK: This uses knowledge of the internals of the request service. if (target !== "darwin" && context.res.headers["content-encoding"] !== "gzip") { const stream = (context.res as any as Stream); stream.removeAllListeners(); = toVSBufferReadableStream(stream.pipe(zlib.createGunzip())); } await this.fileService.writeFile(URI.file(downloadPath),; await extract(downloadPath, extractPath, undefined, CancellationToken.None); const newBinary = path.join(extractPath, releaseName, "code-server"); if (!pfs.exists(newBinary)) { throw new Error("No code-server binary in extracted archive"); } await pfs.unlink(process.argv[0]); // Must unlink first to avoid ETXTBSY. await pfs.move(newBinary, process.argv[0]); this.setState(State.Ready(state.update)); } catch (error) { this.onRequestError(error, true); } await Promise.all([downloadPath, extractPath].map((p) => pfs.rimraf(p))); } private onRequestError(error: Error, showNotification?: boolean): void { this.logService.error(error); this.setState(State.Idle(UpdateType.Archive, showNotification ? (error.message || error.toString()) : undefined)); } private async buildReleaseName(release: string): Promise { let target: string = os.platform(); if (target === "linux") { const result = await util.promisify(cp.exec)("ldd --version").catch((error) => ({ stderr: error.message, stdout: "", })); if (/musl/.test(result.stderr) || /musl/.test(result.stdout)) { target = "alpine"; } } let arch = os.arch(); if (arch === "x64") { arch = "x86_64"; } return `code-server${release}-${target}-${arch}`; } }