import { logger } from "@coder/logger" import { JSDOM } from "jsdom" import * as util from "../../../src/common/util" import { mockLogger } from "../../utils/helpers" const dom = new JSDOM() global.document = dom.window.document export type LocationLike = Pick<Location, "pathname" | "origin"> describe("util", () => { describe("normalize", () => { it("should remove multiple slashes", () => { expect(util.normalize("//foo//bar//baz///mumble")).toBe("/foo/bar/baz/mumble") }) it("should remove trailing slashes", () => { expect(util.normalize("qux///")).toBe("qux") }) it("should preserve trailing slash if it exists", () => { expect(util.normalize("qux///", true)).toBe("qux/") expect(util.normalize("qux", true)).toBe("qux") }) }) describe("plural", () => { it("should add an s if count is greater than 1", () => { expect(util.plural(2, "dog")).toBe("dogs") }) it("should NOT add an s if the count is 1", () => { expect(util.plural(1, "dog")).toBe("dog") }) }) describe("generateUuid", () => { it("should generate a unique uuid", () => { const uuid = util.generateUuid() const uuid2 = util.generateUuid() expect(uuid).toHaveLength(24) expect(typeof uuid).toBe("string") expect(uuid).not.toBe(uuid2) }) it("should generate a uuid of a specific length", () => { const uuid = util.generateUuid(10) expect(uuid).toHaveLength(10) }) }) describe("logError", () => { beforeAll(() => { mockLogger() }) afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) it("should log an error with the message and stack trace", () => { const message = "You don't have access to that folder." const error = new Error(message) util.logError(logger, "ui", error) expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`ui: ${error.message} ${error.stack}`) }) it("should log an error, even if not an instance of error", () => { util.logError(logger, "api", "oh no") expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("api: oh no") }) }) })