import * as argon2 from "argon2" import * as cp from "child_process" import * as crypto from "crypto" import envPaths from "env-paths" import { promises as fs } from "fs" import * as net from "net" import * as os from "os" import * as path from "path" import safeCompare from "safe-compare" import * as util from "util" import xdgBasedir from "xdg-basedir" import { vsRootPath } from "./constants" export interface Paths { data: string config: string runtime: string } // From const pattern = [ "[\\u001B\\u009B][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]+)*|[a-zA-Z\\d]+(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?\\u0007)", "(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PR-TZcf-ntqry=><~]))", ].join("|") const re = new RegExp(pattern, "g") export type OnLineCallback = (strippedLine: string, originalLine: string) => void /** * Split stdout on newlines and strip ANSI codes. */ export const onLine = (proc: cp.ChildProcess, callback: OnLineCallback): void => { let buffer = "" if (!proc.stdout) { throw new Error("no stdout") } proc.stdout.setEncoding("utf8") proc.stdout.on("data", (d) => { const data = buffer + d const split = data.split("\n") const last = split.length - 1 for (let i = 0; i < last; ++i) { callback(split[i].replace(re, ""), split[i]) } // The last item will either be an empty string (the data ended with a // newline) or a partial line (did not end with a newline) and we must // wait to parse it until we get a full line. buffer = split[last] }) } export const paths = getEnvPaths() /** * Gets the config and data paths for the current platform/configuration. * On MacOS this function gets the standard XDG directories instead of using the native macOS * ones. Most CLIs do this as in practice only GUI apps use the standard macOS directories. */ export function getEnvPaths(platform = process.platform): Paths { const paths = envPaths("code-server", { suffix: "" }) const append = (p: string): string => path.join(p, "code-server") switch (platform) { case "darwin": return { // envPaths uses native directories so force Darwin to use the XDG spec // to align with other CLI tools. data: ? append( :, config: xdgBasedir.config ? append(xdgBasedir.config) : paths.config, // Fall back to temp if there is no runtime dir. runtime: xdgBasedir.runtime ? append(xdgBasedir.runtime) : paths.temp, } case "win32": return { data:, config: paths.config, // Windows doesn't have a runtime dir. runtime: paths.temp, } default: return { data:, config: paths.config, // Fall back to temp if there is no runtime dir. runtime: xdgBasedir.runtime ? append(xdgBasedir.runtime) : paths.temp, } } } export const generateCertificate = async (hostname: string): Promise<{ cert: string; certKey: string }> => { const certPath = path.join(, `${hostname.replace(/\./g, "_")}.crt`) const certKeyPath = path.join(, `${hostname.replace(/\./g, "_")}.key`) // Try generating the certificates if we can't access them (which probably // means they don't exist). try { await Promise.all([fs.access(certPath), fs.access(certKeyPath)]) } catch (error) { // Require on demand so openssl isn't required if you aren't going to // generate certificates. const pem = require("pem") as typeof import("pem") const certs = await new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { pem.createCertificate( { selfSigned: true, commonName: hostname, config: ` [req] req_extensions = v3_req [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:true extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] DNS.1 = ${hostname} `, }, (error, result) => { return error ? reject(error) : resolve(result) }, ) }) await fs.mkdir(, { recursive: true }) await Promise.all([fs.writeFile(certPath, certs.certificate), fs.writeFile(certKeyPath, certs.serviceKey)]) } return { cert: certPath, certKey: certKeyPath, } } export const generatePassword = async (length = 24): Promise => { const buffer = Buffer.alloc(Math.ceil(length / 2)) await util.promisify(crypto.randomFill)(buffer) return buffer.toString("hex").substring(0, length) } /** * Used to hash the password. */ export const hash = async (password: string): Promise => { return await argon2.hash(password) } /** * Used to verify if the password matches the hash */ export const isHashMatch = async (password: string, hash: string) => { if (password === "" || hash === "" || !hash.startsWith("$")) { return false } return await argon2.verify(hash, password) } /** * Used to hash the password using the sha256 * algorithm. We only use this to for checking * the hashed-password set in the config. * * Kept for legacy reasons. */ export const hashLegacy = (str: string): string => { return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(str).digest("hex") } /** * Used to check if the password matches the hash using * the hashLegacy function */ export const isHashLegacyMatch = (password: string, hashPassword: string) => { const hashedWithLegacy = hashLegacy(password) return safeCompare(hashedWithLegacy, hashPassword) } export type PasswordMethod = "SHA256" | "ARGON2" | "PLAIN_TEXT" /** * Used to determine the password method. * * There are three options for the return value: * 1. "SHA256" -> the legacy hashing algorithm * 2. "ARGON2" -> the newest hashing algorithm * 3. "PLAIN_TEXT" -> regular ol' password with no hashing * * @returns {PasswordMethod} "SHA256" | "ARGON2" | "PLAIN_TEXT" */ export function getPasswordMethod(hashedPassword: string | undefined): PasswordMethod { if (!hashedPassword) { return "PLAIN_TEXT" } // This is the new hashing algorithm if (hashedPassword.includes("$argon")) { return "ARGON2" } // This is the legacy hashing algorithm return "SHA256" } type PasswordValidation = { isPasswordValid: boolean hashedPassword: string } type HandlePasswordValidationArgs = { /** The PasswordMethod */ passwordMethod: PasswordMethod /** The password provided by the user */ passwordFromRequestBody: string /** The password set in PASSWORD or config */ passwordFromArgs: string | undefined /** The hashed-password set in HASHED_PASSWORD or config */ hashedPasswordFromArgs: string | undefined } /** * Checks if a password is valid and also returns the hash * using the PasswordMethod */ export async function handlePasswordValidation({ passwordMethod, passwordFromArgs, passwordFromRequestBody, hashedPasswordFromArgs, }: HandlePasswordValidationArgs): Promise { const passwordValidation = { isPasswordValid: false, hashedPassword: "", } switch (passwordMethod) { case "PLAIN_TEXT": { const isValid = passwordFromArgs ? safeCompare(passwordFromRequestBody, passwordFromArgs) : false passwordValidation.isPasswordValid = isValid const hashedPassword = await hash(passwordFromRequestBody) passwordValidation.hashedPassword = hashedPassword break } case "SHA256": { const isValid = isHashLegacyMatch(passwordFromRequestBody, hashedPasswordFromArgs || "") passwordValidation.isPasswordValid = isValid passwordValidation.hashedPassword = hashedPasswordFromArgs || (await hashLegacy(passwordFromRequestBody)) break } case "ARGON2": { const isValid = await isHashMatch(passwordFromRequestBody, hashedPasswordFromArgs || "") passwordValidation.isPasswordValid = isValid passwordValidation.hashedPassword = hashedPasswordFromArgs || "" break } default: break } return passwordValidation } export type IsCookieValidArgs = { passwordMethod: PasswordMethod cookieKey: string hashedPasswordFromArgs: string | undefined passwordFromArgs: string | undefined } /** Checks if a req.cookies.key is valid using the PasswordMethod */ export async function isCookieValid({ passwordFromArgs = "", cookieKey, hashedPasswordFromArgs = "", passwordMethod, }: IsCookieValidArgs): Promise { let isValid = false switch (passwordMethod) { case "PLAIN_TEXT": isValid = await isHashMatch(passwordFromArgs, cookieKey) break case "ARGON2": case "SHA256": isValid = safeCompare(cookieKey, hashedPasswordFromArgs) break default: break } return isValid } /** Ensures that the input is sanitized by checking * - it's a string * - greater than 0 characters * - trims whitespace */ export function sanitizeString(str: unknown): string { // Very basic sanitization of string // Credit: return typeof str === "string" ? str.trim() : "" } const mimeTypes: { [key: string]: string } = { ".aac": "audio/x-aac", ".avi": "video/x-msvideo", ".bmp": "image/bmp", ".css": "text/css", ".flv": "video/x-flv", ".gif": "image/gif", ".html": "text/html", ".ico": "image/x-icon", ".jpe": "image/jpg", ".jpeg": "image/jpg", ".jpg": "image/jpg", ".js": "application/javascript", ".json": "application/json", ".m1v": "video/mpeg", ".m2a": "audio/mpeg", ".m2v": "video/mpeg", ".m3a": "audio/mpeg", ".mid": "audio/midi", ".midi": "audio/midi", ".mk3d": "video/x-matroska", ".mks": "video/x-matroska", ".mkv": "video/x-matroska", ".mov": "video/quicktime", ".movie": "video/x-sgi-movie", ".mp2": "audio/mpeg", ".mp2a": "audio/mpeg", ".mp3": "audio/mpeg", ".mp4": "video/mp4", ".mp4a": "audio/mp4", ".mp4v": "video/mp4", ".mpe": "video/mpeg", ".mpeg": "video/mpeg", ".mpg": "video/mpeg", ".mpg4": "video/mp4", ".mpga": "audio/mpeg", ".oga": "audio/ogg", ".ogg": "audio/ogg", ".ogv": "video/ogg", ".png": "image/png", ".psd": "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop", ".qt": "video/quicktime", ".spx": "audio/ogg", ".svg": "image/svg+xml", ".tga": "image/x-tga", ".tif": "image/tiff", ".tiff": "image/tiff", ".txt": "text/plain", ".wav": "audio/x-wav", ".wasm": "application/wasm", ".webm": "video/webm", ".webp": "image/webp", ".wma": "audio/x-ms-wma", ".wmv": "video/x-ms-wmv", ".woff": "application/font-woff", } export const getMediaMime = (filePath?: string): string => { return (filePath && mimeTypes[path.extname(filePath)]) || "text/plain" } /** * A helper function that checks if the platform is Windows Subsystem for Linux * (WSL) * * @see * @returns {Boolean} boolean if it is WSL */ export const isWsl = async ( platform: NodeJS.Platform, osRelease: string, procVersionFilePath: string, ): Promise => { if (platform !== "linux") { return false } if (osRelease.toLowerCase().includes("microsoft")) { return true } try { return (await fs.readFile(procVersionFilePath, "utf8")).toLowerCase().includes("microsoft") } catch (_) { return false } } interface OpenOptions { args: string[] command: string urlSearch: string } /** * A helper function to construct options for `open` function. * * Extract to make it easier to test. * * @param platform - platform on machine * @param urlSearch - * @returns an object with args, command, options and urlSearch */ export function constructOpenOptions(platform: NodeJS.Platform | "wsl", urlSearch: string): OpenOptions { const args: string[] = [] let command = platform === "darwin" ? "open" : "xdg-open" if (platform === "win32" || platform === "wsl") { command = platform === "wsl" ? "cmd.exe" : "cmd" args.push("/c", "start", '""', "/b") urlSearch = urlSearch.replace(/&/g, "^&") } return { args, command, urlSearch, } } /** * Try opening an address using whatever the system has set for opening URLs. */ export const open = async (address: URL | string): Promise => { if (typeof address === "string") { throw new Error("Cannot open socket paths") } // Web sockets do not seem to work if browsing with const url = new URL(address) if (url.hostname === "") { url.hostname = "localhost" } const platform = (await isWsl(process.platform, os.release(), "/proc/version")) ? "wsl" : process.platform const { command, args, urlSearch } = constructOpenOptions(platform, = urlSearch const proc = cp.spawn(command, [...args, url.toString()], {}) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proc.on("error", reject) proc.on("close", (code) => { return code !== 0 ? reject(new Error(`Failed to open with code ${code}`)) : resolve() }) }) } /** * Return a promise that resolves with whether the socket path is active. */ export function canConnect(path: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { const socket = net.connect(path) socket.once("error", () => resolve(false)) socket.once("connect", () => { socket.destroy() resolve(true) }) }) } export const isFile = async (path: string): Promise => { try { const stat = await fs.stat(path) return stat.isFile() } catch (error) { return false } } export const isDirectory = async (path: string): Promise => { try { const stat = await fs.stat(path) return stat.isDirectory() } catch (error) { return false } } /** * Escapes any HTML string special characters, like &, <, >, ", and '. * * Source: **/ export function escapeHtml(unsafe: string): string { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'") } /** * A helper function which returns a boolean indicating whether * the given error is a NodeJS.ErrnoException by checking if * it has a .code property. */ export function isNodeJSErrnoException(error: unknown): error is NodeJS.ErrnoException { return error !== undefined && (error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code !== undefined } // TODO: Replace with proper templating system. export const escapeJSON = (value: cp.Serializable) => JSON.stringify(value).replace(/"/g, """) type AMDModule = { [exportName: string]: T } /** * Loads AMD module, typically from a compiled VSCode bundle. * * @deprecated This should be gradually phased out as code-server migrates to lib/vscode * @param amdPath Path to module relative to lib/vscode * @param exportName Given name of export in the file */ export const loadAMDModule = async (amdPath: string, exportName: string): Promise => { // Set default remote native node modules path, if unset process.env["VSCODE_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH"] = process.env["VSCODE_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH"] || path.join(vsRootPath, "remote", "node_modules") require(path.join(vsRootPath, "out/bootstrap-node")).injectNodeModuleLookupPath( process.env["VSCODE_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH"], ) const module = await new Promise>((resolve, reject) => { require(path.join(vsRootPath, "out/bootstrap-amd")).load(amdPath, resolve, reject) }) return module[exportName] as T } /** * Split a string on the first equals. The result will always be an array with * two items regardless of how many equals there are. The second item will be * undefined if empty or missing. */ export function splitOnFirstEquals(str: string): [string, string | undefined] { const split = str.split(/=(.+)?/, 2) return [split[0], split[1]] }