/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as nls from 'vscode-nls'; import { Node, HtmlNode, Rule, Property, Stylesheet } from 'EmmetFlatNode'; import { getEmmetHelper, getFlatNode, getHtmlFlatNode, getMappingForIncludedLanguages, validate, getEmmetConfiguration, isStyleSheet, getEmmetMode, parsePartialStylesheet, isStyleAttribute, getEmbeddedCssNodeIfAny, allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag, toLSTextDocument, isOffsetInsideOpenOrCloseTag } from './util'; import { getRootNode as parseDocument } from './parseDocument'; const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle(); const trimRegex = /[\u00a0]*[\d#\-\*\u2022]+\.?/; const hexColorRegex = /^#[\da-fA-F]{0,6}$/; interface ExpandAbbreviationInput { syntax: string; abbreviation: string; rangeToReplace: vscode.Range; textToWrap?: string[]; filter?: string; indent?: string; baseIndent?: string; } interface PreviewRangesWithContent { previewRange: vscode.Range; originalRange: vscode.Range; originalContent: string; textToWrapInPreview: string[]; baseIndent: string; } export async function wrapWithAbbreviation(args: any): Promise { if (!validate(false)) { return false; } const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor!; const document = editor.document; args = args || {}; if (!args['language']) { args['language'] = document.languageId; } // we know it's not stylesheet due to the validate(false) call above const syntax = getSyntaxFromArgs(args) || 'html'; const rootNode = parseDocument(document, true); const helper = getEmmetHelper(); const operationRanges = editor.selections.sort((a, b) => a.start.compareTo(b.start)).map(selection => { let rangeToReplace: vscode.Range = selection; // wrap around the node if the selection falls inside its open or close tag { let { start, end } = rangeToReplace; const startOffset = document.offsetAt(start); const documentText = document.getText(); const startNode = getHtmlFlatNode(documentText, rootNode, startOffset, true); if (startNode && isOffsetInsideOpenOrCloseTag(startNode, startOffset)) { start = document.positionAt(startNode.start); const nodeEndPosition = document.positionAt(startNode.end); end = nodeEndPosition.isAfter(end) ? nodeEndPosition : end; } const endOffset = document.offsetAt(end); const endNode = getHtmlFlatNode(documentText, rootNode, endOffset, true); if (endNode && isOffsetInsideOpenOrCloseTag(endNode, endOffset)) { const nodeStartPosition = document.positionAt(endNode.start); start = nodeStartPosition.isBefore(start) ? nodeStartPosition : start; const nodeEndPosition = document.positionAt(endNode.end); end = nodeEndPosition.isAfter(end) ? nodeEndPosition : end; } rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range(start, end); } // in case of multi-line, exclude last empty line from rangeToReplace if (!rangeToReplace.isSingleLine && rangeToReplace.end.character === 0) { const previousLine = rangeToReplace.end.line - 1; rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range(rangeToReplace.start, document.lineAt(previousLine).range.end); } // wrap line the cursor is on if (rangeToReplace.isEmpty) { rangeToReplace = document.lineAt(rangeToReplace.start).range; } // ignore whitespace on the first line const firstLineOfRange = document.lineAt(rangeToReplace.start); if (!firstLineOfRange.isEmptyOrWhitespace && firstLineOfRange.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex > rangeToReplace.start.character) { rangeToReplace = rangeToReplace.with(new vscode.Position(rangeToReplace.start.line, firstLineOfRange.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex)); } return rangeToReplace; }).reduce((mergedRanges, range) => { // Merge overlapping ranges if (mergedRanges.length > 0 && range.intersection(mergedRanges[mergedRanges.length - 1])) { mergedRanges.push(range.union(mergedRanges.pop()!)); } else { mergedRanges.push(range); } return mergedRanges; }, [] as vscode.Range[]); // Backup orginal selections and update selections // Also helps with https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/113930 by avoiding `editor.linkedEditing` // execution if selection is inside an open or close tag const oldSelections = editor.selections; editor.selections = operationRanges.map(range => new vscode.Selection(range.start, range.end)); // Fetch general information for the succesive expansions. i.e. the ranges to replace and its contents const rangesToReplace: PreviewRangesWithContent[] = operationRanges.map(rangeToReplace => { let textToWrapInPreview: string[]; const textToReplace = document.getText(rangeToReplace); // the following assumes all the lines are indented the same way as the first // this assumption helps with applyPreview later const wholeFirstLine = document.lineAt(rangeToReplace.start).text; const otherMatches = wholeFirstLine.match(/^(\s*)/); const baseIndent = otherMatches ? otherMatches[1] : ''; textToWrapInPreview = rangeToReplace.isSingleLine ? [textToReplace] : textToReplace.split('\n' + baseIndent).map(x => x.trimEnd()); // escape $ characters, fixes #52640 textToWrapInPreview = textToWrapInPreview.map(e => e.replace(/(\$\d)/g, '\\$1')); return { previewRange: rangeToReplace, originalRange: rangeToReplace, originalContent: textToReplace, textToWrapInPreview, baseIndent }; }); const { tabSize, insertSpaces } = editor.options; const indent = insertSpaces ? ' '.repeat(tabSize as number) : '\t'; function revertPreview(): Thenable { return editor.edit(builder => { for (const rangeToReplace of rangesToReplace) { builder.replace(rangeToReplace.previewRange, rangeToReplace.originalContent); rangeToReplace.previewRange = rangeToReplace.originalRange; } }, { undoStopBefore: false, undoStopAfter: false }); } function applyPreview(expandAbbrList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[]): Thenable { let lastOldPreviewRange = new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0); let lastNewPreviewRange = new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0); let totalNewLinesInserted = 0; return editor.edit(builder => { // the edits are applied in order top-down for (let i = 0; i < rangesToReplace.length; i++) { const expandedText = expandAbbr(expandAbbrList[i]) || ''; if (!expandedText) { // Failed to expand text. We already showed an error inside expandAbbr. break; } // get the current preview range, format the new wrapped text, and then replace // the text in the preview range with that new text const oldPreviewRange = rangesToReplace[i].previewRange; const newText = expandedText .replace(/\$\{[\d]*\}/g, '|') // Removing Tabstops .replace(/\$\{[\d]*:([^}]*)\}/g, (_, placeholder) => placeholder) // Replacing Placeholders .replace(/\\\$/g, '$'); // Remove backslashes before $ builder.replace(oldPreviewRange, newText); // calculate the new preview range to use for future previews // we also have to take into account that the previous expansions could: // - cause new lines to appear // - be on the same line as other expansions const expandedTextLines = newText.split('\n'); const oldPreviewLines = oldPreviewRange.end.line - oldPreviewRange.start.line + 1; const newLinesInserted = expandedTextLines.length - oldPreviewLines; const newPreviewLineStart = oldPreviewRange.start.line + totalNewLinesInserted; let newPreviewStart = oldPreviewRange.start.character; const newPreviewLineEnd = oldPreviewRange.end.line + totalNewLinesInserted + newLinesInserted; let newPreviewEnd = expandedTextLines[expandedTextLines.length - 1].length; if (i > 0 && newPreviewLineEnd === lastNewPreviewRange.end.line) { // If newPreviewLineEnd is equal to the previous expandedText lineEnd, // set newPreviewStart to the length of the previous expandedText in that line // plus the number of characters between both selections. newPreviewStart = lastNewPreviewRange.end.character + (oldPreviewRange.start.character - lastOldPreviewRange.end.character); newPreviewEnd += newPreviewStart; } else if (i > 0 && newPreviewLineStart === lastNewPreviewRange.end.line) { // Same as above but expandedTextLines.length > 1 so newPreviewEnd keeps its value. newPreviewStart = lastNewPreviewRange.end.character + (oldPreviewRange.start.character - lastOldPreviewRange.end.character); } else if (expandedTextLines.length === 1) { // If the expandedText is single line, add the length of preceeding text as it will not be included in line length. newPreviewEnd += oldPreviewRange.start.character; } lastOldPreviewRange = rangesToReplace[i].previewRange; lastNewPreviewRange = new vscode.Range(newPreviewLineStart, newPreviewStart, newPreviewLineEnd, newPreviewEnd); rangesToReplace[i].previewRange = lastNewPreviewRange; totalNewLinesInserted += newLinesInserted; } }, { undoStopBefore: false, undoStopAfter: false }); } let inPreviewMode = false; async function makeChanges(inputAbbreviation: string | undefined, previewChanges: boolean): Promise { const isAbbreviationValid = !!inputAbbreviation && !!inputAbbreviation.trim() && helper.isAbbreviationValid(syntax, inputAbbreviation); const extractedResults = isAbbreviationValid ? helper.extractAbbreviationFromText(inputAbbreviation!, syntax) : undefined; if (!extractedResults) { if (inPreviewMode) { inPreviewMode = false; await revertPreview(); } return false; } const { abbreviation, filter } = extractedResults; if (abbreviation !== inputAbbreviation) { // Not clear what should we do in this case. Warn the user? How? } if (previewChanges) { const expandAbbrList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[] = rangesToReplace.map(rangesAndContent => ({ syntax, abbreviation, rangeToReplace: rangesAndContent.originalRange, textToWrap: rangesAndContent.textToWrapInPreview, filter, indent, baseIndent: rangesAndContent.baseIndent }) ); inPreviewMode = true; return applyPreview(expandAbbrList); } const expandAbbrList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[] = rangesToReplace.map(rangesAndContent => ({ syntax, abbreviation, rangeToReplace: rangesAndContent.originalRange, textToWrap: rangesAndContent.textToWrapInPreview, filter, indent }) ); if (inPreviewMode) { inPreviewMode = false; await revertPreview(); } return expandAbbreviationInRange(editor, expandAbbrList, false); } let currentValue = ''; function inputChanged(value: string): string { if (value !== currentValue) { currentValue = value; makeChanges(value, true); } return ''; } const prompt = localize('wrapWithAbbreviationPrompt', "Enter Abbreviation"); const inputAbbreviation = (args && args['abbreviation']) ? (args['abbreviation'] as string) : await vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt, validateInput: inputChanged }); const changesWereMade = await makeChanges(inputAbbreviation, false); if (!changesWereMade) { editor.selections = oldSelections; } return changesWereMade; } export function expandEmmetAbbreviation(args: any): Thenable { if (!validate() || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return fallbackTab(); } /** * Short circuit the parsing. If previous character is space, do not expand. */ if (vscode.window.activeTextEditor.selections.length === 1 && vscode.window.activeTextEditor.selection.isEmpty ) { const anchor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.selection.anchor; if (anchor.character === 0) { return fallbackTab(); } const prevPositionAnchor = anchor.translate(0, -1); const prevText = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.getText(new vscode.Range(prevPositionAnchor, anchor)); if (prevText === ' ' || prevText === '\t') { return fallbackTab(); } } args = args || {}; if (!args['language']) { args['language'] = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId; } else { const excludedLanguages = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['excludeLanguages'] ? vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['excludeLanguages'] : []; if (excludedLanguages.indexOf(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId) > -1) { return fallbackTab(); } } const syntax = getSyntaxFromArgs(args); if (!syntax) { return fallbackTab(); } const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; // When tabbed on a non empty selection, do not treat it as an emmet abbreviation, and fallback to tab instead if (vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['triggerExpansionOnTab'] === true && editor.selections.find(x => !x.isEmpty)) { return fallbackTab(); } const abbreviationList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[] = []; let firstAbbreviation: string; let allAbbreviationsSame: boolean = true; const helper = getEmmetHelper(); const getAbbreviation = (document: vscode.TextDocument, selection: vscode.Selection, position: vscode.Position, syntax: string): [vscode.Range | null, string, string | undefined] => { position = document.validatePosition(position); let rangeToReplace: vscode.Range = selection; let abbr = document.getText(rangeToReplace); if (!rangeToReplace.isEmpty) { const extractedResults = helper.extractAbbreviationFromText(abbr, syntax); if (extractedResults) { return [rangeToReplace, extractedResults.abbreviation, extractedResults.filter]; } return [null, '', '']; } const currentLine = editor.document.lineAt(position.line).text; const textTillPosition = currentLine.substr(0, position.character); // Expand cases like
explicitly // else we will end up with <
if (syntax === 'html') { const matches = textTillPosition.match(/<(\w+)$/); if (matches) { abbr = matches[1]; rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range(position.translate(0, -(abbr.length + 1)), position); return [rangeToReplace, abbr, '']; } } const extractedResults = helper.extractAbbreviation(toLSTextDocument(editor.document), position, { lookAhead: false }); if (!extractedResults) { return [null, '', '']; } const { abbreviationRange, abbreviation, filter } = extractedResults; return [new vscode.Range(abbreviationRange.start.line, abbreviationRange.start.character, abbreviationRange.end.line, abbreviationRange.end.character), abbreviation, filter]; }; const selectionsInReverseOrder = editor.selections.slice(0); selectionsInReverseOrder.sort((a, b) => { const posA = a.isReversed ? a.anchor : a.active; const posB = b.isReversed ? b.anchor : b.active; return posA.compareTo(posB) * -1; }); let rootNode: Node | undefined; function getRootNode() { if (rootNode) { return rootNode; } const usePartialParsing = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['optimizeStylesheetParsing'] === true; if (editor.selections.length === 1 && isStyleSheet(editor.document.languageId) && usePartialParsing && editor.document.lineCount > 1000) { rootNode = parsePartialStylesheet(editor.document, editor.selection.isReversed ? editor.selection.anchor : editor.selection.active); } else { rootNode = parseDocument(editor.document, true); } return rootNode; } selectionsInReverseOrder.forEach(selection => { const position = selection.isReversed ? selection.anchor : selection.active; const [rangeToReplace, abbreviation, filter] = getAbbreviation(editor.document, selection, position, syntax); if (!rangeToReplace) { return; } if (!helper.isAbbreviationValid(syntax, abbreviation)) { return; } if (isStyleSheet(syntax) && abbreviation.endsWith(':')) { // Fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/1623 return; } const offset = editor.document.offsetAt(position); let currentNode = getFlatNode(getRootNode(), offset, true); let validateLocation = true; let syntaxToUse = syntax; if (editor.document.languageId === 'html') { if (isStyleAttribute(currentNode, offset)) { syntaxToUse = 'css'; validateLocation = false; } else { const embeddedCssNode = getEmbeddedCssNodeIfAny(editor.document, currentNode, position); if (embeddedCssNode) { currentNode = getFlatNode(embeddedCssNode, offset, true); syntaxToUse = 'css'; } } } if (validateLocation && !isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(editor.document, getRootNode(), currentNode, syntaxToUse, offset, rangeToReplace)) { return; } if (!firstAbbreviation) { firstAbbreviation = abbreviation; } else if (allAbbreviationsSame && firstAbbreviation !== abbreviation) { allAbbreviationsSame = false; } abbreviationList.push({ syntax: syntaxToUse, abbreviation, rangeToReplace, filter }); }); return expandAbbreviationInRange(editor, abbreviationList, allAbbreviationsSame).then(success => { return success ? Promise.resolve(undefined) : fallbackTab(); }); } function fallbackTab(): Thenable { if (vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['triggerExpansionOnTab'] === true) { return vscode.commands.executeCommand('tab'); } return Promise.resolve(true); } /** * Checks if given position is a valid location to expand emmet abbreviation. * Works only on html and css/less/scss syntax * @param document current Text Document * @param rootNode parsed document * @param currentNode current node in the parsed document * @param syntax syntax of the abbreviation * @param position position to validate * @param abbreviationRange The range of the abbreviation for which given position is being validated */ export function isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(document: vscode.TextDocument, rootNode: Node | undefined, currentNode: Node | undefined, syntax: string, offset: number, abbreviationRange: vscode.Range): boolean { if (isStyleSheet(syntax)) { const stylesheet = rootNode; if (stylesheet && (stylesheet.comments || []).some(x => offset >= x.start && offset <= x.end)) { return false; } // Continue validation only if the file was parse-able and the currentNode has been found if (!currentNode) { return true; } // Get the abbreviation right now // Fixes https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/74505 // Stylesheet abbreviations starting with @ should bring up suggestions // even at outer-most level const abbreviation = document.getText(new vscode.Range(abbreviationRange.start.line, abbreviationRange.start.character, abbreviationRange.end.line, abbreviationRange.end.character)); if (abbreviation.startsWith('@')) { return true; } // Fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/34162 // Other than sass, stylus, we can make use of the terminator tokens to validate position if (syntax !== 'sass' && syntax !== 'stylus' && currentNode.type === 'property') { // Fix for upstream issue https://github.com/emmetio/css-parser/issues/3 if (currentNode.parent && currentNode.parent.type !== 'rule' && currentNode.parent.type !== 'at-rule') { return false; } const propertyNode = currentNode; if (propertyNode.terminatorToken && propertyNode.separator && offset >= propertyNode.separatorToken.end && offset <= propertyNode.terminatorToken.start && abbreviation.indexOf(':') === -1) { return hexColorRegex.test(abbreviation) || abbreviation === '!'; } if (!propertyNode.terminatorToken && propertyNode.separator && offset >= propertyNode.separatorToken.end && abbreviation.indexOf(':') === -1) { return hexColorRegex.test(abbreviation) || abbreviation === '!'; } if (hexColorRegex.test(abbreviation) || abbreviation === '!') { return false; } } // If current node is a rule or at-rule, then perform additional checks to ensure // emmet suggestions are not provided in the rule selector if (currentNode.type !== 'rule' && currentNode.type !== 'at-rule') { return true; } const currentCssNode = currentNode; // Position is valid if it occurs after the `{` that marks beginning of rule contents if (offset > currentCssNode.contentStartToken.end) { return true; } // Workaround for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/30188 // The line above the rule selector is considered as part of the selector by the css-parser // But we should assume it is a valid location for css properties under the parent rule if (currentCssNode.parent && (currentCssNode.parent.type === 'rule' || currentCssNode.parent.type === 'at-rule') && currentCssNode.selectorToken) { const position = document.positionAt(offset); const tokenStartPos = document.positionAt(currentCssNode.selectorToken.start); const tokenEndPos = document.positionAt(currentCssNode.selectorToken.end); if (position.line !== tokenEndPos.line && tokenStartPos.character === abbreviationRange.start.character && tokenStartPos.line === abbreviationRange.start.line ) { return true; } } return false; } const startAngle = '<'; const endAngle = '>'; const escape = '\\'; const question = '?'; const currentHtmlNode = currentNode; let start = 0; if (currentHtmlNode) { if (currentHtmlNode.name === 'script') { const typeAttribute = (currentHtmlNode.attributes || []).filter(x => x.name.toString() === 'type')[0]; const typeValue = typeAttribute ? typeAttribute.value.toString() : ''; if (allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag.indexOf(typeValue) > -1) { return true; } const isScriptJavascriptType = !typeValue || typeValue === 'application/javascript' || typeValue === 'text/javascript'; if (isScriptJavascriptType) { return !!getSyntaxFromArgs({ language: 'javascript' }); } return false; } // Fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/28829 if (!currentHtmlNode.open || !currentHtmlNode.close || !(currentHtmlNode.open.end <= offset && offset <= currentHtmlNode.close.start)) { return false; } // Fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/35128 // Find the position up till where we will backtrack looking for unescaped < or > // to decide if current position is valid for emmet expansion start = currentHtmlNode.open.end; let lastChildBeforePosition = currentHtmlNode.firstChild; while (lastChildBeforePosition) { if (lastChildBeforePosition.end > offset) { break; } start = lastChildBeforePosition.end; lastChildBeforePosition = lastChildBeforePosition.nextSibling; } } const startPos = document.positionAt(start); let textToBackTrack = document.getText(new vscode.Range(startPos.line, startPos.character, abbreviationRange.start.line, abbreviationRange.start.character)); // Worse case scenario is when cursor is inside a big chunk of text which needs to backtracked // Backtrack only 500 offsets to ensure we dont waste time doing this if (textToBackTrack.length > 500) { textToBackTrack = textToBackTrack.substr(textToBackTrack.length - 500); } if (!textToBackTrack.trim()) { return true; } let valid = true; let foundSpace = false; // If < is found before finding whitespace, then its valid abbreviation. E.g.: = 0) { const char = textToBackTrack[i]; i--; if (!foundSpace && /\s/.test(char)) { foundSpace = true; continue; } if (char === question && textToBackTrack[i] === startAngle) { i--; continue; } // Fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/55411 // A space is not a valid character right after < in a tag name. if (/\s/.test(char) && textToBackTrack[i] === startAngle) { i--; continue; } if (char !== startAngle && char !== endAngle) { continue; } if (i >= 0 && textToBackTrack[i] === escape) { i--; continue; } if (char === endAngle) { if (i >= 0 && textToBackTrack[i] === '=') { continue; // False alarm of cases like => } else { break; } } if (char === startAngle) { valid = !foundSpace; break; } } return valid; } /** * Expands abbreviations as detailed in expandAbbrList in the editor * * @returns false if no snippet can be inserted. */ function expandAbbreviationInRange(editor: vscode.TextEditor, expandAbbrList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[], insertSameSnippet: boolean): Thenable { if (!expandAbbrList || expandAbbrList.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(false); } // Snippet to replace at multiple cursors are not the same // `editor.insertSnippet` will have to be called for each instance separately // We will not be able to maintain multiple cursors after snippet insertion const insertPromises: Thenable[] = []; if (!insertSameSnippet) { expandAbbrList.sort((a: ExpandAbbreviationInput, b: ExpandAbbreviationInput) => { return b.rangeToReplace.start.compareTo(a.rangeToReplace.start); }).forEach((expandAbbrInput: ExpandAbbreviationInput) => { const expandedText = expandAbbr(expandAbbrInput); if (expandedText) { insertPromises.push(editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), expandAbbrInput.rangeToReplace, { undoStopBefore: false, undoStopAfter: false })); } }); if (insertPromises.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(false); } return Promise.all(insertPromises).then(() => Promise.resolve(true)); } // Snippet to replace at all cursors are the same // We can pass all ranges to `editor.insertSnippet` in a single call so that // all cursors are maintained after snippet insertion const anyExpandAbbrInput = expandAbbrList[0]; const expandedText = expandAbbr(anyExpandAbbrInput); const allRanges = expandAbbrList.map(value => value.rangeToReplace); if (expandedText) { return editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), allRanges); } return Promise.resolve(false); } /** * Expands abbreviation as detailed in given input. */ function expandAbbr(input: ExpandAbbreviationInput): string | undefined { const helper = getEmmetHelper(); const expandOptions = helper.getExpandOptions(input.syntax, getEmmetConfiguration(input.syntax), input.filter); if (input.textToWrap) { // escape ${ sections, fixes #122231 input.textToWrap = input.textToWrap.map(e => e.replace(/\$\{/g, '\\\$\{')); if (input.filter && input.filter.includes('t')) { input.textToWrap = input.textToWrap.map(line => { return line.replace(trimRegex, '').trim(); }); } expandOptions['text'] = input.textToWrap; if (expandOptions.options) { // Below fixes https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/29898 // With this, Emmet formats inline elements as block elements // ensuring the wrapped multi line text does not get merged to a single line if (!input.rangeToReplace.isSingleLine) { expandOptions.options['output.inlineBreak'] = 1; } if (input.indent) { expandOptions.options['output.indent'] = input.indent; } if (input.baseIndent) { expandOptions.options['output.baseIndent'] = input.baseIndent; } } } let expandedText: string | undefined; try { expandedText = helper.expandAbbreviation(input.abbreviation, expandOptions); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Failed to expand abbreviation'); } return expandedText; } export function getSyntaxFromArgs(args: { [x: string]: string }): string | undefined { const mappedModes = getMappingForIncludedLanguages(); const language: string = args['language']; const parentMode: string = args['parentMode']; const excludedLanguages = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['excludeLanguages'] ? vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['excludeLanguages'] : []; if (excludedLanguages.indexOf(language) > -1) { return; } let syntax = getEmmetMode((mappedModes[language] ? mappedModes[language] : language), excludedLanguages); if (!syntax) { syntax = getEmmetMode((mappedModes[parentMode] ? mappedModes[parentMode] : parentMode), excludedLanguages); } return syntax; }