import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger" import * as cp from "child_process" import * as path from "path" import { CliMessage } from "../../lib/vscode/src/vs/server/ipc" import { ApiHttpProvider } from "./app/api" import { DashboardHttpProvider } from "./app/dashboard" import { LoginHttpProvider } from "./app/login" import { ProxyHttpProvider } from "./app/proxy" import { StaticHttpProvider } from "./app/static" import { UpdateHttpProvider } from "./app/update" import { VscodeHttpProvider } from "./app/vscode" import { Args, bindAddrFromAllSources, optionDescriptions, parse, readConfigFile, setDefaults } from "./cli" import { AuthType, HttpServer, HttpServerOptions } from "./http" import { generateCertificate, hash, open, humanPath } from "./util" import { ipcMain, wrap } from "./wrapper" process.on("uncaughtException", (error) => { logger.error(`Uncaught exception: ${error.message}`) if (typeof error.stack !== "undefined") { logger.error(error.stack) } }) let pkg: { version?: string; commit?: string } = {} try { pkg = require("../../package.json") } catch (error) { logger.warn(error.message) } const version = pkg.version || "development" const commit = pkg.commit || "development" const main = async (args: Args, cliArgs: Args, configArgs: Args): Promise => { if (!args.auth) { args = { ...args, auth: AuthType.Password, } }`Using user-data-dir ${humanPath(args["user-data-dir"])}`) logger.trace(`Using extensions-dir ${humanPath(args["extensions-dir"])}`) const envPassword = !!process.env.PASSWORD const password = args.auth === AuthType.Password && (process.env.PASSWORD || args.password) if (args.auth === AuthType.Password && !password) { throw new Error("Please pass in a password via the config file or $PASSWORD") } const [host, port] = bindAddrFromAllSources(cliArgs, configArgs) // Spawn the main HTTP server. const options: HttpServerOptions = { auth: args.auth, commit, host: host, // The hash does not add any actual security but we do it for obfuscation purposes. password: password ? hash(password) : undefined, port: port, proxyDomains: args["proxy-domain"], socket: args.socket, ...(args.cert && !args.cert.value ? await generateCertificate() : { cert: args.cert && args.cert.value, certKey: args["cert-key"], }), } if (options.cert && !options.certKey) { throw new Error("--cert-key is missing") } const httpServer = new HttpServer(options) const vscode = httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/", VscodeHttpProvider, args) const api = httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/api", ApiHttpProvider, httpServer, vscode, args["user-data-dir"]) const update = httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/update", UpdateHttpProvider, false) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/proxy", ProxyHttpProvider) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/login", LoginHttpProvider, args.config!, envPassword) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/static", StaticHttpProvider) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/dashboard", DashboardHttpProvider, api, update) ipcMain().onDispose(() => httpServer.dispose())`code-server ${version} ${commit}`) const serverAddress = await httpServer.listen()`HTTP server listening on ${serverAddress}`) if (args.auth === AuthType.Password) { if (envPassword) {" - Using password from $PASSWORD") } else {` - Using password from ${humanPath(args.config)}`) }" - To disable use `--auth none`") } else {" - No authentication") } delete process.env.PASSWORD if (httpServer.protocol === "https") { args.cert && args.cert.value ? ` - Using provided certificate and key for HTTPS` : ` - Using generated certificate and key for HTTPS`, ) } else {" - Not serving HTTPS") } if (httpServer.proxyDomains.size > 0) {` - Proxying the following domain${httpServer.proxyDomains.size === 1 ? "" : "s"}:`) httpServer.proxyDomains.forEach((domain) =>` - *.${domain}`)) } if (serverAddress && !options.socket && { // The web socket doesn't seem to work if browsing with const openAddress = serverAddress.replace(/:\/\/, "://localhost") await open(openAddress).catch(console.error)`Opened ${openAddress}`) } } function trimLDLibraryPath(): void { let ldVar: string if (process.platform === "linux") { ldVar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" } else if (process.platform === "darwin") { ldVar = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" } else { return } // Removes the leading path added by ./ci/build/ to use our bundled // dynamic libraries. See ci/build/ // This is required to avoid child processes using our bundled libraries. process.env[ldVar] = process.env[ldVar]?.replace(path.dirname(process.execPath) + ":", "") } async function entry(): Promise { trimLDLibraryPath() const tryParse = async (): Promise<[Args, Args, Args]> => { try { const cliArgs = parse(process.argv.slice(2)) const configArgs = await readConfigFile(cliArgs.config) // This prioritizes the flags set in args over the ones in the config file. let args = Object.assign(configArgs, cliArgs) args = await setDefaults(args) return [args, cliArgs, configArgs] } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) process.exit(1) } } const [args, cliArgs, configArgs] = await tryParse() if ( { console.log("code-server", version, commit) console.log("") console.log(`Usage: code-server [options] [path]`) console.log("") console.log("Options") optionDescriptions().forEach((description) => { console.log("", description) }) } else if (args.version) { if (args.json) { console.log({ codeServer: version, commit, vscode: require("../../lib/vscode/package.json").version, }) } else { console.log(version, commit) } process.exit(0) } else if (args["list-extensions"] || args["install-extension"] || args["uninstall-extension"]) { logger.debug("forking vs code cli...") const vscode = cp.fork(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../lib/vscode/out/vs/server/fork"), [], { env: { ...process.env, CODE_SERVER_PARENT_PID:, }, }) vscode.once("message", (message) => { logger.debug("Got message from VS Code", field("message", message)) if (message.type !== "ready") { logger.error("Unexpected response waiting for ready response") process.exit(1) } const send: CliMessage = { type: "cli", args } vscode.send(send) }) vscode.once("error", (error) => { logger.error(error.message) process.exit(1) }) vscode.on("exit", (code) => process.exit(code || 0)) } else { wrap(() => main(args, cliArgs, configArgs)) } } entry()