/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'mocha'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { TextDocument, getLanguageModes, ClientCapabilities, Range, Position } from '../modes/languageModes'; import { newSemanticTokenProvider } from '../modes/semanticTokens'; import { getNodeFSRequestService } from '../node/nodeFs'; interface ExpectedToken { startLine: number; character: number; length: number; tokenClassifiction: string; } async function assertTokens(lines: string[], expected: ExpectedToken[], ranges?: Range[], message?: string): Promise { const document = TextDocument.create('test://foo/bar.html', 'html', 1, lines.join('\n')); const workspace = { settings: {}, folders: [{ name: 'foo', uri: 'test://foo' }] }; const languageModes = getLanguageModes({ css: true, javascript: true }, workspace, ClientCapabilities.LATEST, getNodeFSRequestService()); const semanticTokensProvider = newSemanticTokenProvider(languageModes); const legend = semanticTokensProvider.legend; const actual = await semanticTokensProvider.getSemanticTokens(document, ranges); let actualRanges = []; let lastLine = 0; let lastCharacter = 0; for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i += 5) { const lineDelta = actual[i], charDelta = actual[i + 1], len = actual[i + 2], typeIdx = actual[i + 3], modSet = actual[i + 4]; const line = lastLine + lineDelta; const character = lineDelta === 0 ? lastCharacter + charDelta : charDelta; const tokenClassifiction = [legend.types[typeIdx], ...legend.modifiers.filter((_, i) => modSet & 1 << i)].join('.'); actualRanges.push(t(line, character, len, tokenClassifiction)); lastLine = line; lastCharacter = character; } assert.deepStrictEqual(actualRanges, expected, message); } function t(startLine: number, character: number, length: number, tokenClassifiction: string): ExpectedToken { return { startLine, character, length, tokenClassifiction }; } suite('HTML Semantic Tokens', () => { test('Variables', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*10*/'', /*11*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 6, 1, 'variable.declaration'), t(3, 13, 2, 'variable.declaration'), t(3, 19, 1, 'variable'), t(5, 15, 1, 'variable.declaration.readonly'), t(5, 20, 2, 'variable'), t(5, 26, 1, 'variable'), t(5, 30, 1, 'variable.readonly'), t(6, 11, 1, 'variable.declaration'), t(7, 10, 2, 'variable') ]); }); test('Functions', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*8*/'', /*9*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 11, 3, 'function.declaration'), t(3, 15, 2, 'parameter.declaration'), t(4, 11, 3, 'function'), t(4, 15, 4, 'interface'), t(4, 20, 3, 'method'), t(4, 24, 2, 'parameter'), t(6, 6, 6, 'variable'), t(6, 13, 8, 'property'), t(6, 24, 5, 'method'), t(6, 35, 7, 'method'), t(6, 43, 1, 'parameter.declaration'), t(6, 48, 3, 'function'), t(6, 52, 1, 'parameter') ]); }); test('Members', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*12*/'', /*13*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 8, 1, 'class.declaration'), t(4, 11, 1, 'property.declaration.static'), t(5, 4, 1, 'property.declaration'), t(6, 10, 1, 'method.declaration.async'), t(6, 23, 1, 'class'), t(6, 25, 1, 'property.static'), t(6, 40, 1, 'method.async'), t(7, 8, 1, 'property.declaration'), t(7, 26, 1, 'property'), t(8, 11, 1, 'method.declaration.static'), t(8, 28, 1, 'class'), t(8, 32, 1, 'property'), ]); }); test('Interfaces', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*7*/'', /*8*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 12, 8, 'interface.declaration'), t(3, 23, 1, 'property.declaration'), t(3, 34, 1, 'property.declaration'), t(4, 8, 1, 'variable.declaration.readonly'), t(4, 30, 8, 'interface'), t(5, 8, 3, 'variable.declaration.readonly'), t(5, 15, 1, 'parameter.declaration'), t(5, 18, 8, 'interface'), t(5, 31, 1, 'parameter'), t(5, 33, 1, 'property'), t(5, 37, 1, 'parameter'), t(5, 39, 1, 'property') ]); }); test('Readonly', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*8*/'', /*9*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 8, 1, 'variable.declaration.readonly'), t(4, 8, 1, 'class.declaration'), t(4, 28, 1, 'property.declaration.static.readonly'), t(4, 42, 3, 'property.declaration.static'), t(4, 47, 3, 'interface'), t(5, 13, 1, 'enum.declaration'), t(5, 17, 1, 'property.declaration.readonly'), t(5, 24, 1, 'property.declaration.readonly'), t(5, 28, 1, 'property.readonly'), t(6, 2, 7, 'variable'), t(6, 10, 3, 'method'), t(6, 14, 1, 'variable.readonly'), t(6, 18, 1, 'class'), t(6, 20, 1, 'property.static.readonly'), t(6, 24, 1, 'class'), t(6, 26, 3, 'property.static'), t(6, 30, 6, 'property.readonly'), ]); }); test('Type aliases and type parameters', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*8*/'', /*9*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 7, 5, 'type.declaration'), t(3, 15, 3, 'interface') /* to investiagte */, t(4, 11, 1, 'function.declaration'), t(4, 13, 1, 'typeParameter.declaration'), t(4, 23, 5, 'type'), t(4, 30, 1, 'parameter.declaration'), t(4, 33, 1, 'typeParameter'), t(4, 47, 1, 'typeParameter'), t(5, 12, 1, 'typeParameter'), t(5, 29, 3, 'interface'), t(5, 41, 5, 'type'), ]); }); test('TS and JS', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*5*/'', /*8*/'', /*9*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 11, 1, 'function.declaration'), t(3, 13, 1, 'typeParameter.declaration'), t(3, 16, 2, 'parameter.declaration'), t(3, 20, 1, 'typeParameter'), t(3, 24, 1, 'typeParameter'), t(3, 39, 2, 'parameter'), t(6, 2, 6, 'variable'), t(6, 9, 5, 'method') ]); }); test('Ranges', async () => { const input = [ /*0*/'', /*1*/'', /*2*/'', /*5*/'', /*8*/'', /*9*/'', ]; await assertTokens(input, [ t(3, 2, 6, 'variable'), t(3, 9, 5, 'method') ], [Range.create(Position.create(2, 0), Position.create(4, 0))]); await assertTokens(input, [ t(6, 2, 6, 'variable'), ], [Range.create(Position.create(6, 2), Position.create(6, 8))]); }); });