#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # Downloads the release artifacts from CI for the current # commit and then uploads them to the release with the version # in package.json. # You will need $GITHUB_TOKEN set. main() { cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.." source ./ci/lib.sh source ./ci/steps/steps-lib.sh # NOTE@jsjoeio - only needed if we use the download_artifact # because we talk to the GitHub API. # Needed to use GitHub API if ! is_env_var_set "GITHUB_TOKEN"; then echo "GITHUB_TOKEN is not set. Cannot download npm release-packages without GitHub credentials." exit 1 fi download_artifact release-packages ./release-packages local assets=(./release-packages/code-server*"$VERSION"*{.tar.gz,.deb,.rpm}) EDITOR=true gh release upload "v$VERSION" "${assets[@]}" --clobber } main "$@"