* fix: use * for test plugin engines
This removes the need to update this version with every version change.
* refactor: use npm-package in release assets
This adds a new job to `release.yaml` to upload the `npm-package` to the
release assets which will also allow us to download it in the
`publish.yaml` workflow.
* docs: update release instructions
* docs: update MAINTAINING
* refactor: use branch name in release-prep
This makes a minor improvement to the `release-prep.sh` script to grab
the version to update to from the branch name.
* chore(release): bump version to 4.7.0
* fixup: bump version
* docs: use latest instead of version
* fixup: bump Chart version
* chore: update CHANGELOG
* chore: add license to test package.json
* chore: bump @coder/logging to 3.0.0
* fix: change level to Warn