* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { window, commands } from 'vscode';
import { assertNoRpc, closeAllEditors } from '../utils';
interface QuickPickExpected {
events: string[];
activeItems: string[][];
selectionItems: string[][];
acceptedItems: {
active: string[][];
selection: string[][];
dispose: boolean[];
suite('vscode API - quick input', function () {
teardown(async function () {
await closeAllEditors();
test('createQuickPick, select second', function (_done) {
let done = (err?: any) => {
done = () => { };
const quickPick = createQuickPick({
events: ['active', 'active', 'selection', 'accept', 'hide'],
activeItems: [['eins'], ['zwei']],
selectionItems: [['zwei']],
active: [['zwei']],
selection: [['zwei']],
dispose: [true]
}, (err?: any) => done(err));
quickPick.items = ['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'].map(label => ({ label }));
(async () => {
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickOpenSelectNext');
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem');
.catch(err => done(err));
test('createQuickPick, focus second', function (_done) {
events: ['active', 'selection', 'accept', 'hide'],
activeItems: [['zwei']],
quickPick.activeItems = [quickPick.items[1]];
test('createQuickPick, select first and second', function (_done) {
events: ['active', 'selection', 'active', 'selection', 'accept', 'hide'],
selectionItems: [['eins'], ['eins', 'zwei']],
selection: [['eins', 'zwei']],
quickPick.canSelectMany = true;
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickPickManyToggle');
test('createQuickPick, selection events', function (_done) {
events: ['active', 'selection', 'accept', 'selection', 'accept', 'hide'],
activeItems: [['eins']],
selectionItems: [['zwei'], ['drei']],
active: [['eins'], ['eins']],
selection: [['zwei'], ['drei']],
dispose: [false, true]
quickPick.selectedItems = [quickPick.items[1]];
setTimeout(() => {
quickPick.selectedItems = [quickPick.items[2]];
}, 0);
test('createQuickPick, continue after first accept', function (_done) {
events: ['active', 'selection', 'accept', 'active', 'selection', 'active', 'selection', 'accept', 'hide'],
activeItems: [['eins'], [], ['drei']],
selectionItems: [['eins'], [], ['drei']],
active: [['eins'], ['drei']],
selection: [['eins'], ['drei']],
quickPick.items = ['eins', 'zwei'].map(label => ({ label }));
await timeout(async () => {
quickPick.items = ['drei', 'vier'].map(label => ({ label }));
test('createQuickPick, dispose in onDidHide', function (_done) {
let hidden = false;
const quickPick = window.createQuickPick();
quickPick.onDidHide(() => {
if (hidden) {
done(new Error('Already hidden'));
} else {
hidden = true;
setTimeout(done, 0);
test('createQuickPick, hide and dispose', function (_done) {
function createQuickPick(expected: QuickPickExpected, done: (err?: any) => void, record = false) {
let eventIndex = -1;
quickPick.onDidChangeActive(items => {
if (record) {
console.log(`active: [${items.map(item => item.label).join(', ')}]`);
try {
assert.equal('active', expected.events.shift(), `onDidChangeActive (event ${eventIndex})`);
const expectedItems = expected.activeItems.shift();
assert.deepEqual(items.map(item => item.label), expectedItems, `onDidChangeActive event items (event ${eventIndex})`);
assert.deepEqual(quickPick.activeItems.map(item => item.label), expectedItems, `onDidChangeActive active items (event ${eventIndex})`);
} catch (err) {
quickPick.onDidChangeSelection(items => {
console.log(`selection: [${items.map(item => item.label).join(', ')}]`);
assert.equal('selection', expected.events.shift(), `onDidChangeSelection (event ${eventIndex})`);
const expectedItems = expected.selectionItems.shift();
assert.deepEqual(items.map(item => item.label), expectedItems, `onDidChangeSelection event items (event ${eventIndex})`);
assert.deepEqual(quickPick.selectedItems.map(item => item.label), expectedItems, `onDidChangeSelection selected items (event ${eventIndex})`);
quickPick.onDidAccept(() => {
assert.equal('accept', expected.events.shift(), `onDidAccept (event ${eventIndex})`);
const expectedActive = expected.acceptedItems.active.shift();
assert.deepEqual(quickPick.activeItems.map(item => item.label), expectedActive, `onDidAccept active items (event ${eventIndex})`);
const expectedSelection = expected.acceptedItems.selection.shift();
assert.deepEqual(quickPick.selectedItems.map(item => item.label), expectedSelection, `onDidAccept selected items (event ${eventIndex})`);
if (expected.acceptedItems.dispose.shift()) {
assert.equal('hide', expected.events.shift());
return quickPick;
async function timeout<T>(run: () => Promise<T> | T, ms: number): Promise<T> {
return new Promise<T>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(run()), ms));