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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Based on @sergeche's work on the emmet plugin for atom
import { TextEditor, Range, Position, window, TextEdit } from 'vscode';
import * as path from 'path';
import { getImageSize } from './imageSizeHelper';
import { parseDocument, getNode, iterateCSSToken, getCssPropertyFromRule, isStyleSheet, validate } from './util';
import { HtmlNode, CssToken, HtmlToken, Attribute, Property } from 'EmmetNode';
import { locateFile } from './locateFile';
import parseStylesheet from '@emmetio/css-parser';
import { DocumentStreamReader } from './bufferStream';
* Updates size of context image in given editor
export function updateImageSize() {
if (!validate() || !window.activeTextEditor) {
const editor = window.activeTextEditor;
let allUpdatesPromise = editor.selections.reverse().map(selection => {
let position = selection.isReversed ? : selection.anchor;
if (!isStyleSheet(editor.document.languageId)) {
return updateImageSizeHTML(editor, position);
} else {
return updateImageSizeCSSFile(editor, position);
return Promise.all(allUpdatesPromise).then((updates) => {
return editor.edit(builder => {
updates.forEach(update => {
update.forEach((textEdit: TextEdit) => {
builder.replace(textEdit.range, textEdit.newText);
* Updates image size of context tag of HTML model
function updateImageSizeHTML(editor: TextEditor, position: Position): Promise<TextEdit[]> {
const imageNode = getImageHTMLNode(editor, position);
const src = imageNode && getImageSrcHTML(imageNode);
if (!src) {
return updateImageSizeStyleTag(editor, position);
return locateFile(path.dirname(editor.document.fileName), src)
.then((size: any) => {
// since this action is asynchronous, we have to ensure that editor wasnt
// changed and user didnt moved caret outside <img> node
const img = getImageHTMLNode(editor, position);
if (img && getImageSrcHTML(img) === src) {
return updateHTMLTag(editor, img, size.width, size.height);
return [];
.catch(err => { console.warn('Error while updating image size:', err); return []; });
function updateImageSizeStyleTag(editor: TextEditor, position: Position): Promise<TextEdit[]> {
const getPropertyInsiderStyleTag = (editor: TextEditor): Property | null => {
const rootNode = parseDocument(editor.document);
const currentNode = <HtmlNode>getNode(rootNode, position, true);
if (currentNode && === 'style'
&& currentNode.close.start.isAfter(position)) {
let buffer = new DocumentStreamReader(editor.document,, new Range(, currentNode.close.start));
let rootNode = parseStylesheet(buffer);
const node = getNode(rootNode, position, true);
return (node && node.type === 'property') ? <Property>node : null;
return null;
return updateImageSizeCSS(editor, position, getPropertyInsiderStyleTag);
function updateImageSizeCSSFile(editor: TextEditor, position: Position): Promise<TextEdit[]> {
return updateImageSizeCSS(editor, position, getImageCSSNode);
* Updates image size of context rule of stylesheet model
function updateImageSizeCSS(editor: TextEditor, position: Position, fetchNode: (editor: TextEditor, position: Position) => Property | null): Promise<TextEdit[]> {
const node = fetchNode(editor, position);
const src = node && getImageSrcCSS(node, position);
if (!src) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('No valid image source'));
return locateFile(path.dirname(editor.document.fileName), src)
.then((size: any): TextEdit[] => {
// since this action is asynchronous, we have to ensure that editor wasnt
// changed and user didnt moved caret outside <img> node
const prop = fetchNode(editor, position);
if (prop && getImageSrcCSS(prop, position) === src) {
return updateCSSNode(editor, prop, size.width, size.height);
return [];
.catch(err => { console.warn('Error while updating image size:', err); return []; });
* Returns <img> node under caret in given editor or `null` if such node cannot
* be found
function getImageHTMLNode(editor: TextEditor, position: Position): HtmlNode | null {
const rootNode = parseDocument(editor.document);
const node = <HtmlNode>getNode(rootNode, position, true);
return node && === 'img' ? node : null;
* Returns css property under caret in given editor or `null` if such node cannot
* be found
function getImageCSSNode(editor: TextEditor, position: Position): Property | null {
const rootNode = parseDocument(editor.document);
const node = getNode(rootNode, position, true);
return node && node.type === 'property' ? <Property>node : null;
* Returns image source from given <img> node
function getImageSrcHTML(node: HtmlNode): string | undefined {
const srcAttr = getAttribute(node, 'src');
if (!srcAttr) {
return (<HtmlToken>srcAttr.value).value;
* Returns image source from given `url()` token
function getImageSrcCSS(node: Property | undefined, position: Position): string | undefined {
if (!node) {
const urlToken = findUrlToken(node, position);
if (!urlToken) {
// A stylesheet token may contain either quoted ('string') or unquoted URL
let urlValue = urlToken.item(0);
if (urlValue && urlValue.type === 'string') {
urlValue = urlValue.item(0);
return urlValue && urlValue.valueOf();
* Updates size of given HTML node
function updateHTMLTag(editor: TextEditor, node: HtmlNode, width: number, height: number): TextEdit[] {
const srcAttr = getAttribute(node, 'src');
const widthAttr = getAttribute(node, 'width');
const heightAttr = getAttribute(node, 'height');
const quote = getAttributeQuote(editor, srcAttr);
const endOfAttributes = node.attributes[node.attributes.length - 1].end;
let edits: TextEdit[] = [];
let textToAdd = '';
if (!widthAttr) {
textToAdd += ` width=${quote}${width}${quote}`;
} else {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(widthAttr.value.start, widthAttr.value.end), String(width)));
if (!heightAttr) {
textToAdd += ` height=${quote}${height}${quote}`;
} else {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(heightAttr.value.start, heightAttr.value.end), String(height)));
if (textToAdd) {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(endOfAttributes, endOfAttributes), textToAdd));
return edits;
* Updates size of given CSS rule
function updateCSSNode(editor: TextEditor, srcProp: Property, width: number, height: number): TextEdit[] {
const rule = srcProp.parent;
const widthProp = getCssPropertyFromRule(rule, 'width');
const heightProp = getCssPropertyFromRule(rule, 'height');
// Detect formatting
const separator = srcProp.separator || ': ';
const before = getPropertyDelimitor(editor, srcProp);
let edits: TextEdit[] = [];
if (!srcProp.terminatorToken) {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(srcProp.end, srcProp.end), ';'));
let textToAdd = '';
if (!widthProp) {
textToAdd += `${before}width${separator}${width}px;`;
} else {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(widthProp.valueToken.start, widthProp.valueToken.end), `${width}px`));
if (!heightProp) {
textToAdd += `${before}height${separator}${height}px;`;
} else {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(heightProp.valueToken.start, heightProp.valueToken.end), `${height}px`));
if (textToAdd) {
edits.push(new TextEdit(new Range(srcProp.end, srcProp.end), textToAdd));
return edits;
* Returns attribute object with `attrName` name from given HTML node
function getAttribute(node: HtmlNode, attrName: string): Attribute {
attrName = attrName.toLowerCase();
return node && ( as any).attributes.find((attr: any) => === attrName);
* Returns quote character, used for value of given attribute. May return empty
* string if attribute wasnt quoted
function getAttributeQuote(editor: TextEditor, attr: any): string {
const range = new Range(attr.value ? attr.value.end : attr.end, attr.end);
return range.isEmpty ? '' : editor.document.getText(range);
* Finds 'url' token for given `pos` point in given CSS property `node`
function findUrlToken(node: Property, pos: Position): CssToken | undefined {
for (let i = 0, il = (node as any).parsedValue.length, url; i < il; i++) {
iterateCSSToken((node as any).parsedValue[i], (token: CssToken) => {
if (token.type === 'url' && token.start.isBeforeOrEqual(pos) && token.end.isAfterOrEqual(pos)) {
url = token;
return false;
return true;
if (url) {
return url;
* Returns a string that is used to delimit properties in current nodes rule
function getPropertyDelimitor(editor: TextEditor, node: Property): string {
let anchor;
if (anchor = (node.previousSibling || node.parent.contentStartToken)) {
return editor.document.getText(new Range(anchor.end, node.start));
} else if (anchor = (node.nextSibling || node.parent.contentEndToken)) {
return editor.document.getText(new Range(node.end, anchor.start));
return '';