#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
main() {
cd "$(dirname "${0}")/../.."
source ./ci/lib.sh
rsync "$RELEASE_PATH/" "$RELEASE_PATH-standalone"
# We cannot get the path to Node from $PATH (for example via `which node`)
# because Yarn shims a script called `node` and we would end up just copying
# that script. Instead we run Node and have it print its actual path.
local node_path
node_path="$(node <<< 'console.info(process.execPath)')"
mkdir -p "$RELEASE_PATH/bin"
mkdir -p "$RELEASE_PATH/lib"
rsync ./ci/build/code-server.sh "$RELEASE_PATH/bin/code-server"
rsync "$node_path" "$RELEASE_PATH/lib/node"
chmod 755 "$RELEASE_PATH/lib/node"
npm install --unsafe-perm --omit=dev
# Code deletes some files from the extension node_modules directory which
# leaves broken symlinks in the corresponding .bin directory. nfpm will fail
# on these broken symlinks so clean them up.
rm -fr "./lib/vscode/extensions/node_modules/.bin"
main "$@"