import * as cp from "child_process"
import { promises as fs } from "fs"
import * as path from "path"
import util from "util"
import { clean, getMaybeProxiedCodeServer, tmpdir } from "../utils/helpers"
import { describe, expect, test } from "./baseFixture"
describe("Integrated Terminal", [], {}, () => {
const testName = "integrated-terminal"
test.beforeAll(async () => {
await clean(testName)
test("should have access to VSCODE_PROXY_URI", async ({ codeServerPage }) => {
const tmpFolderPath = await tmpdir(testName)
const tmpFile = path.join(tmpFolderPath, "pipe")
const command = `mkfifo '${tmpFile}' && cat '${tmpFile}'`
const exec = util.promisify(cp.exec)
const output = exec(command, { encoding: "utf8" })
// Open terminal and type in value
await codeServerPage.focusTerminal()
await`printenv VSCODE_PROXY_URI > ${tmpFile}`)
const { stdout } = await output
const address = await getMaybeProxiedCodeServer(codeServerPage)
// TODO@jsjoeio - add test to make sure full code-server path works
test("should be able to invoke `code-server` to open a file", async ({ codeServerPage }) => {
const tmpFile = path.join(tmpFolderPath, "test-file")
await fs.writeFile(tmpFile, "test")
const fileName = path.basename(tmpFile)
await`code-server ${tmpFile}`)
await codeServerPage.waitForTab(fileName)