4. Install [NVM](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#install--update-script) by following the install guide in the README, just a curl/wget command.
5. Set up NVM for multi-user. After installing NVM it automatically adds the necessary commands for it to work, but it will only work if you are logged in as root:
- Run `nano /etc/profile` and paste those lines at the end of the file. Make sure to replace `$HOME` with `/root` on the first line.
- Now run `exit`
- Start Debian again `proot-distro login debian`
6. After following the instructions and setting up NVM you can now install the [required node version](https://coder.com/docs/code-server/latest/npm#nodejs-version) by running:
> To check the install process (Will not actually install code-server)
> If it all looks good, you can install code-server by running the second command
curl -fsSL https://code-server.dev/install.sh | sh -s -- --dry-run
curl -fsSL https://code-server.dev/install.sh | sh
8. You can now start code server by simply running `code-server`.
> Consider using a new user instead of root, read [here](https://www.howtogeek.com/124950/htg-explains-why-you-shouldnt-log-into-your-linux-system-as-root/) why using root is not recommended.\
> Learn how to add a user [here](#create-a-new-user).
1. Create a new user by running `useradd <username> -m`.
2. Change the password by running `passwd <username>`.
3. Give your new user sudo access by running `visudo`, scroll down to `User privilege specification` and add the following line after root `username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL`.
4. Now edit the `/etc/passwd` file with your command line editor of choice and at the end of the line that specifies your user change `/bin/sh` to `/bin/bash`.
3. Run `nano /etc/profile` and add the following line `export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin`.
4. Now run `exit` (depending on if you have switched users or not, you may have to run `exit` multiple times to get to normal termux shell) and start Debian again.
5. Check if your install was successful by running `go version`
- Since Node and code-server are installed in the Debian PRoot distro, your `~/.ssh/` configuration, `~/.bashrc`, git, npm packages, etc. should be setup in PRoot as well.
- The terminal accessible in code-server will bring up the filesystem and `~/.bashrc` in the Debian PRoot distro.
Accessing files in the Debian PRoot Distro
- The `/data/data/com.termux/files/home` directory in PRoot accesses the termux home directory (`~`)
- The `/sdcard` directory in PRoot accesses the Android storage directory, though there are [known issues with git and files in the `/sdcard` path](#git-wont-work-in-sdcard)
Accessing the Debian PRoot distro/Starting code-server
- Run the following command to access the Debian PRoot distro, from the termux shell:
proot-distro login debian
- Run the following command to start code-server directly in the Debian PRoot distro, from the termux shell:
proot-distro login debian -- code-server
- If you [created a new user](#create-a-new-user), you'll need to insert the `--user <username>` option between `login` and `debian` in the commands above to run as the user instead of root in PRoot.
Additional information on PRoot and Termux
- Additional information on using your Debian PRoot Distro can be [found here](https://github.com/termux/proot-distro#functionality-overview).