#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# Install dependencies in $1.
install-deps() {
local args=(install)
if [[ ${CI-} ]]; then
if [[ "$1" == "lib/vscode" ]]; then
# If there is no package.json then yarn will look upward and end up installing
# from the root resulting in an infinite loop (this can happen if you have not
# checked out the submodule yet for example).
if [[ ! -f "$1/package.json" ]]; then
echo "$1/package.json is missing; did you run git submodule update --init?"
exit 1
pushd "$1"
echo "Installing dependencies for $PWD"
yarn "${args[@]}"
main() {
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.."
source ./ci/lib.sh
install-deps test
install-deps test/e2e/extensions/test-extension
# We don't need these when running the integration tests
# so you can pass SKIP_SUBMODULE_DEPS
if [[ ! ${SKIP_SUBMODULE_DEPS-} ]]; then
install-deps lib/vscode
main "$@"