#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
main() {
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.."
source ./ci/lib.sh
echo "Building test plugin"
pushd test/unit/node/test-plugin
make -s out/index.js
# Our code imports from `out` in order to work during development but if you
# have only built for production you will have not have this directory. In
# that case symlink `out` to a production build directory.
if [[ ! -e lib/vscode/out ]]; then
pushd lib
local out=(vscode-reh-web-*)
if [[ -d "${out[0]}" ]]; then
ln -s "../${out[0]}/out" ./vscode/out
echo "Could not find lib/vscode/out or lib/vscode-reh-web-*"
echo "Code must be built before running unit tests"
exit 1
# We must keep jest in a sub-directory. See ../../test/package.json for more
# information. We must also run it from the root otherwise coverage will not
# include our source files.
CS_DISABLE_PLUGINS=true ./test/node_modules/.bin/jest "$@" --testRegex "./test/unit/.*ts" --testPathIgnorePatterns "./test/unit/node/test-plugin"
main "$@"