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290 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as net from 'net';
import { downloadAndUnzipVSCodeServer } from './download';
import { terminateProcess } from './util/processes';
let extHostProcess: cp.ChildProcess | undefined;
const enum CharCode {
Backspace = 8,
LineFeed = 10
let outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel;
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
function doResolve(_authority: string, progress: vscode.Progress<{ message?: string; increment?: number }>): Promise<vscode.ResolvedAuthority> {
const serverPromise = new Promise<vscode.ResolvedAuthority>(async (res, rej) => {
progress.report({ message: 'Starting Test Resolver' });
outputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel('TestResolver');
let isResolved = false;
async function processError(message: string) {
if (!isResolved) {
isResolved = true;
const result = await vscode.window.showErrorMessage(message, { modal: true }, ...getActions());
if (result) {
await result.execute();
rej(vscode.RemoteAuthorityResolverError.NotAvailable(message, true));
let lastProgressLine = '';
function processOutput(output: string) {
for (let i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
const chr = output.charCodeAt(i);
if (chr === CharCode.LineFeed) {
const match = lastProgressLine.match(/Extension host agent listening on (\d+)/);
if (match) {
isResolved = true;
res(new vscode.ResolvedAuthority('localhost', parseInt(match[1], 10))); // success!
lastProgressLine = '';
} else if (chr === CharCode.Backspace) {
lastProgressLine = lastProgressLine.substr(0, lastProgressLine.length - 1);
} else {
lastProgressLine += output.charAt(i);
const delay = getConfiguration('startupDelay');
if (typeof delay === 'number') {
let remaining = Math.ceil(delay);
outputChannel.append(`Delaying startup by ${remaining} seconds (configured by "testresolver.startupDelay").`);
while (remaining > 0) {
progress.report({ message: `Delayed resolving: Remaining ${remaining}s` });
await (sleep(1000));
if (getConfiguration('startupError') === true) {
processError('Test Resolver failed for testing purposes (configured by "testresolver.startupError").');
const { updateUrl, commit, quality, serverDataFolderName, dataFolderName } = getProductConfiguration();
const commandArgs = ['--port=0', '--disable-telemetry'];
const env = getNewEnv();
const remoteDataDir = process.env['TESTRESOLVER_DATA_FOLDER'] || path.join(os.homedir(), serverDataFolderName || `${dataFolderName}-testresolver`);
env['VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER'] = remoteDataDir;
outputChannel.appendLine(`Using data folder at ${remoteDataDir}`);
if (!commit) { // dev mode
const serverCommand = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'server.bat' : 'server.sh';
const vscodePath = path.resolve(path.join(context.extensionPath, '..', '..'));
const serverCommandPath = path.join(vscodePath, 'resources', 'server', 'bin-dev', serverCommand);
extHostProcess = cp.spawn(serverCommandPath, commandArgs, { env, cwd: vscodePath });
} else {
const serverCommand = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'server.cmd' : 'server.sh';
let serverLocation = env['VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH']; // support environment variable to specify location of server on disk
if (!serverLocation) {
const serverBin = path.join(remoteDataDir, 'bin');
progress.report({ message: 'Installing VSCode Server' });
serverLocation = await downloadAndUnzipVSCodeServer(updateUrl, commit, quality, serverBin);
outputChannel.appendLine(`Using server build at ${serverLocation}`);
extHostProcess = cp.spawn(path.join(serverLocation, serverCommand), commandArgs, { env, cwd: serverLocation });
extHostProcess.stdout!.on('data', (data: Buffer) => processOutput(data.toString()));
extHostProcess.stderr!.on('data', (data: Buffer) => processOutput(data.toString()));
extHostProcess.on('error', (error: Error) => {
processError(`server failed with error:\n${error.message}`);
extHostProcess = undefined;
extHostProcess.on('close', (code: number) => {
processError(`server closed unexpectedly.\nError code: ${code}`);
extHostProcess = undefined;
dispose: () => {
if (extHostProcess) {
terminateProcess(extHostProcess, context.extensionPath);
return serverPromise.then(serverAddr => {
return new Promise<vscode.ResolvedAuthority>(async (res, _rej) => {
const proxyServer = net.createServer(proxySocket => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Proxy connection accepted`);
let remoteReady = true, localReady = true;
const remoteSocket = net.createConnection({ port: serverAddr.port });
let isDisconnected = getConfiguration('pause') === true;
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(_ => {
let newIsDisconnected = getConfiguration('pause') === true;
if (isDisconnected !== newIsDisconnected) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Connection state: ${newIsDisconnected ? 'open' : 'paused'}`);
isDisconnected = newIsDisconnected;
if (!isDisconnected) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Resume remote and proxy sockets.`);
if (remoteSocket.isPaused() && localReady) {
if (proxySocket.isPaused() && remoteReady) {
} else {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Pausing remote and proxy sockets.`);
if (!remoteSocket.isPaused()) {
if (!proxySocket.isPaused()) {
proxySocket.on('data', (data) => {
remoteReady = remoteSocket.write(data);
if (!remoteReady) {
remoteSocket.on('data', (data) => {
localReady = proxySocket.write(data);
if (!localReady) {
proxySocket.on('drain', () => {
localReady = true;
if (!isDisconnected) {
remoteSocket.on('drain', () => {
remoteReady = true;
if (!isDisconnected) {
proxySocket.on('close', () => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Proxy socket closed, closing remote socket.`);
remoteSocket.on('close', () => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Remote socket closed, closing proxy socket.`);
dispose: () => {
proxyServer.listen(0, () => {
const port = (<net.AddressInfo>proxyServer.address()).port;
outputChannel.appendLine(`Going through proxy at port ${port}`);
res(new vscode.ResolvedAuthority('', port));
dispose: () => {
vscode.workspace.registerRemoteAuthorityResolver('test', {
resolve(_authority: string): Thenable<vscode.ResolvedAuthority> {
return vscode.window.withProgress({
location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification,
title: 'Open TestResolver Remote ([details](command:vscode-testresolver.showLog))',
cancellable: false
}, (progress) => doResolve(_authority, progress));
vscode.commands.registerCommand('vscode-testresolver.newWindow', () => {
return vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.newWindow', { remoteAuthority: 'test+test' });
vscode.commands.registerCommand('vscode-testresolver.newWindowWithError', () => {
return vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.newWindow', { remoteAuthority: 'test+error' });
vscode.commands.registerCommand('vscode-testresolver.showLog', () => {
if (outputChannel) {
type ActionItem = (vscode.MessageItem & { execute: () => void; });
function getActions(): ActionItem[] {
const actions: ActionItem[] = [];
const isDirty = vscode.workspace.textDocuments.some(d => d.isDirty) || vscode.workspace.workspaceFile && vscode.workspace.workspaceFile.scheme === 'untitled';
title: 'Retry',
execute: async () => {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.reloadWindow');
if (!isDirty) {
title: 'Close Remote',
execute: async () => {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.newWindow', { reuseWindow: true });
title: 'Ignore',
isCloseAffordance: true,
execute: async () => {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode-testresolver.showLog'); // no need to wait
return actions;
export interface IProductConfiguration {
updateUrl: string;
commit: string;
quality: string;
dataFolderName: string;
serverDataFolderName?: string;
function getProductConfiguration(): IProductConfiguration {
const content = fs.readFileSync(path.join(vscode.env.appRoot, 'product.json')).toString();
return JSON.parse(content) as IProductConfiguration;
function getNewEnv(): { [x: string]: string | undefined } {
const env = { ...process.env };
delete env['ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE'];
return env;
function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function getConfiguration<T>(id: string): T | undefined {
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('testresolver').get<T>(id);