160 lines
5.6 KiB
160 lines
5.6 KiB
import * as http from "http"
import * as querystring from "querystring"
import { Application, RecentResponse } from "../../common/api"
import { HttpCode, HttpError } from "../../common/http"
import { HttpProvider, HttpProviderOptions, HttpResponse, Route } from "../http"
import { ApiHttpProvider } from "./api"
import { Vscode } from "./bin"
import { UpdateHttpProvider } from "./update"
* Dashboard HTTP provider.
export class DashboardHttpProvider extends HttpProvider {
public constructor(
options: HttpProviderOptions,
private readonly api: ApiHttpProvider,
private readonly update: UpdateHttpProvider,
) {
public async handleRequest(route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise<HttpResponse> {
switch (route.base) {
case "/delete": {
this.ensureMethod(request, "POST")
const data = await this.getData(request)
const p = data ? querystring.parse(data) : {}
this.api.deleteSession(p.sessionId as string)
return { redirect: this.options.base }
case "/": {
if (route.requestPath !== "/index.html") {
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
} else if (!this.authenticated(request)) {
return { redirect: "/login", query: { to: this.options.base } }
return this.getRoot(route)
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
public async getRoot(route: Route): Promise<HttpResponse> {
const base = this.base(route)
const apps = await this.api.installedApplications()
const response = await this.getUtf8Resource(this.rootPath, "src/browser/pages/home.html")
response.content = response.content
.replace(/{{UPDATE:NAME}}/, await this.getUpdate(base))
.replace(/{{APP_LIST:RUNNING}}/, this.getAppRows(base, (await this.api.running()).applications))
.replace(/{{APP_LIST:RECENT_PROJECTS}}/, this.getRecentProjectRows(base, await this.api.recent()))
apps.filter((app) => app.categories && app.categories.includes("Editor")),
apps.filter((app) => !app.categories || !app.categories.includes("Editor")),
return this.replaceTemplates(route, response)
public async handleWebSocket(): Promise<true> {
throw new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound)
private getRecentProjectRows(base: string, recents: RecentResponse): string {
return recents.paths.length > 0 || recents.workspaces.length > 0
? recents.paths.map((recent) => this.getRecentProjectRow(base, recent)).join("\n") +
recents.workspaces.map((recent) => this.getRecentProjectRow(base, recent, true)).join("\n")
: `<div class="none">No recent directories or workspaces.</div>`
private getRecentProjectRow(base: string, recent: string, workspace?: boolean): string {
return `<div class="block-row">
<a class="item -row -link" href="${base}${Vscode.path}?${workspace ? "workspace" : "folder"}=${recent}">
<div class="name">${recent}${workspace ? " (workspace)" : ""}</div>
private getAppRows(base: string, apps: ReadonlyArray<Application>): string {
return apps.length > 0
? apps.map((app) => this.getAppRow(base, app)).join("\n")
: `<div class="none">No applications are currently running.</div>`
private getAppRow(base: string, app: Application): string {
return `<div class="block-row">
<a class="item -row -link" href="${base}${app.path}">
? `<img class="icon" src="data:image/png;base64,${app.icon}"></img>`
: `<div class="icon -missing"></div>`
<div class="name">${app.name}</div>
? `<form class="kill-form" action="${base}${this.options.base}/delete" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="sessionId" value="${app.sessionId}">
<button class="kill -button" type="submit">Kill</button>
: ""
private async getUpdate(base: string): Promise<string> {
if (!this.update.enabled) {
return `<div class="block-row"><div class="item"><div class="sub">Updates are disabled</div></div></div>`
const humanize = (time: number): string => {
const d = new Date(time)
const pad = (t: number): string => (t < 10 ? "0" : "") + t
return (
`${d.getFullYear()}-${pad(d.getMonth() + 1)}-${pad(d.getDate())}` +
` ${pad(d.getHours())}:${pad(d.getMinutes())}`
const update = await this.update.getUpdate()
if (this.update.isLatestVersion(update)) {
return `<div class="block-row">
<div class="item">
Latest: ${update.version}
<div class="sub">Up to date</div>
<div class="item">
<a class="sub -link" href="${base}/update/check?to=${this.options.base}">Check now</a>
<div class="item" >Current: ${this.update.currentVersion}</div>
return `<div class="block-row">
<div class="item">
Latest: ${update.version}
<div class="sub">Out of date</div>
<div class="item">
<a class="sub -link" href="${base}/update">Update now</a>
<div class="item" >Current: ${this.update.currentVersion}</div>